Elf Cultivation System

Chapter 130 Yu Kira (3 more please subscribe!)

"The host obtained the elf larva [Yu Kira]." The system said mechanically.

Du Ming hastily took the poke ball out of the system space. He could completely feel the weight of this poke ball.

There are 5 categories in the turntable lottery, which are consumables, props, recipes, specials and spirits.

Among them, the special category and the elf category have the lowest probability of being drawn. The former corresponds to special abilities such as heart power and super power, and the latter corresponds to elf larvae and elf eggs, with blue qualifications as the base.

When he first came into contact with the lottery draw, Du Ming fantasized about getting [Elves] in the lottery draw. The main battle elves with blue qualifications were cultivated from scratch, and they were directly far superior to their peers.

"Even green caterpillars and unicorns, as long as they have blue aptitude, they can do their best to cultivate them." This was Du Ming's thought at the time.

But when he actually got the [Elves], he still couldn't help being greedy: it would be great if he had a quasi-god.

Ever since he really witnessed the super strength of Kuailong and Biting Land Shark on the cruise ship, Du Ming has unconsciously longed for God.

There is also Ling Zheng's double-headed Tyrannosaurus, which is not even in its final form, so strong. If the battle was against the three evil dragons that had evolved in advance, Emperor Nabo would probably have lost directly.

Every quasi-god is a very comprehensive elf.

"It seems that raising 10 is still very useful, this wave of blood earns."

Du Ming sighed secretly, and opened the poke ball.

"by Kira (blue): lv5

Trait: Perseverance (Passively acquires burn, paralysis, poisoning, and sleep state, the attack power increases by 50%, and ignores the attack halving effect of burn.)

Skills: Bite, Stare, Sandstorm

Intimacy: 50 (Will not violate your orders in battle, but will ignore you in daily life.)”

Yukira has rock-like skin, and because of its initial form, its size is not large. Yukira is only 60 centimeters tall, but weighs more than 70kg, which is heavier than many adults.

Kira's final evolution is Bangira, and Bangira is an elf that can really compare to biting land sharks and fast dragons.

"You Kira with the blue qualification."

Du Ming smiled a little, which means that as long as Kira evolves into Bangira, and then raises Bangira's level, even if he faces Ling Yawei's Kuailong and Sirona's Bite Land Shark, he will not be at a disadvantage at all, and even has a high chance of winning.

Of course, the current Yukira is just a lv5 kid.


After Yukira came out of the Poké Ball, he ignored Du Ming and jumped onto the bed, as if he was sleeping.

"Yukira, come over here."

Du Ming tentatively greeted Yu Kira, but he never got a response from Yu Kira, which made Du Ming very helpless.

This is obviously the phenomenon that the elves ignore the trainer caused by the low intimacy.

This is Kira, after all, Du Ming got the elf from the system, even if he is not close to him, or even hates him, it is normal.

It is impossible for Du Ming to be angry with Yukira because of such a trivial matter.

In any case, Du Ming was very excited to have six elves, and the sixth elf was a blue elf like Kira with unlimited potential and could be used as the main battle.

He immediately took out the divine energy cube that he had made earlier from the system space, and put it where Kira could just smell it.

The aroma that whetted the spirit's appetite made Yukira sniffle unconsciously, and then turned around unnaturally.

Du Ming lay down on the Snorkel's stomach to rest indifferently. In fact, he didn't fall asleep either, he just sensed the situation in the room with his heart.

Half an hour later, Yukira seemed to have just woken up, and "accidentally" saw the divine energy cube that Du Ming put beside the bed. He hesitated at first, but soon began to eat it. After eating all the divine energy cubes, Yukira patted his stomach and went back to squint his eyes.


Just now I was pretending to be asleep, but this time I really fell asleep.

"Increase Kira's intimacy by 1 point, and the current intimacy is 51 points!"

Du Ming slowly got up from the Kirby, looking at Yukira's sleeping face with a thoughtful expression.

"This Yukira is really a tsundere. Other elves who have eaten energy cubes have increased their intimacy by 5 to 10 points, but Yukira has increased by 1 point? How strong is the ice in Yukira's heart?"

Du Ming felt a little powerless. In his team, Snorlax and Pokkiss were very close elves, at least they were very close to him, and their intimacy increased rapidly.

The Ghost of Light and Emperor Nabo are actually not bad, and the intimacy has been improved in an orderly manner.

As for Lalu Lasi, an elf hatched by Du Ming himself, her intimacy with Du Ming has reached the normal limit of 220 points since she was born, and it will be very difficult to improve it. Du Ming still doesn't know how to improve.

Taking over Kira from the system also made Du Ming realize that not all elves in this world are very friendly to humans, and some are extremely wary of humans and do not want to contact humans.

"If there is no system as a medium, Yukira will probably attack me directly."

Du Ming was a little helpless, he didn't know what Yukira had experienced before becoming his elf. However, since Du Ming has identified Yu Kira as his elf, he will not be easily dissuaded by the difficulties in front of him.

"Continue to spin the lottery."

Thinking about Yukira's matter, but couldn't figure out what to do, Du Ming simply used up the last chance to draw a lottery on the carousel.

The lottery turntable started to spin, and the pointer kept circling, and finally landed on [props].

"The host gets the carrying item [leftovers]."

Leftovers (green): The items carried by the elves, after being integrated into the body of the elves, they can have a strong ability to restore life.

The leftovers are commonly known as leftovers, and they are a type of props just like powerful vanilla. There are also portable props in this world, and there are many types. It's just that the various portable props can be equated with evolutionary stones such as Thunder Stones in terms of preciousness.

After all, with the current technological level of human beings, it is still impossible to create such magical props. As long as it is integrated into the body, it can have a very strong life recovery ability. To a certain extent, it is no worse than some devil fruits.

The appearance of the leftovers is similar to that of an apple that has eaten most of it, but there is no trace of oxidation on it, as if it was born this way. Without hesitation, Du Ming put the eaten fruit on the Snorlax's belly.


The bleary-eyed Snorby suddenly felt a strange heat rushing into its body. Snorkel didn't know what Du Ming was doing to it, it just felt extremely comfortable. The fur that was originally neat is now a little radiant!

"It's amazing."

Du Ming touched the Snorby's stomach, and the Snorby's stomach "swallowed" the leftover fruit like this. Of course, the fruit did not disappear, but existed in the body of the Snorby as the core of life energy.

"Snappymon is already extremely resistant to fighting, coupled with the recovery power of life energy, it can even win without injury when encountering elves with poor output capabilities!"

Thinking of this, Du Ming was a little happy. There are almost no elves that are more suitable for this kind of life recovery ability than Snorlax.

"Now there is only a question of prestige points. We must collect 150,000 prestige as soon as possible, and buy the formula of the trick energy cube, so that the strength of Pokkisi and Emperor Nabo can be improved faster. If I can make the trick energy cube, Sirona will have a higher chance of winning the Asian competition."

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