After Qin Ze realized that the strength of Lao Wu was far behind that of the wild giant bee and flying mantis, he immediately spoke up to remind him not to act recklessly.

Among so many comments and reward messages, the message Qin Ze just sent was actually seen quickly.

"Wild Pokémon are powerful, don't be impulsive?"

After seeing the message from Qin Ze, Lao Wu immediately pursed his lips in disdain.

"It seems that some new friends don't know my strength. Let me put it this way, my strength is absolutely amazing. If you don't believe me, you can watch my old videos."

Lao Wu said this with a proud look on his face.

"This group of wild elves are no match for me, so you don't have to worry too much."

Old Five confidently pointed his thumb at himself, with the word arrogant written all over his face.

Qin Ze looked at this anchor who was so arrogant and refused to listen to advice, and he couldn't help but feel speechless.

In the end, Qin Ze still adhered to humanitarianism and sent a message

"If you look closely at the giant bee and the flying mantis, you can see that they are very fierce and strong."

After seeing Qin Ze's message, Lao Wu curled his lips in disdain.

"I said, are you really my fan? You are not a black fan. I said I have no problem, so why are you so nosy? And those elves are fierce? I think they are just pretending to scare laymen like you."

Old Five didn't take Qin Ze's words to heart at all, but mocked Qin Ze for being ignorant.

"I think you are either not a trainer or too weak to be jealous of me. I say, my friend, look for your own reasons instead of being jealous of others!"

After Lao Wu finished speaking, his brainless fans stood up to speak for him.

Some even mentioned Qin Ze saying that he was not

"Where did you come from, you little black boy? How dare you question the ability of our fifth brother!"

"Lao Wu is very strong! I watched him do a live broadcast, if you don’t understand, don’t talk nonsense!"

"Lao Wu, teach that gang of bandit elves a lesson, show this black guy your strength!"

Qin Ze looked at the comments coldly, turned off the barrage directly and didn't bother to pay attention to it, and didn't say any more nonsense.

He had kindly reminded him, but he didn't know how to act carefully.

Such people deserve to die.

It really is true to the old saying that it is difficult to persuade a damned ghost with good words.

So Qin Ze entered the audience mode, waiting to see how Lao Wu would regret it.

""Family! Thank you for your support. I will go and drive away those giant bees and flying mantises now!" Only then did Lao Wu dare to approach the chaotic place.

He had been saying that he was going to save people, but he waited until a lot of gifts were given before he was willing to move. In the eyes of such people, saving people is just a business.



Some passers-by are now screaming.

The people in the surrounded cars were all dragged out by the Scythers and Beedrills, and beaten up. There were many knife and needle wounds on their bodies, which looked very hideous.

The blood kept flowing, and it was unknown whether they would die immediately.

The whole scene was bloody and looked shocking.

After the group of Beedrills and Scythers pulled the people out of the car, they almost turned the car over, searching inside and out, and took away everything that looked valuable. The most valuable of them was naturally food.

They also humanely used blades or large needles to point at these passers-by.

Even if they couldn't speak human language, the meaning they wanted to express was very clear.

The group of people were so scared that they quickly took out everything they had on them in exchange for a life.

"Hey! You bunch of robbers!"

At this time, Lao Wu appeared, with a proud look on his face, and walked over with his three elves. (To read the exciting novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!) He attracted the attention of all the elves and people.

"In broad daylight, how dare you rob here! You simply don't take us humans seriously! Robbers like you are not worthy of being elves! If you don't want to get hurt, get back to the forest immediately!"

Old Five pointed at the group of giant bees and flying mantises opposite and shouted.

However, the group of giant bees and flying mantises did not react, but just looked at Old Five with some unknown look in their eyes.

"Haha, my friends, it seems that they don't understand human language, and how can they understand a group of robbers? Next, let me show my power and teach them a lesson!"

After saying this, Lao Wu snapped his fingers.

His three elves took a step forward.

"Let these bandits see your strength! Mook-bird uses Swallow Return! Makuhita uses Push! Luke-cat uses Charge Beam!"

Old Five immediately gave the order, letting the three elves fight against the bandits together.........

In the eyes of Lao Wu and his fans, Lao Wu's Pokémon will definitely kill the Beedrill and Scyther in this area as soon as they make a move.[]

So Lao Wu’s fans were all preparing to give gifts to celebrate, and Lao Wu himself was also keeping a smug look, not thinking about the seriousness of the matter at all.

The next second, a development beyond their expectations occurred.

Mick’s Swallow Return was interrupted by Beedrill and stabbed directly to the ground.

Lucky Cat had just charged up when he was instantly knocked to the ground by Scyther.

As soon as Makuhita’s palm touched Beedrill, he was hit by Beedrill’s double needles and fell to the ground instantly.

At this time, in one round, Mick, Lucky Cat and Makuhita had no chance to exert the power of their skills, and were defeated in one move and entered a dying state.

This instant defeat made Lao Wu, who was still in fantasy, unable to react immediately.

He looked at the fallen Pokémon for a while and felt that it looked a bit like his manager, so he rubbed his eyes and looked more carefully before finally confirming that it was really his Pokémon!

""Hey hey hey!"

His own elf was defeated instantly, causing Lao Wu to let out a sharp scream.

"How is it possible! How could my elves lose? They are not elves from the secret realm!"

Old Five's mouth trembled in shock.

In everyone's cognition, the strength of the 4.9 wild elves in the city would not be that strong.

After all, the resources for improving strength are far behind those in the secret realm, and are basically in the hands of humans.

Even if there are elves with good strength, they will be captured by humans immediately.

In addition, under the influence of the city, many wild elves are not so fierce, and they are more negligent in training.

Therefore, most wild elves living in the city are not particularly strong, and they do not even exceed level 30. There are even fewer elves like Beedrill and Scyther.

As a result, all of Old Five's elves were killed instantly. Doesn't this mean that this group of wild elves is beyond everyone's cognition!

"Run, run quickly!"

Old Five was shocked for a while before he came to his senses. He didn't even put the Pokémon back into the Poké Ball, but turned around and ran!


This is my mother: I am a man Tôn

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