Looking at the comments online, Qin Ze felt a headache.

"Is this the genius trainer?"

"This person looks familiar, could it be the same person from a few years ago?……"

There were both good and bad opinions. The live broadcast was also forwarded crazily on various platforms. Qin Ze is now completely famous.

"Buy some water army to suppress it."

Qin Ze got up, washed up, ate breakfast, and called Lin Tao back.

"How can we suppress it? It’s already like this."

Lin Tao complained helplessly. He has already started to deal with it.

But the matter is getting bigger and bigger. All major platforms want to seize this heat and are unwilling to let go of the roasted goose in their hands.

"Wait, there's a call coming in here."

Qin Ze took a bite of bread and noticed a phone call.

"Don't respond directly or anything like that. Hey, Qin Ze, Qin Ze!"

He put down the phone and found that Qin Ze had hung up the phone. He sighed helplessly.

"Hello, how are you?"

Qin Ze picked up the phone and the voice on the other end was clear.

"Are you Mr. Qin Ze?"

""Ah, I am."

After receiving a positive answer, the other party said

"We are from the Shanghai Newspaper Company and would like to invite you to participate in the short film competition. We have recently seen your outstanding performance on the short video platform and we are very impressed by your talent."

The voice turned into a gentle female voice, which made Qin Ze stunned for a moment.

Do you think my talent is worth your attention?

Qin Ze thought to himself, and he looked down on the person who was talking to him in a critical tone.

"What are you shooting?"

Qin Ze replied coldly.

"I am sorry for being so presumptuous. I am the president of the Magic City Songli Newspaper, Lin Lili."

This name made Qin Ze perk up.

Lin Lili!

That famous Pokémon trainer who likes to shoot Pokémon short films. Pokémon short films that have been praised by Lin Lili will become a big hit.

"I don’t know how to shoot short films."

Qin Ze said anxiously, his hands and feet were not in good shape, and he seemed a little caught off guard.

"No, no, no, your short film has won our championship, so we want to invite you to participate."

Lin Lili said.

Then, Lin Lili spoke directly

"I'll wait for you at Songli Newspaper Office at nine o'clock the day after tomorrow."

After that, the call was hung up. Qin Ze was stunned and blushed instantly.

"Lin Lili is a big beauty, should I clean her up?"

Qin Ze walked around, replaying the image of Lin Lili he saw on TV in his mind. What a beautiful image, Qin Ze remembered it after just one look. Moreover, Lin Lili was a powerful trainer, and every point firmly grasped Qin Ze's heart.

""Master, what's wrong?"

Candlelight said to the wind speed dog next to him in a low voice. The wind speed dog hummed twice and shook his head.

"Master, why are you in such a hurry now? We will go there the day after tomorrow, and the journey will take about half a day."

The wind speed dog stopped Qin Ze who was running back and forth and reminded him. Qin Ze nodded when he heard what the wind speed dog said.

"Yes, yes, the day after tomorrow morning, the day after tomorrow morning, then let's go now."

The panicked look made several people feel helpless, and the candlelight spirit said softly

"It's only half a day, there's no rush to go tomorrow afternoon. Besides, someone is knocking on the door."

After saying this, Qin Ze pulled his head back. He opened the door and it was Lin Tao.

Rubbing his head, Qin Ze slowly walked back to the sofa.

""Lin Tao, what are you doing?"

Qin Ze murmured, and Lin Tao looked resentful.

"Didn't you call me?"

"Oh, right, right."

Qin Ze's mind was very confused at the moment. He didn't know what he was thinking or what he was saying.

"Drink some water, Master."

Zhu Guangling carefully brought a glass of water.

After drinking a glass of water, Qin Ze relaxed.

""Is the problem solved?"

Qin Ze asked, and Lin Tao shook his head. (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"The video is too popular, and I can't solve it. You may have a lot of invitations these days, maybe endorsements, maybe competitions, but I will try my best to help you get rid of some of them."

After saying that, Qin Ze was puzzled.

"Why break it off?"

"You are stupid, don't you know there is a thing called"killing with praise"?"

Lin Tao said, smiling.[]

"Just now, there was an invitation from Songli Newspaper to attend the conference."

Qin Ze said, and the corners of his mouth could not help but rise up.

"You can attend this. I came here to tell you about this situation. Don't go out today."

Lin Tao said, and Qin Ze nodded.

"There is one more thing."

Lin Tao said, took out his computer and played back the live video of that day.

""Do you feel something is wrong?"

Lin Tao asked.

Qin Ze held his chin and recalled what happened that day.

"There's something wrong with those Scythers and Beedrills"

"Of course, it is wrong for Pokémon to attack humans like this, but those Scythers and Beedrills seem to be under instructions."

Lin Tao said, and continued to click the play button.

The Scythers were in good order, and the Beedrills, two Pokémon with similar attributes, should have been opponents, but they were looking for humans together.

"It is very possible, so how can we confirm this conjecture? In other words, why is it necessary?

Qin Ze asked Lin Tao.

Even if he was instructed by someone, he didn't need to know who it was or where it came from.

"I'm worrying too much."

This sentence dispelled Lin Tao's suspicion, and he turned off the computer.

"When will you leave for the Magic City?"

"Tomorrow morning, let's get there early and get familiar with the place."

Qin Ze said, and Lin Tao nodded.

"Call me when you leave, I'll go with you, I'm curious about the famous beauty trainer in the Magic City, Lin Lili."

Lin Tao said, smiled, and walked out of the door, but Qin Ze felt an inexplicable discomfort in his heart.

Time quickly came to the next morning.

"I can't go, Qin Ze, there's something going on here, I have to deal with it, you go first,���If you can go, go. If you can't go, I can't do anything about it."

The car was about to start, and Qin Ze received a text message from Lin Tao. However, Qin Ze was secretly happy. Zhu Guangling was sitting in the car.

"He was unfamiliar with the place, so if Lin Tao was familiar with it, it would save him some trouble."

"It's no big deal."

Qin Ze said, not caring at all, pointing his finger at himself.

"One of me is enough."

The car drove very fast, and a man and several elves finally got off the station. After sitting in the car for a long time, the elves were exhausted both physically and mentally.

"Starving, starving, starving……"

"So sleepy, so sleepy, so sleepy……"

Candlelight and Windspeed replied and read

"Stop arguing, eat, eat, and then I'll take you to rest."


Windspeed and Candlelight jumped up in surprise and said


Qin Ze sighed helplessly, and then laughed, because he saw that Candlelight Spirit and Wind Speed Dog were both excited.


At this time, a text message alert sounded, probably from Lin Tao, Qin Ze thought so. However, when he opened it, it was: Welcome to the Magic City, great Pokémon trainer, hope you have fun here. Interruption: Recently, there have been many cases of Pokémon disappearance in the Magic City. I hope you can take good care of your Pokémon. If you are willing, we beg you to help. Thank you.


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