Elf Cultivation System

Chapter 536 Integrating into Human Society

"I am."

Du Ming responded.

He looked at the man dressed as a gardener, but he was very clear in his heart that this man was the "courier" who delivered orders for him from the House of Scholars, and he was in charge of the "gardening" series, so he was dressed like a gardener.

If Du Ming needs it, he can ask him to help plant all the plants purchased from the Scholar's House.

"My name is 'Liu Feng', should you move all the plants out now?"

The gardener-like man "Liu Feng" asked.


Du Ming nodded and watched Liu Feng take out tree seedlings one after another from the back of the truck, as well as some trees, grass, and flower seeds. In addition, there are some fertilizers and so on, all in all.

"Do you need help with planting?" Liu Feng asked, "If you help with planting, there will be an additional charge."

Liu Feng looked at Du Ming expectantly. It was actually quite hard work to go all this way. If Du Ming asked him to plant trees, Liu Feng could also get some extra money. Liu Feng only needs to hand over a part of the additional charges to the company.

Liu Feng is also a trainer!

Becoming a trainer is too expensive.

Liu Feng is 26 years old this year, but Liu Feng has not traveled once, and the scope of activities is limited to Guangxi Province. There is no way, cultivating elves is really expensive, and Liu Feng, who has no financial income, cannot afford it.

Want financial income...?

Almost had to give up on traveling.

Trainers similar to Liu Feng can be seen almost everywhere.

They didn't give up their dreams, they just made some compromises in order to realize them.

In comparison, Du Ming, who has mastered the production of divine energy cubes from the very beginning, has almost no obstacles on the road of being a trainer. At least he doesn't have to worry about money, and he can cultivate elves freely.

Liu Feng has always envied those trainers who can travel around, and Liu Feng also feels that that is the life a trainer should spend.

Looking at the desolate scene around, Liu Feng, as a gardener, was also touched. Besides wanting to earn extra money, Liu Feng also hopes to make up for this situation.

Well, the most important thing is to earn extra money.

God is sorry, it's already the end of the month, and Liu Feng's elves can only eat porridge and pickled mustard recently, which is very painful.


Du Ming stepped aside a little and let Liu Feng work.

Those stumps obviously don't need to be removed. If the stump needs to be pulled out, the workload is too great. You know, this is a forest! To restore a completely destroyed forest to its original vitality, only the power of the frog flower is definitely not enough. As for not removing those tree stumps, Du Ming also had his own considerations.

The first thing to do is to plant the trees.

"Unfortunately, today is not Arbor Day."

Du Ming thought to himself, and joined in to help.

Liu Feng opened his 5 poke balls, and 5 pokemon appeared from them.

Chuanshanwang, Bawanghua, Longlongyan, Lotte Kappa, and giant vines.

Mainly ground and grass.

This probably has something to do with Liu Feng's occupation. After all, he is a gardener, so it's best for the elves' abilities to be linked to it. Of course, if you are only a trainer, as a professional trainer, you should naturally give more consideration to the lineup of elves.


Taking care of the whole department?

Go weather?

There are many choices, but they must be scientific and reasonable.

Du Ming is taking the path of "taking care of the whole department".

Of course, if Du Ming encountered a powerful enough elf, he might not necessarily subdue him, even if the attributes overlapped with the team's main battle elf.

"Chuanshanwang, Longlongyan, use digging! Giant vines, use rattan whips! Lotte Kappa, use water guns! Bawanghua, use sunny days!"

One order is issued.

Chuanshanwang and Longlongyan acted directly. When they used the digging skills, the limbs of Chuanshanwang and Longlongyan were shining brightly, almost forming a big hole with each foot. The giant vine used the vine whip to put all the saplings into the pothole, and the strength was just right.

Chuanshanwang and Longlongyan were not slow, and quickly filled the soil.

Lotte Kappa's water gun didn't show any power at all, it just poured under the saplings.

at last--

Overlord Flower uses sunny days to turn the weather into sunny days and increase the survival rate of saplings.

All in one go.

"As expected of a professional."

Du Ming gave a thumbs up and praised.

"Haha, it's nothing, it's all the elves doing it. If I did it by myself, I'd probably be exhausted." Liu Feng laughed.

Du Ming nodded.

The role of elves is reflected here.

They are the true friends of man.

It's just that in many cases, elves don't know how to integrate into human society, and at this time, the role of trainers is revealed. Liu Feng has done a good job in integrating elves into human society.

Even better than Du Ming.

Du Ming is a professional trainer. What his elves need to do is very simple, that is to constantly become stronger and win in battle. Such disadvantages are also obvious, Du Ming's elves are not very able to integrate into human society.

How to integrate?

Du Ming was also very distressed.

You can't let Emperor Nabo become a swimming coach, Pokkisi as a courier delivery, and Elle Duo as an idol, right?

"Being an idol...maybe it will work."

Du Ming had a flash of inspiration.

Not far away, Elle Duo felt Du Ming's gaze, and unconsciously felt a chill coming from behind.

I shuddered.

"Let's work too."

Throwing away the miscellaneous thoughts, Du Ming said to his elf.

No instructions are required.

Du Ming's elves knew what they should do.

Bangira stepped forward, together with Longlongyan and Chuanshanwang. Bangira is different from Longlongyan and Chuanshanwang. Bangira focuses on extreme output and has not mastered the ability to dig holes. Of course, Bangira also has his own way.

I saw Bangira bent down and didn't use any skills.

It's just a claw on the ground to scoop it up!

A pothole appeared directly.

This is the effect of pure power. The earth has little majesty in front of Bangira.

Pokkisi flew into the air, controlled the air, and when the giant vines used the whip to put the saplings into the potholes, they used the air to push the soil in. Elledo uses superpowers to do similar things to giant vines.

Emperor Nabo used a water gun to water, and the crystal lantern fire spirit used its mature fire ability to maintain and control the temperature on a sunny day, preventing the fragile saplings from suffering damage. The electric dragon swayed the healing bell to restore the surrounding spirits.

Kirby stood aside, watching quietly.

Under such a division of labor and cooperation, the efficiency is naturally terribly high.

Even Sirona was not idle and asked the elves to help out.

Half a day later, half of the destroyed forest was planted with saplings and added fertilizer.

At this time.

Du Ming looked at the Frog Flower next to him.

"I leave it to you." He said softly.

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