A flame appeared out of nowhere in the sky. The flame grew bigger and bigger, and a black shadow gradually appeared inside it!

A black dragon flew out from the flame. Although the flame was getting smaller and smaller and gradually disappeared.

Although the dragon was black all over, every inch of its skin was attached to hot magma! Every muscle texture was connected to magma. If you look closely, the magma seemed to be flowing on the dragon!

With the appearance of the dragon, the sky actually had a distorted space due to the intense high temperature! Several rows of trees on the back mountain became dead wood because of the heat wave!

Deathwing looked in the direction of Qin Mu, spread his wings, and looked at Qin Mu obediently.

Qin Mu was immersed in the shock brought to him by Deathwing! The wings of Deathwing were simply the ultimate in horror aesthetics! Every inch of the hideous skin on it looked like a little ghost baring its fangs and claws! It was like a dark web that made it impossible for people to escape! As Deathwing spread his wings, Qin Mu felt that the sky was half dark!

Deathwing flapped his wings and landed on the back mountain.

But when he landed, the land on the back mountain began to shake without warning! All the grass and trees on the back mountain turned into ashes the moment Deathwing landed!

The land within 500 meters touched by Deathwing was instantly burned into charcoal! A few seconds later, magma appeared under Deathwing's feet, and with it as the center, it spread to the surrounding areas of the back mountain!

One after another, heat waves came, impacting Qin Mu's vision and senses.

"Deathwing, the dragon king, the lord of destruction, where ever he appears is only scorched earth……"

Qin Mu muttered this sentence when he saw this scene. He finally understood why the system gave such a warm reminder.

The people in the Taoist temple who were shocked by the Blue-Eyes White Dragon didn't know what happened, but they all felt a sudden violent shaking under their feet, and then they felt that the air was filled with heat waves!

Hot! Oppression! Suffocation!

All kinds of uncomfortable feelings came towards them, and they even felt an invisible energy sweeping over!

The people in the Taoist temple began to get restless. This feeling was too uncomfortable. Some people couldn't stand it and ran out of the Taoist temple.

The people who ran out didn't feel better. The oppression and suffocation still existed, and the heat waves in the air came one after another, and they were filled with the smell of scorched earth! It was like a volcano that had been dormant for hundreds of years erupted!

Soon people found that many wild elves hiding in various corners actually ran out anxiously!

It was like a disaster had occurred, and they fled everywhere!

People couldn't help but be amazed.

Could it be that another mythical beast was born in the Kalos area?!

The people and elves of the entire Kalos region felt the powerful energy fluctuations from Deathwing!

And this energy fluctuation is different from the energy fluctuations of the Blue-Eyes White Dragon. This energy fluctuation is even more wild and overbearing!

Some weak elves who are closer to the energy fluctuations actually fainted directly!

The strange behavior of the elves and the violent energy fluctuations attracted the attention of a powerful elf.

Zygarde landed on the highest mountain in the Kalos region and looked to a place in the east.

As the guardian of the Kalos region, it has not felt such a strong energy fluctuation for a long time, and in a short period of time, that place has actually experienced such a strong energy fluctuation twice.

Moreover, each time is stronger than the last...

The headquarters of the Elf Alliance has exploded. The Survey Department has detected a huge energy fluctuation again, and this energy fluctuation is still in the direction of the Dragon Gym!

"Damn it, what's going on? First, Qin Mu obtained the Blue-Eyes White Dragon. Why is there an even more violent energy fluctuation now?! Could it be another mythical beast?"

The leader felt a headache.

The appearance of a mythical beast had already made them anxious, but they didn't expect another one to appear!

What happened in the Kalos region?

Did they disturb the lair of the mythical beast?

Could it be...

Suddenly, a terrifying thought came to the leader's mind.

The first energy fluctuation was the Blue-Eyes White Dragon, and the Blue-Eyes White Dragon was Qin Mu's elf.

Could it be that this time, Qin Mu was behind it again?

Thinking of this, the leader immediately asked someone to get Qin Mu's personal information.

Not long after, Miss Lily came with Qin Mu's information.

The leader took the information and looked through it again and again with a frown.

The information showed that Qin Mu's resume was very ordinary, no different from most trainers in the Kalos region.

But the simpler and more ordinary the information was, the more frightened the leader was.

Ordinary Can a person build a famous gym in half a year? Can an ordinary person own a divine beast?

What a bullshit!

The leader really wants to meet this man named Qin Mu in person!

But if he shows up in person, the impact on the Elf Alliance will definitely be very unfavorable, and it will also be used by other forces as a handle to attack the Elf Alliance.

Not only the Elf Leader has such an idea, the leaders of several other major forces have shown great interest in this man named Qin Mu.

However, what makes them even more curious now is, what exactly is this newly appeared divine beast?

Qianli and Dakdo have been staying in the Dragon Gym and have never left. After sensing a new energy fluctuation, the two of them couldn't sit still.

This energy fluctuation is obviously stronger than the energy fluctuation of the Blue-Eyes White Dragon. The two were already worried about the Blue-Eyes White Dragon. strength, and now there is an even more powerful beast, which shocked Qianli and Dakoto beyond words.

Originally, the two still doubted whether Qin Mu had the strength to possess the Blue-Eyes White Dragon. Unexpectedly, in such a short time, another beast appeared in the Dragon Gym. This made them unable to remain calm.

If they wait and see, there may not be a chance to challenge!

Qianli does not want such a result! He even regretted why he did not challenge the Blue-Eyes White Dragon at the beginning.

Qianli looked at Dakoto, and an idea emerged in his mind.

Originally, he thought that there was only one beast in the gym, so he did not take it too seriously and chose to wait and see without challenging. But now there is another beast, and his Rayquaza is definitely not able to fight two at a time. If he challenges now, he will definitely not succeed.!

However... if his Rayquaza is combined with Darko's Latios, the two of them can definitely succeed in the challenge together!

Qianli didn't hesitate and directly told Darko his idea. Darko immediately hit it off with Qianli, and he also had the same idea.

However, they also agreed that now was not a good time for them to challenge.

This time they no longer looked down on Qin Mu, nor did they underestimate the enemy, because the only result they wanted in the battle was a successful challenge!

This was related to Qianli and Darko's reputation as trainers of the mythical beasts!

So they had to be fully prepared, choose a suitable time to challenge Qin Mu, and defeat his mythical beast in full view of everyone!

This day would not be too long.

After Qianli and Darko made up their minds to challenge, they left the Dragon Gym silently.

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