Chapter 130

Xiao Lan said confidently: "You must know that I have not only conspiracy, but also strength, you dare to challenge me with two badges, it is really not self-sufficient." "

Hear this sentence. Red Ash and Xiao Xia are half-dead, you must know that the badge is Red Ash's.

The little leader of Team Rocket was directly furious: "Because we can't attack with all our strength, you are becoming more and more arrogant." "

"But then, it's completely different," he said

The Rockets boss threw another baby ball, and Kentairo appeared.

"This Kentairo used to be the leader of the wild Pokémon area, and he can control multiple Pokémon with his tail. At the same time, his control over strength has reached the extreme, and his tail wants a person to lose only one head, and really only one hair. "

Xiao Lan still didn't understand what such an ability represented

Now Kentairo rushed up, swept the tail of the ox, and directly knocked the Kami turtle to the ground.

The speed is too fast, and the Kami turtle can't react.

Xiaolan didn't have time to give orders.

At the same time, the dream magnetic disk on Cami's turtle's mouth was sent flying and fell into the hands of the leader of Team Rocket

At this moment, the small leader of Team Rocket was quite happy, and immediately gave an order to Kentairo: "Since you have recaptured the magnetic disk, then you don't need your subordinates to show mercy, rush, Kentairo"

Kentairo was like a brute, he rushed towards Xiao Kan, and at the moment of crisis, Xiaolan threw another baby ball: "Let you play,"

It's a weird mess indeed.

Kentairo wanted to trample the monster, but the next moment, this monster turned into another Kentairo.

With the real Kentairo, like a bullfight, the horns collided, but soon the monster fell into the downwind.

Kentairo was ready to make a move on Xiaolan, this big brute bull looked difficult to deal with, and he really wanted human life.

"Go, Pikachu" Red Ash knew it was time for him to strike too.

Pikachu's 100,000 volts directly paralyzed Kentairo to the ground.

Wataru: Well done, that's how we should be, against Team Rocket.

Konah: Under such circumstances, he still chooses to save people, Red Ash, who is an honest Pokémon trainer.

Sarina: Yes. Ash is such an excellent.

At this moment, Ash was also pondering, would he do this when he encountered such a situation????

But Ash feels that he is afraid that he is not as smart as the red Ash, but he is afraid that he will not have to make his own move, and his identity has long been discovered by Team Rocket????

[Xiaolan couldn't help but laugh when she saw the red Ash: "It's you, Chiye, did you come specifically to save me? I was so touched that I deserved to be the man I liked. "】

[At this moment, the red ash couldn't help but snort: "Now is not the time for jokes. "】

[Xiaoxia also nodded, it has reached this crisis point, this woman actually wants to seduce the person she likes, she is really a fox spirit. ] 】

[Now facing Pikachu, the little leader of Team Rocket smiled coldly: "Awaken, you must know that we have so many Pokémon here, how do you deal with it? ] "】

[Unexpectedly, the next moment, the red ash directly threw out the treasure ball, and then the Kabi beast appeared,].

[A huge body, like a hill.] 】

[Kabi Beast attacked. Red Ash nodded repeatedly: "Yes, it's such a boxing." Kabi Beast, the story of the giant god soldier I told you when I was on the road, the fist of the giant god soldier must be brave, yes, it should be like this. "】

[But the little leader of Team Rocket has already begun to contact the members of Team Rocket in other strongholds, and after seeing this scene, Xiaolan knows that something is not good. ] 】

[All the members of Team Rocket come over, how is this good?] Now Xiao Lan thought of something and threw another baby ball, which was to conjure up Fat Ding. 】

[Like a balloon, Fat Ding floated, Xiaolan immediately grabbed one of Judge's feet, and then hugged the red Ash: "Let's go.] "】

[Seeing their bodies close to their bodies, after Xiaoxia saw this, she couldn't help it, and immediately shouted: "Don't leave it behind"


[Xiao Xia flew up and hugged Xiao Zhi's waist. 】

[They just floated away.] 】

[At the same time. Xiaolan took back the monster, and the red ash also took back the kabi beast. Pikachu landed on Red Ash's shoulder again

[Looking at them leaving, the little leader of the rocket team at this moment gritted his teeth: "Damn, you ran away like this.] "】

"But today's account. I wrote it down, Team Rocket and you don't die. Then, thinking of something, he picked up the magnetic sheet in his hand: "But it's not good to be able to take the magnetic sheet back, so that you can create Mewtwo." "】

What the?

The existence of the Pokémon world is beginning to worry

If this continues, it won't really be created by Team Rockets, right?

That's not a good thing

Ash: I am in another world, how can I do it, if it is me, even with my life, I will not let Team Rocket succeed.

Xiao Gang: Yes.

Xiaoxia: That's right, that's right.

But some Pokémon trainers, as well as Dr. Ohki, etc., feel that things are not so simple.

[Now Red Ash and they are in a city, next to the Rocket Team stronghold, and Red Ash at this moment suddenly looked at Xiao Lan: "Take things out. ] "】

Xiao Lan said puzzled, "What are you going to take out?" "】

[Red Ash continued: "What a magnetic sheet that records the power of dreams. "】

[Xiaolan shrugged: "Didn't you see it just now? The magnetic sheet was obtained by Team Rocket, otherwise those from Team Rocket would have been chasing us. "】

[Xiaoxia also nodded at this time: "Yes, Xiaozhi, we all saw it. "】

[But Red Ash looked at Xiao Lan in front of him and continued: "Do you throw them real magnetic disks with your heart's chance? "】

[After hearing this sentence.] Xiaolan suddenly laughed, and the smile was so good-looking: "It's worthy of being the man I like." Sure enough, I could understand my mind all at once. "】

At this moment, Xiaolan took out the magnetic sheet: "What I gave them is fake, as long as there is a magnetic disk, I can get the dream." "】

Xiao Gang: Women, it's scary.

Xiaoxia: I don't want to lie.

Shui Lian: Yes, this one called Xiaolan is very scheming.

Ash and the others felt like they had been slapped in the face

But there are still a lot of them, relieved, fortunately I didn't open my mouth just now.

Otherwise, wouldn't you prove yourself that you don't have much brains?

[After hearing this, Red Ash couldn't help but smile, he had a pact with Dream, when he gathered eight badges to become strong, Dream would appear and fight him. ] 】

[If he could, Dream would become his partner.] 】

[As for other people who can take this magnetic sheet and use it for it, the current Red Ash does not believe this. ] 】

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