Now, through the words of the masked man, Chen Han seems to understand a little bit, what is the head.

  However, this is not the time to feel, and he has to continue to act.

  "The fire element is obviously restraining the ice element, but it is obvious that Chen Han's profound meaning can't suppress the masked man. Is the force of nature ignoring the restraint problem, or is it simply that the masked man is too strong and completely ignores the restraint problem"

  Seeing the situation where the [Super Powerful Extreme Explosive Bomb] could barely hold down the [Blizzard], and even called that the giant Explosive Bomb was still slowly retreating, Sakagi, who was watching the battle, couldn't help but speak dignifiedly.

  As for Yulongdu, at this moment, he is looking at the battlefield that completely ignores him, and the terrifying power of Chen Han and the masked man. He is quite puzzled and panicked, and even annoyed that he is ignored. .

  However, no matter how annoyed he was at this time, he didn't dare to make a sound at will, and just silently asked Lugia to quickly absorb the power of the badge, otherwise he, who was the weakest in the field, would probably end up dead.

  As for Lugia, who was still resisting the attempt to control it with the badge just now, this will also be honest, absorbing the power of the badge with the fastest speed.

  Lugia's idea is very simple. Even if he is controlled by Du now, it is better than being caught by the masked man. At this time, if the power of the badge is completely absorbed, the masked man may not be his. opponent.

  As a result, the one person and one divine beast who should have been the 'protagonist' of this incident would just watch the play silently.

  On the other side, the masked man standing on the back of the messenger bird couldn't help laughing as he watched the flame bomb that was gradually being pushed back.

  "Haha, after all, is it only this level? This power is not enough to threaten me!"

  "Messenger Bird! Defeat it!!"

  Under the order of the masked man, the energy of the messenger bird soared again! At this time, the [Blizzard] completely pressed the flame bomb back, as if he wanted to let Chen Han taste this Like the wrath of the god of fire.

  However, "Fire-breathing dragon, blast it!"


  After the words fell, with the sound of the dragon's roar, the 'sun' exploded, "Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom "

  After the earth-shattering explosion and vibration sounded, the huge explosive bomb exploded into a fireball that filled the sky, falling from the sky like a meteor shower.

  "Hmph, worm-carving trick!"

  Seeing this, the masked man sneered disdainfully, and without giving any orders, the messenger bird froze all the fireballs that hit him into ice balls.

  However, at this moment, the masked man suddenly had an ominous premonition, and then suddenly looked at the sky directly above him.

  Then, he saw that Chen Han appeared there, not with a fire-breathing dragon beside him, but with Bangira, who couldn't fly at all, looking at him with a slightly sinister smile, and spoke slowly. said.

  "[Destroying the Heaven and Earth Giant Rock Fall]!"

  Many large rocks that appeared out of thin air formed a mountain that was several times larger than a flame bomb. The skill is called [Taishan pressing the top], but at this moment, in the eyes of everyone, the ultimate meaning of this trick is the real 'Taishan pressing the top'! Watching this 'Taishan' really appear on the top of the head, it is extremely The oppressive form was suppressed. Although the masked man at this time could not see the expression behind his mask, no matter whether it was Chen Han or Sakagi, and even Yulongdu, who was far away, he could feel him. His face was already serious.

  The messenger bird in front is still freezing the countless fireballs that come, but there is another final mystery above.

  Obviously, this situation cannot be solved by a single elf, and even if that elf can solve it, it will reveal unnecessary flaws.

  You must know that Sakagi, who was watching the battle, was eager to move, and he was also very afraid of the giant stinger. If he was not careful, even if he was the leader, he might be stabbed in the head by the giant stinger.

  Masquerade is a cautious person. He has been careful for so many years, just to hide his identity from being discovered by someone. If it wasn't for Sakagi's calculations this time, he would never reveal himself at all, and he didn't even need to do it. You can leave after fighting, but at this moment, he is not only fighting, even a elf may not be able to cope with this situation, he has to send a second, or even a third elf to defeat the fake palm in front of him Doorman's Guandu Champion.

  And every time he sends out one more main elf, the probability of his true identity being revealed will increase several times, and this is what he wants to see, and it is also the reason why he is so solemn at this moment.

  As for sending a non-main force elf to deal with the enemy, it is simply nonsense. To use a non-main force elf to defeat a champion-level powerhouse who can use the power of nature, even if he is as strong as the leader, it is also Impossible to do.

  And even if Chen Han doesn't have the final Profound Truth, with his strength, which can defeat a champion-level peak trainer, it's not too easy to defeat the non-main elves of the masked man.

  "Zuke, damn Sakagi, I've written down what happened this time!"

