Most people will feel admiration, respect, envy and other emotions when they meet someone who is better than themselves.

Of course, some people will feel jealous and resentful towards those who are better than themselves.

Obviously, those people did not do anything to themselves, but just because they can't stand others not being as good as themselves, they will use all kinds of vicious ideas.

Instead of working hard, these people are more willing to rely on how outstanding people fail to satisfy their own pleasure.

Those who think Qin Ze has no ability are of this type.

Qin Ze didn't know what those people were thinking, but walked to room number three.

The fighting space here is quite large.

There is only one referee and an examiner who fights with Qin Ze.

"Welcome, challenger! The rules for the elite trainer assessment are very simple, it is a three-on-three team battle!"

The examiner shouted to Qin Ze

"As long as you can beat me, you can pass this assessment and get the qualification of an elite trainer!"

The examiner's voice was quite loud and full of energy.

After he finished speaking, he immediately took out three Poké Balls.

They were Pidgeot, Strange and Heracross.

The attributes of these three Pokémons obviously don't match each other, but he dared to use these three as a team battle, perhaps there was something unique about it.

Qin Ze quickly observed the three Pokémons with his appreciative eyes and found that they were all level 40.

"It seems that the room I am assigned to is determined by my elf level.

Qin Ze immediately understood this.

"Windy Dog! Candlelight Spirit! Wind Fairy! Prepare to fight!"

Qin Ze immediately threw out three Poké Balls and released three Pokémons.

"Oh, is this the Sunny Team? They look pretty good."

Based on Qin Ze's team configuration, the examiner immediately saw Qin Ze's team training method.

"Now get ready to fight!"

The referee shouted while holding up two flagpoles!

"Pidgeot! Use Swallow Return! Striking with Stone! Heracross uses Hell Thrust..!"

The examiner immediately gave instructions. He didn't specify who to target with each elf, but the three of them understood.

Naturally, they would use their attacks on the one who would have the best effect!

"Wind Fairy, paralysis powder."

Qin Ze immediately ordered.

Obviously, Qin Ze's order speed was slower than the examiner.

But the wind fairy took the lead and released a large amount of paralysis powder to spread to the opposite side.

At this time, Pidgeot just aimed at the wind fairy and flew over, Strange prepared the stone, and Heracross also gathered energy to rush towards the candlelight spirit.

At the moment they were about to attack, the paralysis powder had already covered their bodies, instantly paralyzing them.


Several heavy landing sounds were heard at the same time.

Pidgeot, Heracross and Strang fell to the ground in pain. They couldn't move their whole bodies. As long as they tried to move, they would feel as if they were electrocuted.


Seeing that his three elves were the first to be hit, the examiner's originally serious expression suddenly changed, and he cried out in shock.

""Candlelight Spirit! Misfortunes never come singly!"

Qin Ze continued to give orders.

After receiving the order, the Candlelight Spirit immediately burst out with strange ghost energy fluctuations, instantly covering the three elves on the opposite side.


" Wuwaa...

""Oh no! Pidgeot, Stygian, Heracross! Hurry up and stand up!"

The examiner shouted anxiously.

However, the three elves were stimulated by the pain, although they could barely move a little, but it was still very difficult. Just standing up took a lot of effort.

"Right now, Arcanine, run to their side and use Flare Charge!" (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Qin Ze immediately gave the order.

After receiving the order, Arcanine quickly ran to the other side of the three Pokémons.

From this angle, Pidgeot, Strange and Heracross were standing in a row.

""Ah, woo, woo!"

A very strong flame burst out from the whole body of Windy Dog, and rushed towards the three of them at the fastest speed! []

After hitting Pidgeot, it took Pidgeot to hit the strange force, and then hit Heracross with the strange force!

In the next second, there was a sudden explosion on the head of Windy Dog, erupting with a powerful explosion power, blowing away the three elves.

The general flash flame charge does not have this effect, it simply releases flames to hit.

However, Qin Ze still did not forget the theory of compression explosion, so he let Windy Dog gather part of the flames on the forehead and compress them. After hitting the target, he took another breath. Explodes out, increasing the destructive power.

This is indeed very powerful, but it will cause oneself to be hurt by the explosion.

Originally, using the Flash Charge will cause some counter-injury to oneself, and with the recoil of the explosion, the counter-injury will be even greater.

This kind of thing is difficult to avoid even with intensive training. After all, it is caused by one's own strength, and how can one's own defense completely exceed one's own strength.

Therefore, now Windy Dog is bleeding from the head.

But it is not in pain because of this, but is still full of fighting spirit.

On the other hand, Pidgeot, Stygian and Heracross lay on the ground with painful faces, unable to move.

"I am worthy of being the examiner's elf, I just can't stand it"

""Windspeed! Roll the road!"

Qin Ze immediately gave the order.

After receiving the order, Windspeed immediately raised his front legs and legs.

The flames gathered on the two meat balls, and then he landed on the ground with all his strength!


The moment the flames touched the ground, it exploded instantly. The impact of the explosion was actually combined with the force of shaking the ground, making the ground shake more strongly. The strong ground shaking force madly hit Pidgeot, Strange and Heracross, knocking them out again (Qian Nuo's)!

""Another flash charge!"

Qin Ze ordered again.

I'm going to kill you while you're weak!

After receiving the order, the wind speed dog immediately burst into flames and rushed out again!


Another explosion sounded.

The examiner's three elves flew out helplessly, and after landing heavily on the ground, they slid along the floor for a distance and stopped only after hitting the wall.

The three elves entered a state of near death at the same time.


After seeing this scene, both the examiner and the referee had to open their mouths in shock.

How long has the game started?

Not more than three minutes, less than three minutes, and the examiner lost. Is this a dream?

""Um, can we announce the result now?"

Qin Ze reminded.

This made the examiner and the referee come back to their senses.

"In this match, challenger Qin Ze won!"


This is my mother: I am a man Tôn

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