Elf Cultivation System

Chapter 330 Advancement, domain (second update!)

"King Napoleon, pray for rain!"

Drizzling, drizzling--

A light rain began to fall in the sky, and it became heavier and heavier. The symbolic bird looks up at the sky in confusion. Such rain seems out of place and so precious in the desolate disaster space.

Facing the symbol bird, Du Ming didn't dare to be careless, and didn't even dare to let Elle Duo play.

From the battle of heart bats, Du Ming could see many things. For example, Heart Bat only uses super power skills from the beginning to the end. In some cases, it is clear that using flying skills is better, but Heart Bat doesn't know how to be flexible at all. It directly uses super power skills to attack evil-type Benjira, and it can't deal any damage at all.

The super power skill that symbolizes the bird is Du Ming's main defense.

In fact, the symbol bird itself is more powerful than the heart bat. What's more, the level of the symbolic bird is 2 levels higher than that of the heart bat. Only when Elledo and Emperor Napoleon play together can they guarantee a safe victory.

"Imperial Nabo's steel system is resistant to super energy and flight systems, and can completely withstand the attack of the symbol bird. Coupled with praying for rain and tsunami, the ability to control the field is not bad."

Du Ming thought to himself, and ordered: "Ai Lu Lei Duo, sneak attack!"


Elle Duo was a little excited, and rushed straight to the symbol bird. Emperor Nabo did not lag behind, and moved forward with Elledo. If the symbolic bird attacked, Emperor Nabo would give Elledo enough cover.


When the symbolic bird screamed, it was a blow to the phantom light at Elledo! The phantom light converged into an invisible needle, rushing toward Elledo's eyes as fast as lightning.


Emperor Nabo would not allow the symbolic bird to fulfill his wish, and covered Elledo, paying attention to the movement of the phantom needle. Elleidor's figure disappeared in an instant, and Emperor Nabo blocked the impacting needles with his wings. The needles formed by the condensed phantom light sank into Emperor Nabo's wings and gradually disappeared, leaving only a small hole.

Blood flow profusely.


Elledo bullied himself, symbolizing that the bird wanted to pour out the gathered superpowers to block Elledo's attack. However, in the field of Elledo, it is almost impossible to hide the movement of the symbolic bird from Elledo's induction.

I saw Elle Duo's body disappearing again, appearing behind the symbolic bird, the evil breath diffused, slashing and knocking the symbolic bird away! The direction of the inverted flight happened to be where Emperor Nabo was!

"Tide spin!"

Wet ground, full of rainwater.

The next moment, the rain seemed to be infused into the soul, entangled the symbolic bird, and turned it into a huge vortex in the air! As the rainy weather intensifies, the tide spins become even bigger!

This is also the result of Emperor Nabo's development of the Tsunami Fruit, which increases the rainy weather's effect on water skills. From the original 1.5 times to the current 2 times, or even more. And this kind of enhancement doesn't just increase power, many effects of skills can be increased.

For example, the bondage of Tide Spin!

The symbolic bird kept hitting the rain vortex, but it was almost impossible to break through. This made the symbolic bird look extremely tyrannical. Du Ming had no doubts that if the symbolic bird had enough power, it would even destroy the disaster space without hesitation!

Strong mind!

The terrifying mental power suddenly bursting out to the surroundings would affect even Du Ming! In just an instant, the shackles of Chaoxuan were broken, and Du Ming's face changed. Du Ming, who was carrying out a dangerous mission, as a genius trainer of the alliance, must be monitored and protected. If you use the flying ability of the power of the heart...

Out of service!


Pokkisi's reaction was quick, she absolutely did not allow Du Ming to be hurt in front of her. I saw Pokkisi rushing into Du Ming's arms and flying towards the distance of the battle against Du Ming.

After flying far away, Pokkisi stopped and let Du Ming fall to the ground.


Du Ming coughed and said with a wry smile, "You are too insignificant."

With the physical fitness of an ordinary person, he must be seriously injured now.


Pokkisi was a little embarrassed and apologetic.

"It's fine. I'm in good health. I just feel a little bored." Of course, Du Ming didn't blame Pokkisi. On the contrary, she was so anxious that Du Ming was very moved: "Thank you for saving me."

Pokkisi kept shaking his head, feeling even more embarrassed.

Du Ming chuckled and looked at the battle situation.

Even though he was taken away by Pokkisi, Du Ming still did not stop commanding Elle Duo and Emperor Nabo. The ever-expanding terrifying mental power, Emperor Nabo and Elledo have no possibility of avoiding it, they can only resist it, and at the same time keep approaching the symbol bird.

Elle Duo must be close in order to exert the strongest combat power. Emperor Nabo had to cover Elledo, so naturally he had to follow. In the rain, Emperor Nabo's ability to protect is no less than that of Bangira in the sandstorm.

The moment Emperor Nabo got close to Elledo, he immediately collected countless rainwater and released a powerful water cannon! Elle Duo sensed everything around him, and repeated the trick again. A flicker appeared behind the symbolic bird, a stone pillar appeared in his hand, and he hit it with all his strength to knock the symbolic bird away.

boom! !

The symbolic bird collided with the water cannon in reverse, and under the pressure of the water cannon and the sharp stones, the symbolic bird's body was squeezed out of shape and looked out of shape.

This feeling of being suppressed makes the symbol bird extremely painful.

The symbolic bird looked at Du Ming, as if it wanted to tear Du Ming to pieces. Even though he lost his mind, the instinct of the symbol bird still told him that Du Ming was the mastermind behind the scenes. However, it was impossible for the symbolic bird to get close to Du Ming, so he could only give up.

Strong mind!

The terrifying superpower exploded again, and the stone pillars and water cannons were blown apart, symbolizing that the bird was in the sky. The superpower was divided into two strands, attacking Elledo and Emperor Nabo respectively.

This is the last struggle of the symbolic bird.

It symbolizes that the bird has nowhere to escape and has no intention of running away.

The tyranny in his heart made Symbol Bird only want to kill Elledo, Emperor Nabo, Du Ming, Pokkisi, Bangira, Crystal Lantern...

Destroy any living thing!

"Eluredo, rockslide! Emperor Nabo, salt water!"

Du Ming ordered immediately.

Just end the battle of the symbol bird.

A boulder fell from the sky like a meteorite. The rainwater on the field turned into the shape of an ichthyosaur, and under the control of Emperor Nabo, the salt content continued to increase.


Meteorites fall from the sky!

Salted Fish Water Cannon!

It symbolizes that the bird tries to resist, and the mental strong thoughts are released.

It is true that the symbolic bird can have an advantage when facing Elledo or Emperor Nabo alone, and even form a crush. It's a pity that even if the symbolic bird has extremely strong superpowers, it still can't resist the joint efforts of Elledo and Emperor Nabo.

Symbolizes the bird, fallen down.

There was a hint of enlightenment in Elle Duo's eyes.

"Ailu Leidu's domain ability, the development degree has increased by 2%, and the current development degree is 9%!"

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