Chapter 108 The divine beast wears the bear inventory to end, and the duck can come!!

[Inventory (10) Big Pokemon who broke through the limit.] ]

[No.5, wild elves in the Alora region wear bears!] ]

[Listed Pixie Profile:]

[The wild elves of the Arora Islands wear bears, and are magical elves with strong arms and many abilities.]

Unlike the Rockets trio and the way they left in previous series, when the Rockets trio was shot off, the bears in clothes would take the Rockets trio in various ways such as Lingbo microstep, light power floating, diving, escaping, flying into the sky, and rubbing propellers by hand. ]

[In most cases, wearing bears is done to save Team Rockets, and sometimes to sabotage Team Rockets’ plans.]

But even so, the trio formed an extremely close relationship with the bears when they felt the warm care of the bears. ]

[Wearing a bear is not only gentle and considerate, but also a powerful elf, who has defeated the ultimate beast with the strength of the legendary elf, and is praised by many trainers as “the strongest divine beast elf in the Alora Islands.] ]

[In the event of a crisis in the Alora region, the guardian archipelago will appear in time, which is more powerful than the three holy birds in the Kanto region, the three holy beasts in the Johto region, the three holy pillars in the Toyogen region, and the three holy mushrooms in the Shinnoh region.] ]

Wearing bears on the list, viewers all over the world…

There were no objections.

Base of lava masses in the Fengyuan area.

The leader of the lava group, Chi Yansong, stared at the wearing bear in the image and sighed, “The wearing bear is really a magical elf, we really can’t compare to it.”

It successfully proved that flying high in the air has nothing to do with the winged race, which I admire the most. ”

As an avid fan of Gurado, Red Flame Pine knows Gurado’s pain, and among all the super-divine beast spirits, almost Gurado can’t fly, perhaps…

Try to have the bears in clothes teach Gurado how to hand rub the spiral prize???

Dr. Kukui Institute, Alora Islands.

Dr. Kukui looked at the warm and powerful elf dressed in the bear in the image and showed a sunny smile.

“I always thought that wearing a bear was an ordinary elf.

Now it seems that this is an extraordinary elf.

Principal Oki Joya should also be interested in re-editing the information in the Elf Book, so let’s share the new information about the bear together.

Can’t let the trainers in other regions say that we don’t have super guardian beast spirits in the Alora region, hahahahaha!! ”

Dr. Kukui laughed heartily.

Quartz Plateau Assembly Arena.

“The appearance of wearing a bear on the list is something I expected, hahahahahahaha The king of Xiba in the arena, sticking his waist in, said happily.”

“But someone, at first, thought that his strange power could defeat the bear.”

At this time, the ice king of the Kanto region, Kona, stood up directly and glanced at the fighting heavenly king Xiba.

And Shiba also smiled and said, “No way, who knew that the ordinary wild elves originally defined by Dr. Ohki would actually have so many achievements against the sky, which we didn’t expect, right, Dr. Ohki.” ”

Shiba looked at Dr. Ohki with some distress, and Dr. Ohki now looked embarrassed.

“No, no way, I haven’t really visited the Alora Islands yet, and I learned about it all through Dr. Kukui and my cousin Ohki Narishi.

Next time, next time, I will definitely personally go to the Alora Islands and investigate the elves over there, hahahahahaha!! ”

Dr. Ohki never imagined that an ordinary-looking wild elf could do such an incredible operation…

Nowadays, the elf wearing the bear can no longer be listed as an ordinary wild elf, but a rare divine beast elf, when the Alora area was invaded by the ultimate exotic beast, bravely and decisively stood up, defeated several extreme exotic beasts, and successfully protected the Alora Islands.

This is something that audiences around the world admire.

After all, compared to wearing bears, the fire family thought of the guardian elves of various regions, the three holy birds of the Kanto region and the Orange Islands, who were captured by the crazy collector Gilluta, and after suffering a disaster, they actually launched a small temper and began to attack regardlessly, causing the Orange Islands to almost sink.

If it weren’t for the timely arrival of Lokia, the god of ocean currents, and Ash, the brave man of the sea, it is estimated that the Orange Islands would have sunk to the bottom of the sea and disappeared from the world plate, followed by the three holy beasts resurrected by the legendary elf Phoenix King in the Johto area.

Although he was confused by Cotai, but…

As a scout of the human world, the guards of the legendary elf Phoenix King actually have no ability to distinguish between true good and evil…

Directly fighting against Soroyak, it is still very incomprehensible to see, if it were not for the phantom overlord Soroyak’s heart, bursting out unprecedented power, with one pick three, successfully defeated the Phoenix King Guard, I don’t know what terrible things will happen after that.

