Elf Cultivation System

Chapter 585: Crush from Du Ming

From Manaphy's perspective.

The power Du Ming could control suddenly increased a lot.

There was even a time when Mashado was so overwhelmed that he was at a loss as to what to do.

Marshado looked at Du Ming in shock, unable to believe that Du Ming could control such a powerful force. Mashado sensed the changes around him and finally realized the seriousness of the matter. Marshado already understood why Du Ming could control such powerful power. The main reason is because of the environment! Just like Emperor Nabo's combat effectiveness at sea would soar to the limit on a rainy day, as an "elf" with the attribute of "special ability", Du Ming was also at home in this space. Especially since Du Ming had never stayed in such a space before, Du Ming still had a lot of room for growth. In addition, Du Ming's heart power had reached purple, as if he were standing on the shoulders of giants overlooking this independent world. Many structures had no secrets in Du Ming's eyes.

Therefore, Du Ming was able to understand the world structure of enough special abilities in just half an hour. Half an hour was already the theoretical limit that Du Ming could reach. If you look further down, there is nothing.

I can't understand anything at all.

It was like a mist, completely covering Du Ming's eyes.

Nothing more can be seen.

"Half an hour is almost there. Time doesn't allow me to think about it anymore. It seems not good to not take Mashado seriously, and if it continues like this, I probably won't be Mashado's opponent. After all, Marshado is a real divine beast, the best in the world in terms of patience. But I am just a human, and the purple-level heart power is probably equivalent to the level of biting a land shark. Only in this space can I Suppress Marshado."

Du Ming thought to himself.

His analysis makes sense.

In fact, it is close to the truth.

To Du Ming, everything seemed to fall into place.

The power of the heart is released.

He tried his best to attract all the power he could, and a fierce bombardment completely stunned Marshado. When Marshado attacked Du Ming with an unbelievable expression on his face, he found that he was no longer Du Ming's opponent.

The scene where Du Ming was on par with him just now turned out to be just an illusion of Marchado's wishful thinking.

Du Ming hid his strength.

In other words, Du Ming hid the growth of his strength.

Marshado never expected that Du Ming could peek into the structure of this world. Because Machado, as the master of this world, has no understanding of this independent and special space. But as an outsider, Du Ming, in just half an hour, spied on secrets that even Marshado didn't know about. How could Marshado be willing to do this?

There's no use being unwilling.

the third time.

Du Ming's heart power directly transformed into a huge lion, swallowing up Ma Shaduo in one mouthful. It was a simulated crushing skill, but it was not evil at all, but a skill based on the power of the heart. How to use a skill.

The power of the heart is amazing.

It seems to be a power that can replace any attribute.

next moment.

Machado barely managed to break free from the lion's bite.

But a more violent attack ushered in.


Marshado had an ugly look on his face. He never expected that Du Ming, who originally thought he was not a big threat, suddenly changed from a dog to a tiger, and frantically unleashed his majesty on Marshado, causing Marshado to fall into panic. middle.

Marchado is really timid.

So Marshado was afraid.

He was worried about what danger he might be in.

Driven by the desire to survive, Marchado began to struggle.

Suddenly, the special power of the entire space began to fluctuate violently.

Du Ming's lips curved into a sneer.

"Do you think you can defeat me like this?"

He shrugged.

Marchado, you are so naive!

At this moment, the outside world.

Manaphy pulled out her consciousness from the special space with a shocked look on her face.

Sirona was beside her, looking at Manaphy worriedly. Manaphy looked at the clouds on the horizon with emotion on her face.

"How is Du Ming?"

Sirona already knew that Du Ming and Marchado were dueling in a special space. Although he believed in Du Ming's strength, at this moment, after all, Du Ming was directly confronting a divine beast, not even relying on the power of any elf.

Does Du Ming really have a chance of winning?

Sirona doesn't know how powerful the special ability is when it reaches its limit, but Sirona estimates that if the special ability that reaches the limit cannot break through the limit, it may not be comparable to the real divine beast.


Sirona will definitely be worried.

The only one who can see the battle situation is Manaphy, who is also a divine beast like Marshado.

Sirona was eager to hear Manaphy's affirmation. As long as Du Ming was not in danger, Sirona wouldn't be so worried.

Manaphy's eyes were distant.

He spoke with some nostalgia.

As an ancient mythical beast, Manaphy has a lot of experience and is even proficient in multiple languages. At this moment, Manaphy just chose one of the languages ​​he knew to talk to Sirona, and Sirona happened to also know this language.


If the language is similar, it will be convenient.

Manaphy also couldn't tell the difference between various languages, so she just said it casually.

"Du Ming is not in danger. It turns out that Du Ming and Marchado are equally matched. Now..."

Manaphy paused.

Sirona was very anxious.

"how is it now?"



"Now Du Ming directly suppresses Machado and beats him."

Manaphy spoke the language.

Sirona took a deep breath and felt relieved.

Before that, Sirona would not feel relieved even if she knew that Du Ming and Machado were equally matched. Because the divine beast was much more patient than Du Ming, Du Ming couldn't even consume Ma Shaduo. Now that she knew that Du Ming surpassed Marshado in terms of explosive power and could even suppress him to a certain extent, Sirona felt relieved.

Even if he can't compete in terms of endurance, Du Ming may not lose.

Nothing dangerous.

Sirona looked at Grandma Juzi, whose face was getting more and more ugly. She already had a hunch that Grandma Juzi might not be able to hold on. From the beginning, Grandma Juzi fell into a coma due to Mashado's madness. Normally, an old man who falls into a coma must be sent to the hospital. However, because of Grandma Juzi's wildly shaking shadow, no one dared to approach Grandma Juzi. Even the simplest care cannot be done.

I could only let Grandma Juzi lie on the ground.

It is impossible to predict what Granny Juzi will become.

"I hope Du Ming can do it as soon as possible, otherwise Grandma Juzi will really be unable to support herself."

Sirona looked worried.

Immediately, Manaphy's expression changed again.

"What's wrong?"

Sirona asked doubtfully.

Manaphy did not answer.

The complexion changes.

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