Elf Cultivation System

Chapter 433 Elle Duo, return to the team!

Time is like water.

After a year, Du Ming finally understood.

Time flies by very quickly when one's life appears to be fulfilling. This is a very natural thing. Du Ming has been traveling, training, and participating in competitions. Although it is not monotonous at all, it has become a daily routine after gradually getting used to it.

If you don't train for a day, you will feel uncomfortable!

Du Ming never thought that he would become like this one day.

In his previous life, Du Ming was always lacking in energy. After arriving in this world, he finally found the joy and pursuit of his life. Although such a life is very tiring, he never tires of it.

The finals of the Neon Conference will begin soon.

On the bench, Du Ming was very calm.

Xiao Zhi was on the opposite side of him, and he didn't go out of his way to separate him.

"I'm really looking forward to it."

Xiaozhi sighed.

He didn't lower his voice, he was talking to Du Ming calmly.

"Yes, I'm looking forward to it too." Du Ming smiled.

"I won't lose."

"Me too."

Immediately, there was no more words.

Before the game starts, there is no point in talking too much. What you really want to say can be fully expressed through the battle.

Battle is the real language of trainers!


As if a pebble fell into the water, a wave suddenly appeared in the space.


Du Ming was shocked.

He originally thought that Elle Duo would not be able to come back before the competition, but he didn't expect that Elle Duo would use teleportation to appear directly in front of Du Ming when the contest was about to start.


Elle Duo appeared from the space, looking at Du Ming with a trace of calm in his eyes.

He is very calm.

The momentum is different.

Calm and clear.

No more clutter.

"It seems that you have gained something of your own." Du Ming said comfortingly.


Elle Duo nodded slightly, and then his expression became solemn, and his voice was solemn.

I, Elle Duo, return to the team!

"Okay, welcome back." Du Ming smiled.


Already nodded calmly.

The auditorium was already full of people. Every ticket for the infield was sold at sky-high prices. Even so, it was still crowded with people and seemed very lively.

They shouted and screamed for their favorite players.

On the big screen, Du Ming and Xiaozhi appeared from time to time, and their conversations were also projected. After all, the conversation of the players is no secret, they are all opponents in the game.

The original friendship has also become a gimmick.

After Elle Duo suddenly appeared, the audience broke out even louder. Elle Duo is already handsome, let alone use teleportation? At that moment, many female elves in the audience were moved by it.

Elle Duo belongs to the kind of elf who never lacks a spouse.

If Elle Duo was a human being, every time he went to a city, there would be different girls throwing himself into his arms.

No way, he looks handsome.

Popularity will also be high.

The backstage of the venue, Ling Yawei and Sirona, were waiting here very early.

"Do you feel that the scene is very similar to the previous Magic City Competition?" Ling Yawei teased: "During the Magic City Competition, we also sat in the same position and observed Du Ming's game. It's really incredible that Du Ming, a 5-star trainer at the time, was able to get our support at the same time."

As she spoke, Ling Yawei showed a look of emotion.

Ling Yawei is the number one Heavenly King of the Elf Alliance. Although there are many First Heavenly Kings, they represent the first echelon of Heavenly Kings. At least in terms of potential and status, he is much higher than other heavenly kings.

Sirona is an outstanding graduate of Dongming College. She has already received the attention of many alliance executives, and she is completely a candidate for the king of heaven.

Their identities and status are by no means simple.

Du Ming, who was only a small person at the time, broke into their circle and made them spend a lot of time paying attention. Thinking back carefully, the "defeat" of Manafei by Snorkel at that time probably wasn't due to its real strength, but there were many factors involved.

Du Ming's potential is not a lie.

Snorkel has indeed mastered the vibration ability at that time. Despite the gap, the potential is set there.

If you really want to connect the logic together, probably Du Ming is hiding his strength...

Kirby has the possibility of harming the beast, but he doesn't show it, but hides it all the time.

Otherwise it cannot be explained.

Even in Ling Yawei's eyes, Du Ming is full of mystery.


Sirona smiled and said: "The first time I saw Du Ming, Du Ming was just the mediocre grandson of Mr. Du. I never thought that Du Ming could make such a magical energy cube, and he would do his best to help me, hoping that I would become the league's champion trainer."

"Didn't Du Ming want to pursue you?" Ling Yawei smiled lightly.

"You think too much!"

Sirona shook her head.

She has many suitors, too many to count. With Sirona's personality, she wouldn't really care about those guys. If Sirona really wanted a boyfriend, she probably wouldn't have chosen from among her original suitors.

Spare tire? unnecessary.

Sirona may not have a good impression of Du Ming, but the most taboo thing about love is naturally to take it for granted. The three major illusions in life, in addition to "I can win", there is also "he likes me".

Finding true love is a very complicated thing.

"I don't think too much, I'm just a bystander!" Ling Yawei stuck out her tongue playfully, and said, "But with Du Ming's character, he probably really didn't think too much, and he didn't think he could pursue you. But do you really think that Du Ming doesn't like you?"

"Can we not talk about this?" Sirona smiled wryly.

"You're going to participate in the Asian competition soon, and I won't affect you." Ling Yawei smiled and said, "You think about it yourself, your own business. It's a pity, I want to be a wingman, and you don't like it."

"Okay, brat." Sirona snorted, "Who do you think, Xiaozhi or Du Ming, can win?"

"Xiaozhi is a very potential trainer, and his talent is also very high, even as high as you and me. I have been following Xiaozhi for a while, and he has been traveling very casually. What is really commendable is that he treats the elves in every area equally and trains them very well. I estimate that Xiaozhi's trump card strength has reached the level of 8 stars."

"Xiaozhi's trump card... can completely make up 6 pieces. In real terms, Xiaozhi himself barely has the strength of 8 stars... It is really difficult for Du Ming to win against an 8-star opponent."

Sirona was a little worried.

She definitely hoped that Du Ming could win the championship.

"This battle is definitely not easy. It depends on Du Ming's performance. It seems that he has not been idle these days and has been getting stronger. It shouldn't be too bad. Although the chance of winning is not high, it does not mean that Du Ming will definitely lose."

Ling Yawei said objectively.

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