  Looking at the 'Tarzan' that was about to be pressed down, the masked man couldn't think of a second method other than using the main force spirit, he could only say angrily, and then quickly released the second main force.

  "Nine Tails, [Aurora Beam]."

  I didn't expect it, I specially went to get Alola's nine tails a few years ago, let's see how you find my identity! Although it is the weakest main force in my elves, it is enough to block this mystery! The masked man couldn't help but He smiled inwardly, and nodded his head in satisfaction.

  However, the smile behind his mask froze instantly before he could laugh for a few more seconds.

  The ominous sense of crisis reappeared in an instant, and at this moment, he immediately turned his head and looked behind him! When he saw it, Chen Han didn't know where he appeared, with Shanaido by his side.

  At this time, Chen Han was different from the slightly hideous smile before, this time, he slowly opened his mouth with a bright, successful smile.

  "[Supreme Spiritual Destruction Wave]!"

  The terrifying superpower fluctuations that can cover the entire island are now all flocking to the body of the masked man who has no time to take out the third pokeball!!!: The first superpower Z pure crystal is in the super power. On Meng, but just after defeating Xie Mi, he got the second super power crystal, which was equipped on Shanaido.

Chapter 85 Want to use me?You are afraid of living in a dream! (3rd more)

  After watching Chen Han flashed twice, and directly used the final meaning of three Z's to blast at the masked man who had no time to react, the corner of Sakagi's mouth was already cracked.

  "Hahahahahaha!! I knew, I knew that guy had the ability to hurt him!"

  Sakagi is rarely seen laughing wildly, not because of anything else, but because his plan has almost succeeded this time.

  The reason why he appeared on this Sufang Island this time is to attract the masked man.

  However, it is not enough to just lead out the masked man, because Sakagi has no confidence in defeating the masked man at all. If it is simply drawn out, it will be meaningless. After all, Sakagi cannot defeat the masked man, and this is the most important thing. a little.

  Therefore, Sakagi started to plan, first rescue Xiaozhi, then contact the three cadres of the Rocket team to make contact with Chen Han and others, after taking the initiative to show goodwill to Chen Han and others, then let go and hide in the dark, Until Yulongdu jumped out deliberately when he was about to be defeated, so that Du could collect eight badges and summon Lugia.

  At this time, in order to get Lugia's silver feathers, the masked man will definitely appear, and then he designed a conflict between Chen Han and the masked man.

  In Sakagi's calculation, although Chen Han may not be able to defeat the masked man, he can cause a lot of trouble for the masked man, and may even hurt the masked man.

  And at this time, Sakagi's opportunity came. If both Chen Han and the masked man were injured, then it would be better, just catch them all in one go, and if Chen Han was in the shadows as always, after the masked man was injured Or, that Sakagi went to hunt down the masked man.

  As for Yulongdu's middle-school boy and his Sakagi Hegan, who can solve this middle-school boy at any time if they have time The power of the badge.

  But it's not a point, anyway, this middle-year-old boy who called himself the messenger of the dragon was not taken in his eyes by Sakagi from the beginning! "But it's a pity that it didn't hurt both sides. Sure enough, although the masked man was cautious enough, he The level of insidiousness is not good, if I have the natural power of Chen Han, then I guess I don't need to use Chen Han's power to fight against the masked man."

  Of course, Sakagi, who said this, is not underestimating the strength of the masked man, but because to deal with this powerful masked man, the best way is to directly give the masked man the trainer himself on the spot. Killing is the most effective way to win.

  "Eat this final mystery head-on, even if he reacts, he will be injured. Don't miss the opportunity, I will go right now!"

  After the words fell, Sakagi put away all the elves except the giant needle bee, and then released the cross-shaped bat, grabbed Sakagi, and together with the giant needle bee, rushed directly to the masked man.

  "These guys!!! One or two are ignoring me like this!!!"

  Yulongdu looked at Sakagi who was rushing towards the masked man, and couldn't help gnashing his teeth.

  After summoning Lugia, he was obviously the protagonist, but now he has become a clown, and no one even cares about him, how can the arrogant Yulongdu not be popular.

  "Wait! Wait for Lugia to absorb the power of the badge! Whether it is Chen Han or Sakagi, even that masked man! I will defeat it myself!!"

  After the words fell, the annoyed Du couldn't help urging Lugia to speed up the absorption of the power of the badge.

  However, Du, who was quite irrational, and at this time, when he arrogantly said that he was going to defeat the masked man, the human-human divine beast Lugia couldn't help but roll his eyes at the second young master on his back.

  Even if you can't beat it, you still want to defeat the masked man. This guy has no brains. Lugia thinks that he should find a chance to leave directly, so as not to be affected and live his miserable life again.

  Even if he was beaten to death, he wouldn't believe it, Lugia under his feet would label him wise, and he would run away thinking that he would find a chance later.