The story of the Three Sacred Birds and the Three Sacred Beasts is over, but the Feng Yuan Region’s non-flying Gulado and Gaioka began to fight as soon as they met, and even sending two champion trainers and four Four Heavenly King trainers could not stop them.

The flames of Gurado shrouded the entire Fengyuan region, and the heavy rain of Gaioka covered the entire Fengyuan region, and just when the Fengyuan area was about to be sunk, the ancient high-altitude overlord Liekong appeared in time to defuse the disaster.

Also, the divine beast spirits in the Shen’ao region are even more humiliating.

The three god elves of the lake actually couldn’t beat the members of the hunter organization, so forget it, a blue divine beast elf was captured, and as a result, the other two elves.

I actually moved over in an instant and sent it together…

If it weren’t for the final foreknowledge of the future, successfully sinking the battleship of the hunter organization and successfully saving a little face, it would be hard for trainers all over the world to believe what these three divine beast spirits were doing…

As a super-divine beast elf, the pattern situation of the god of time, Diya Luca, and the god of space, Parukia, is even more tragic.

Tianguan Mountain, the highest mountain in the Sinnoh region, was bound by red chains and could not break free, knowing that Primordial Gurado and Primordial Gaioka broke free from the control of the crimson orb and bright blue orb of the leader of the lava regiment, Red Flame Pine, and the leader of the water fleet, Shui Wutong.

And the god of time, Diya Luca, and the god of space, Parukia, were directly bound by red chains, and were perfectly controlled by the leader of the galaxy team, Chi Ri…

If it weren’t for the overlord of the reverse world riding Latina appearing in time and having a good relationship with Ash, the Sinnoh region might have been trapped in the rift in time and space like the Rainbow Rocket team invaded, and it was terrifying to think about that scene.

And the black and white heroes of the United People’s area, one of them took the initiative to follow the leader of the plasma team, Halmonia, because of the problem of faith.

This really can’t be counted, but what happened to Chief Reim, who was known as the strongest ice dragon king on the surface in the Giant’s Cave, was easily controlled by Gages, the real behind-the-scenes leader of the plasma team, and successfully fused into the Flame White Chief Reim, which almost caused the entire United Region to freeze…

The order elf Kigald in the Carlos region is indeed a little more reliable, after all, at the last moment, they combined to form a hundred percent form, and the core punisher defeated the leader of the Flash Team Vladali with one move…

However, if it weren’t for the young hero of the Carlos region, Ash, and his hero Koga Ninja Frog who combined to defeat the fifty-percent form of Kigeld, Kigald would not have had a chance to merge into a 100% form of Gundam.

Without Kigeld, who is 100% integrated, then the order environment in the Carlos region will be completely destroyed, various disasters will rise, and the biological environment will become a mess…

The above kinds of divine beasts, or super divine beasts and spirits have brought certain troubles to the world, and look at the conscientious wearing bears.

In the first battle, the super powerful Extreme Beast Exploding Muscle Mosquito.

The second battle, the cunning and extremely fast Exotic Beast Pherome.

The third battle, as huge as the mountain, wants to devour the entire Alora Islands…

Under the three battles, except for the Exploding Mosquito, which fought in order to protect the trio of the rocket team, the other two stations defeated the Ultimate Beast with absolute strength and successfully defended the Alora Islands.

Compared to other divine beast elves or super divine beast elves who want to expand their territory at every turn, or fight desperately, don’t they look much more rational in wearing a bear…

“Wear bear @! ~Child! ”

“Wearing a bear, I drop idols.”

“Xiong Ju, you must also protect the Alora Islands in the future, you are a divine beast spirit recognized by us, rush!!”

The information of wearing a bear on the list was transmitted, and the audience around the world was boiling, all excited about what wearing a bear did.

Compared with before, the Quartz Plateau Conference Arena is obviously more noisy, which is enough to see that the sacred beast spirits of the Alora Islands wearing bears have successfully been recognized by the world’s audiences and conquered the world’s trainers.

The sound of the Quartz Plateau Assembly Arena continued, and after a big lasted (10) five minutes, the strange elf video clip sound on the arena came again-[(6) bullet, the wild elf of the Alora region who broke through the racial limit (6), the bear-wearing bear known as the [Regional Guardian Beast] has been successfully inventoried, and now, the (7) bullet is about to be opened, which is the (7) elf who has broken through the racial limit!] ]

The audience around the world fell silent at this moment, and all their eyes fell on the main blue screen of the Quartz Plateau Assembly Arena.

