Qin Mu did not rush to give Long Yu an answer, but was thinking about the conditions he needed.

After a while, Qin Mu slowly said:

"If the Yulong Family insists that I go to the Dragon Conference, it is not impossible.……"

Since Long Yu had asked him to propose conditions, Qin Mu began to propose the following conditions:

"Give me 20 million Alliance coins as my appearance fee. I have a lot of elves, so you need to prepare enough food for 600 large elves every month."

After saying this, Qin Mu added another item.

"By the way, you also have to waive all the expenses for my apprentice to attend the Dragon Conference. Okay, that's all."

When Long Yu heard the conditions proposed by Qin Mu, his heart was shocked.

Although he expected Qin Mu to make conditions, he didn't expect the conditions to be so high!

This Qin Mu is simply asking for so many outrageous conditions!

Listening to what the master said, Mary was completely dumbfounded.

How could the master be making conditions? Isn't this blackmail?

Mary was convinced that the Yulong family would definitely refuse such an unreasonable request from the master!

However, Long Yu's next words surprised Mary so much that her eyes widened!

Gritting his teeth, Long Yu pinched his thigh meat and said with all his strength:


"Mr. Qin Mu, the Yulong family can meet your conditions."

"In order to express the sincerity of the Yulong Family, we are willing to pay 5 million Alliance coins as a deposit for the appearance fee, and it will be transferred to your account immediately."

Not only did he agree to Qin Mu's unreasonable request, but he was also so sincere that he was willing to pay 5 million Alliance coins as a deposit for the appearance fee. Mary was really impressed by her master again.

"No, the 20 million Alliance Coins I want for the appearance fee must be fully paid now, otherwise I will not go to the Dragon Conference."

Mary gasped.

The master is so arrogant! He was not satisfied with the 5 million Alliance Coins as the appearance fee deposit, and actually asked the other party to transfer all the 20 million Alliance Coins to his account at once...

Long Yu felt a pain in his heart when he heard Qin Mu's words.

As a representative of the Yulong Family, he was already very sincere, but the other party was not satisfied and was still making demands! This was the first time he had met such an arrogant person like Qin Mu in all his years as a representative of the Yulong Family.

However, Qin Mu did have the capital to be arrogant.

When he received the task of inviting Qin Mu to attend the Longxi Conference as a special guest, he was required to succeed and not fail.

After being kicked out of the first negotiation with Qin Mu, he immediately contacted Master Long Ting. Master Long Ting's attitude was very clear, and he wanted Qin Mu to attend the Dragon Conference no matter what.

That's why Long Yu shamelessly came again for the second time. , and let Qin Mu put forward the conditions.

But this Qin Mu, he really dared to put forward the conditions! He did not consider whether they would agree to these conditions at all. Qin Mu had no extra expression on his face all the time, as if he was determined to do everything.

This kind of aura and confidence in controlling the whole situation on Qin Mu made Long Yu seem to see another person from the Yulong family, that is, their dragon star──Adu!

Adu has always been his idol since he was a child, and he did not expect that he would see the shadow of Adu in Qin Mu...

Seeing that Long Yu did not respond for a long time, Mary thought that the matter had fallen through.

If she was the representative of the Yulong family who came here to negotiate today, Mary felt that she would not agree to such a request from the master.

Mary felt that the master really did not give face to the Yulong family, and kept asking for more step by step. Now, such a good thing was broken by the master again.

""Okay! Please allow me to instruct the family on the amount."

Hearing Long Yu's answer, Mary was shocked again and again!

Oh my God? Am I hallucinating?

Such harsh conditions, such conditions that are almost making things difficult, but the Yulong family actually agreed?

The Yulong family can even agree to such harsh conditions?!

Is this really the powerful Yulong family?

Mary's eyes widened, and her little heart was pounding in shock.

The development of things was completely beyond her expectations.

Mary couldn't figure out why this happened.

With shock and confusion, Mary secretly looked at her master.

When she saw Master Qin Mu's face with a confident smile of"everything is under control",

Mary couldn't help but be even more surprised.

Could it be that the master had calculated all this from the beginning?

It turned out that the master not only trained The training elves are so powerful, and they are also so skilled in controlling people's hearts!

Thinking of what she had just said to her master.

She actually said that her master was abrupt...

Thinking of this, Mary couldn't help but blush with shame.

Unconsciously, Mary has worshipped her master as a god! With all these things happening before her eyes, how can she not worship Father Qin?

Long Yu could only bite the bullet and agree to Qin Mu's request. His purpose of coming here was to make Qin Mu agree to participate in the Dragon Taoist Conference no matter what means he used, so he had to bite the bullet and agree to Qin Mu's request.

Soon, Long Yu approved the money from the Yulong Family.

Long Yu kept his promise and transferred 20 million Alliance coins directly to Qin Mu's account.

"Mr. Qin Mu, the money has arrived, please take a look."

Qin Mu looked at the extra 20 million Alliance Coins in his account and nodded with satisfaction.

Now, not only can he go to the Dragon Conference for free to accumulate his reputation, but he also earned 20 million Alliance Coins. Now he can support his own Dragon Gym for a while.

"If there is nothing else, please ask Long Yu to go back first. On the day of the Dragon Conference, we can send someone to the Dragon Gym to pick him up."

Mary really felt sorry for Long Yu. The master got the money and drove him away again.

Long Yu's goal was achieved, so he naturally didn't stay too long.

After Long Yu left, Mary couldn't wait to come to Qin Mu, her eyes full of stars, and said excitedly with admiration:

"Wow! Master, you are so awesome! I thought the Yulong family would definitely not agree to your request, but I didn’t expect that they actually accepted it! Master, you are simply my idol!"

Faced with Mary's wave after wave of flattery, Qin Mu waved his hands and explained to her the interests involved.

After listening to her, Mary suddenly realized it!

"So that's how it is! No wonder the Yulong family agreed to such an unreasonable request, it turns out they also have a purpose! Damn, what a bunch of stinky profiteers! They even dare to use the master!"

Seeing Mary's indignation, Qin Mu knew that her apprentice was too naive.

"This is how the world is. No one will curry favor with you for no reason. As the saying goes, no one comes to the temple for no reason. The world is bustling with people because of profit."

"You still have a lot to learn, little girl!"

Mary nodded, not quite understanding, and said seriously:

""Well! Mary will definitely be eager to learn!"

Suddenly, she thought of something. She reached out and pulled the corner of her master's clothes, and whispered:

"Master, do you have any other disciples besides me?"

"The last request that the master made just now was to exempt his apprentice from all expenses for attending the Dragon Conference. Who is he going to let attend the Dragon Conference?"

Mary was a little disappointed when she said these words.

I don't know who is so lucky to be able to attend the Dragon Conference with the master...

Qin Mu looked at Mary and thought to himself that he was really a silly apprentice.

He patted Mary's little head and said with a smile:

"Of course it’s you."

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