  On the other side, the dust raised by the big explosion caused by the three final profound truths has gradually dissipated.

  Sakagi, this meeting also came here with the giant needle bee.

  And at the moment when Sakagi reached, the figure of the masked man finally emerged from the dust mist.

  The masked man at the moment, the white strange mask is cracked, but it is not broken, and the black cloak is tattered, but it still barely covers his body, but many places are frozen, and the cloak is smashed. The patchwork was maintained, which made Chen Han and Sakagi wonder if he just took the time to cover and repair his cloak with ice.

  And beside the masked man, there are three elves, the messenger bird flying in the air, the Alola Kyuubi floating in the air with super power, and the ice Eevee standing on his shoulders.

  This Ice Ibrahimovic is also an elf who has hardly used the real identity of the masked man. Of course, it is also similar to the nine tails, and is one of the weakest elves of the masked man.

  "Impossible. At that time, he didn't have time to release the elf at all. Could it be that this ice Eevee is hidden in his body!"

  Sakagi looked at the masked man who was obviously only slightly injured, and couldn't help but wrinkle his face and said solemnly.

  "It's very dangerous, my little boar is placed in my body, otherwise it will definitely be severely injured just now!"

  Sakagi was surprised, while the masked man was rejoicing in his heart.

  As for Bing Yibu, it was actually released after the attack. He was in the dust mist just now, and no one could see it.

  Sakagi looked at the masked man who was obviously only slightly injured, and couldn't help but take a step back.

  In such a state of masked man, he has no confidence to fight against it alone.

  "Chen Han! Your attack doesn't work, so let's go, we are allies now, why don't we go together"

  Since they can't beat him alone, then call Shang Chenhan together. With their cooperation and insidiousness, it is not a problem to join forces to kill the Masked Man!

  However, after Sakagi invited Chen Han out, the latter did not respond at all, and when Sakagi felt bad, he looked around and said, "Well Chenhan! Where are you?"

  Yes, Chen Han, who had just sent out three final secrets in a row and almost injured the masked man, suddenly disappeared.

  "Uncle Sakagi, I just played three Profound Truths in a row, it will be a bit tiring, why don't you go up and play a game first, and I will shoot immediately after I recover, how?"

  Just when Sakagi was still looking around looking for Chen Han, a slightly teasing voice came from a distance behind him.

  Sakagi was shocked when he heard the words, and then turned to look.

  I saw that Chen Han had leaned towards Yulongdu before and said with a smile on his face.

  And Chen Han's side is Xiao Zhi and others who have been thawed.

  Obviously, just when the Profound Truth was confronted, Chen Han found an opportunity to rescue Xiao Zhi and the others.

  As for how to thaw it, it was caused by the sky-filled meteors formed by the exploding flame bomb, one by one falling beside them, causing them to thaw.

  That's right, from the very beginning, Chen Han didn't plan to fight against the masked man, and he did this series of operations to rescue the people who were thawed. After he rescued Xiaozhi and others, he didn't plan to pay attention to the mask. He's a man, anyway, he knows that being cautious like a masked man won't take action against him without authorization.

  As for Sakagi's joint operation, Chen Han was invited to express his humour.

  "Sakagi, if you want to use me, all I can say is that you are probably living in a dream!"

Chapter 86: Be cautious like a masked man, choose .. (Part 1)

  Seeing Chen Han's attitude of 'I'm watching a play, you can do it', Sakagi's face completely sank.

  However, at any rate, he still understands that he still needs Chen Han's help at this moment, and this will immediately change his face and make a worried and worried look.

  "Chen Han! You can't use your anger! I admit that this time it was me who plotted against you, and I can apologize to you for this, but you must know that he is sneaky and secretive like him, and his power is far superior to others. Guys, ask yourself, don't you think he's planning some big conspiracy!"

  "Now, it's a good opportunity. We can join forces. With the power of you and me, and then with Xiaozhi Xiaomao and the others, we can completely keep him! Don't miss the opportunity!!"

  Sakagi's expression at this time is as sincere as he is sincere, and as worried as he is concerned. If he hadn't known that he was the senior of the Rockets, it is estimated that many people would think that he is really a good man who serves the country and the people. .

  "What's this called, this is the so-called thief shouting to catch a thief, Xiao Lan, look, the Rockets' acting skills can really be called fake, I think you can learn and improve."

  Listening to Sakagi's words, Chen Han pulled Xiaolan to his side with one hand, and said this as if it were the case.

  When the words fell, everyone couldn't help but chuckle, even Na Zi turned her face away and smiled lightly. As for Ma Zhishi, the corners of his mouth were twitching, although he actually wanted to laugh. , but he dared not say it at all.

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