Zhang Ze was very disgusted and reached out to push the girl away a little

"roll roll roll!"

"Yulia, you're taking advantage of me again!"

"We, the Dragon people, don't buy into your way of greeting.……"

After saying this, those fans who criticized the script were slapped in the face!

"What script? Say it again, above!"

"A beautiful woman came up and threw herself into his arms, but Brother Ze told her to get lost?"

"Xiu'er, Xiu'er, my scalp is tingling!"

"Brother Ze! If you don't buy it, I will!"

"The guy upstairs, the wheel ran over my face!"

Under the drone's footage, fans had already seen clearly this girl named Yulia.

She looked quite European and American, and her figure was even more curvy.

Many people were not calm!

Yulia:"Woo woo - Zhang Ze"

"I'm heartbroken again."

Zhang Ze scratched his head,"I'm not saying you……"

"This is the third time this year.……"

"Forget it, for the sake of our classmates, I'll buy you a cup of coffee."

"Oh, I need to move things, you have to help me."

As soon as these words were spoken... the live broadcast room was in chaos!

Especially yesterday, when everyone saw Zhang Ze asking Anna to be a free laborer.

What the hell!

Zhang Ze is recruiting men again!

Isn't it great for him to pick up girls?!!

Others treat beautiful women as worshippers.

Zhang Ze, on the other hand, treats them all as free labor!


Just because he's handsome, it turns out he can really do whatever he wants!

The live broadcast room was filled with ghosts howling.

Yulia nodded:"Okay! I'll help"

"But I don't want coffee, I want to drink."

Zhang Ze shrugged and waved her into the convenience store.

He bought a bottle of juice and beer, and then handed the beer to Yulia.

"What's up, little sister?"

"He cheated on me, that's awful!"

"Hey, boyfriend and girlfriend, sometimes white lies are normal."

Yulia shook her head like a rattle when she heard it.

She reached out and took out her phone and found a photo.

Zhang Ze took the phone and looked at it.


"Oh~ looks anxious……"

"But don't you like mature ones?"

Yulia's face was full of ashes, and she muttered,"Look at your age."

Zhang Ze didn't pay attention, and took another look. The photo was changed to a SF certificate.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

"Sixteen years old???"


Yulia nodded repeatedly and said madly:"Oh my God!"

"You know, I am five years older than him!!"

"Moreover, I almost went to jail for this last night!!!" What happened last night that could have put her in jail?

Zhang Ze reacted immediately.

Maozi is the same age as domestic adults. Although this bald boy looks mature, he never expected that he was five years younger than Yulia!

Of course,

Zhang Ze knew that Yulia was exaggerating.

If they really love each other, Maozi can get married at the age of 16.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Zhang Ze almost died of laughter

"Brothers, tell me, is this Mao girl easy to cheat?"

"Killing me!"

"But to be honest, if you want to find a girl, you still have to pass the language barrier."


"If you were half as handsome as me, you wouldn't have to worry about anything!"

In the live broadcast room, fans' voices of disdain kept coming.

Zhang Ze complained and laughed with the fans.

It was only after Yulia punched him that Zhang Ze stopped laughing.

Then, the two of them talked and laughed and came to Zhang Ze's dormitory.

Zhang Ze started to work.

"Yulia, help me tidy up the quilt"

"Please help me sort out the clothes in this closet."

Yulia asked with concern:"Where are you going?"

"Live out?"

Zhang Ze nodded:"Yes, I rented a house"

"Prepare to live on your own."

When Yulia heard this, a smile suddenly appeared on her face.

"Eh? Then can I stay there?"

Zhang Ze rolled his eyes:"Sure"

"But only one person"

"I don't want to hear any creaking noises when I sleep!!"

"Well, you can only sleep on the sofa!"


"It doesn’t matter if there’s a place to sleep!"

"Sometimes it’s really troublesome to go back to the dormitory too late!"

In the live broadcast room

"Damn! The girl wants to stay at Brother Ze’s house?"

"I already smell a conspiracy!"

"I'm afraid they are having an affair!"

"Hahaha, you have a relationship and you let the girl sleep on the sofa?!"

"666, the wall doesn't obey, only Brother Ze obeys!"

In the live broadcast room, fans were talking nonsense.

Zhang Ze was also very quick.

After packing up, he called Yulia, and the two walked towards the off-campus apartment.

When they arrived at the newly rented house,

Yulia looked at the two bedrooms and one living room, obviously very surprised.

The house is very big, 100 square meters, and the decoration is quite exquisite!

"Looks great! Living alone in such a big house?"

"You are too extravagant and wasteful!"

"The one in the living room is a folding sofa? Needle stick!!"

Zhang Ze smiled unhappily.

He is a man with a system!

It will only take a few minutes for him to live a super rich life in the future.

How can this be called a waste!

Zhang Ze smiled and said,"It's not too expensive"

"Anyway, I'm just staying here for a while."

The fans in the live broadcast room were shocked when they heard this.

You are still the coolest!

You can act so cool and refined!


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