I have seen many elves of all kinds that have broken through the limits before, and now they are going to face the next one.

Will this (7th) pokemon also shock trainers around the world, and will it be recognized by audiences around the world?

Under the doubts of the Quartz Plateau Assembly Arena, the blue screen began to float, sending new screen content.

In the image – [At this moment, a little elf with a duck body, a yellow body, a flat mouth, three black dull hairs on its head, short limbs, resembling a kappa, and a short tail and webbed soles of its feet appeared in the eyes of audiences around the world. ]

Audiences all over the world recognized this elf at once.

“Up to duck??”

As a trainer of the Four Heavenly Kings in the Kanto region, Kona, the Ice Heavenly King, is really familiar with elves such as ducks, and the basic information can already be memorized backwards.

“Why the duck? I just can’t understand it. ”

The Four Heavenly Kings trainer Kona showed a puzzled expression.

Reachable Duck is a pure water elf, there is nothing peculiar, the only thing worth noting is that Reachable Duck contains magical powers, resulting in the ability to learn many incredible super-powered moves.

But that’s about it.

“Hmm… One is even more outrageous than the other, but wearing a bear is also the kind of elf who looks powerful, but up to the duck, sorry… I can’t see it either. ”

The Heavenly King of Getou Shibagenkona shook his head helplessly.

If you don’t know enough about wearing bears, it is because wearing bears live in the distant Alora Islands, but the Dara Duck is different, and the Dara Duck is not only unique to the Kanto region, but also often appears in the Orange Islands, Johto area, and Sinnoh area.

It is an extremely rare pokemon.

But because of the first part of the editing video, everyone dared not easily talk big, and began to guess which trainer’s elf it belonged to, or in other words, a pokemon in the wild.

“I know the elf of the duck, this time… Is it also a pokemon in the wild? ”

Hanazuki of the Fengyuan region asked.

Looking at the stunned duck in the image, Zvoch Daigo, the former champion trainer of the Fengyuan region, shook his head, “Although the last two times were the wild elf Soroyac and the bear wearing the bear, but it is not always the wild elf who shines, so it is too scary.”

My guess this time is that the duck belongs to a trainer in the world. ”

Zvoch Daigo said firmly.

And the champion trainer of the Shennoh region, Shirona, also nodded: “I also think that the duck counted this time should have a trainer.”

Who do you think is the trainer who can breed ducks that transcend the limits of the race?! ”

Seeing that the two regional champion trainers had agreed, everyone did not go in the direction that the duck was a wild pokemon, but began to speculate which trainer’s elf.

After pondering for a while, the Pear Blossom Heavenly King of the Johto region said: “I remember that the Reachable Duck is a move that can use many super attributes, Ikki, you should be interested in this kind of elf, will you secretly breed a Reachable Duck??? ”

As a super trainer in the Johto area, Kazuki was indeed interested in super-powered elves, but this time, Kazuki shook his head without hesitation, indicating that he did not have that idea.

“Could that be you? Gomatsu. ”

The fire system Heaven to the Great Leaf of the Sinnoh region pushed the super power Gohan Song, the head of the four heavenly kings in the Shinnoh region.

And Gomatsu just shook his head flatly, “Although Reachable Duck is able to use a lot of super-powered moves, I prefer a smart elf like Hudi, Reachable Duck… It looks a bit humble and doesn’t fit my ranking. ”

Gomatsu is convinced that he will not be interested in Duck!!!

Basically, the super attribute elf masters all expressed that they were not interested in pokemon such as ducks, so everyone focused on the water system elf champion Mikkoli in the Fengyuan region.

However, Mikkoli also shook his head.

“I prefer elegant elves.

Up to ducks at gorgeous celebrations, hard… Although I like water elves, the duck is not in my consideration, and its evolutionary Gotha duck is somewhat possible. ”

The elf masters in the Quartz Plateau Assembly arena all denied their ideas.

And at this moment, the audience of the Quartz Plateau Assembly Arena.

Seeing that the elf masters in the arena were discussing the reachable duck, Xiaoxia, a trainer of the Hualan Taoist Hall, suddenly remembered that she also had a reachable duck.

Xiao Xia couldn’t help but take out the elf ball of the duck, and the beautiful eyes stared at the elf ball for a while, and then shook her head, and said helplessly: “It can’t be impossible, my duck is stupid, and even as a water elf can’t swim, how can it be a pokemon beyond the limit, it must be my whims.” ”

Xiaoxia dismissed her idea.

And just when Xiaoxia took back the Duck’s Pokeball, a new picture began to appear on the blue screen of the Quartz Plateau Assembly Arena.

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