Elf Cultivation System

Chapter 469 The True Sage (Part 2!)

Look carefully at the icon of Heart Power.

Du Ming hesitated for a while.

"Calm down first."

Du Ming took a deep breath and adjusted his mentality.

The power of the heart is different from superpowers, waveguide power, and ordinary power. It belongs to a kind of power that is closely related to Du Ming's heart. When raising the power of heart to blue, Du Ming once fell into the "sage mode" for a period of time. If Du Ming's willpower was even weaker, and he couldn't meet the bottom line requirements of blue heart power, he would probably be lost forever.

It can be seen that the power of the heart is at the risk of promotion.

Just like the breakthrough of the legendary cultivator, it is also possible to go crazy.

Du Ming checked the time and decided not to cultivate immortality anymore.

Adjusting the mentality.

into dreamland.

In the dream, Du Ming went through the Neon Convention again. In the dream, Du Ming crushed all the way. Gerald, who used to be very difficult, was completely vulnerable in front of Du Ming, who had the bondage power and the super-evolution of elves, and could be defeated easily.


Du Ming confronted Xiaozhi again.

Totally crushed.

Du Ming in the dream was completely stunned.

The audience's cheers, exclamations, and applause all turned into doubts, and the glory that belonged to Du Ming also fell on Xiaozhi, setting off Xiaozhi's brilliance.

In the end, the Koga Ninja Frog, which was bound to evolve, used the golden shuriken at the bottom of the box to defeat Du Ming's Elledo. Du Ming lost the qualification to compete for the championship and could only leave the stage lonely.

The dream did not wake up.

Du Ming could accept defeat.

What really made Du Ming unbearable was the series of things that happened later.

Since Elledo was defeated by Koga Ninja, all the spearheads were pointed at Elledo, and unprecedented conflicts began to erupt in Du Ming's team.

When conflicts erupt.

It's too late.

Du Ming wanted to defend Elle Duo, because Du Ming knew very well that Elle Duo was not responsible for the defeat. But Du Ming's actions, in the eyes of the other elves, became ironclad evidence of helping relatives but not helping others.

After all, only Elledo was hatched by Du Ming from an elf egg.

Maybe in Du Ming's heart, he became closer to Elle Duo.

The team fell apart.

This was a nightmare, and Du Ming broke out in cold sweat.

The body suddenly hangs in the air.

Du Ming opened his eyes with lingering fear.

Suddenly meeting the eyes of the Snorby, and seeing the Snorkel supporting his arm, Du Ming knew in his heart that it was probably his reaction in sleep that woke up the Snorby who was connected with each other.

Then, Snorlax woke itself up too.


Du Ming took a deep breath and found that the other elves in the room had also woken up. He looked at Du Ming with a bewildered expression, and was very puzzled: They have already won the championship at the Neon Conference, why is Du Ming still having nightmares?

"I'm fine, you can sleep peacefully."

Du Ming smiled.

He looked at his elves, Kirby, Pokkiss, Emperor Nabo, Crystal Lantern, Bangira, Elledo, Electric Dragon, and the scene of meeting them is still vivid in his memory.

Having said that, none of the elves went to sleep, they could all feel Du Ming's emotional instability.

After getting along for so long, they all knew exactly when Du Ming was showing off his strength.

Each looked at each other and surrounded them.

"Well, I just had a bad dream." Du Ming didn't have the nerve to tell the contents of the dream, so as not to worry them.

Sometimes, Du Ming was not frank enough.

Pokkisi flew to Du Ming's side, rubbed Du Ming's shoulder, and signaled that he would not leave.

Du Ming was a little embarrassed.

Well, I'm talking in my sleep.

Already turned his head away, seeming to be smiling. The big Benjila looked affectionately, as if he didn't expect Du Ming to have such a dream, he was surprised and moved. Emperor Nabo's mouth twitched, he didn't laugh, and gave Du Ming some comfort. The bright yellow eyes of the crystal lantern are almost turning into a funny expression.

Snorkel put Du Ming down, a little worried.

As for laughing so much that his stomach hurts, he suddenly felt that he was a bit out of the group, and then he was worried, but Du Ming ignored it. Well, Miao Frog's worries are not fake.

"Let me adjust it again. If you don't sleep, just wait for a while and sleep together later."

As Du Ming spoke, he began to close his eyes and meditate.

Want nothing.

The soul flies out of the sky.

Du Ming, who was extremely calm, called out the template of Heart Power without any fluctuations in his heart, and directly invested x33 skill points into it without any hesitation.


The icon of Heart Power starts to change from sky blue to dark blue, and finally turns into a qualitative change and freezes to purple. Not lavender, not deep purple, but a very regular purple.

Exudes a gorgeous light.

Du Ming could feel that his heart power had indeed been greatly enhanced.

This is a qualitative change.

It turns out that Du Ming's heart power is just a kind of pure power, which is equivalent to Du Ming's hands and feet. Today's heart power is different, it is no longer a limb, it is equivalent to Du Ming's heart and brain.

The importance is completely different.

It was because it was so important that Du Ming felt the pressure.

A body that is too weak cannot accommodate a strong heart.

The weight of the heart determines the strength of the strength.

The strength is too strong, but the inner weight is not enough, what should be done?

"If it was Du Ming before the competition, he should not be qualified to have the heart power of the purple level." Du Ming thought to himself, "The current Du Ming is no longer what it used to be."

The Neon Conference is Du Ming's Battle of Leaping over the Dragon Gate.

He has mastered the bondage, the intimacy of the elves has also been greatly improved, and he has peeped into the mysteries of super evolution. After winning the Neon Conference, Du Ming's vision improved a lot.

Du Ming was aware of many problems.

more mature.

Du Ming is now ready to improve his purple heart power.

He closed his eyes, waiting for the arrival of sage mode.

Waited for a while, nothing happened.

open one's eyes.

As far as the eye can see, there is nothing.

One year, two years, three years...

In the empty world, Du Ming spent a long time. From the calmness at the beginning, to the panic in the middle, and the numbness in the end, Du Ming only felt the pain hit his heart.

Finally he realized that this was an illusion.

He has nothing to lose.

Be more at ease.

It was this little bit of stability that caused Du Ming's mentality to change.

The scene changes.

In front of him is still Yueguangliao's dormitory and his elves. He obviously only closed his eyes for a while, but Du Ming hugged his elf nostalgicly as if in a lifetime.

"The power of the heart (purple): the weight of the heart determines the strength of the power. One of the oldest and magical powers in the world, it has the most versatile power in the world - assistance, communication, amplification, healing, sacrifice... The most perfect power of the heart can only be inherited by true sages."

There is no "experience bar" behind the purple heart power, and the description of the system has also changed.

The most perfect heart power?

Only true sages can inherit!

A real sage? Seems to be fine.

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