Mewtwo looked thoughtfully at the video footage of the two dragons in front of him.

Their peculiar appearance, powerful attack skills, and the powerful energy emanating from their bodies...

Not only were these two dragons very powerful, they were also a type of elf he had never seen before.

Mewtwo had a bold idea.

Perhaps, these two dragons, like him, were unique in this world.


Mewtwo murmured to himself.

Mewtwo can not only speak human language, but also has human wisdom.

Seeing these two dragons, Mewtwo thought of his own origin.

He is an artificial elf.

He was created by a group of scientists who used Mew's genes and reorganized them countless times.

Mewtwo has the same terrifying strength as Mew. Those scientists can create him, but they can't control him!

On the day Mewtwo was born, he destroyed the scientists who created him and the research base where he was born.

Because these selfish scientists, in order to replicate Mew's powerful strength, created him without his permission!

When he asked these scientists about the meaning of his existence, these damn humans actually said that the meaning of his existence was to be used by them!

Such an answer made Mewtwo very angry, so he wiped out Mewtwo. These scientists.

After escaping from the research base, Mewtwo wandered in the outside world for a while.

The more he saw of the world, the more confused he felt.

Most of the elves he saw were of the same kind! The same appearance, the same habits... but he had never found any of his own kind that was similar to himself!

A question in his heart became stronger and stronger, what was the meaning of his existence?

He wanted to figure out the meaning of his existence!

At this time, Mewtwo met a human, a human who claimed to be able to tell him the meaning of his existence.

However, this human said that he needed to do what he said.

Mewtwo did so, and also put on the armor given to him by this human, which he claimed could protect him.

This human asked Mewtwo to help him plunder and destroy... Mewtwo did everything he was asked.

But the more he did such things, the more confused he became. He became more and more confused about the meaning of his existence.

So he refused everything the human wanted him to do next, and asked him to tell him the meaning of his existence.

But this human used the armor he gave him to try to control himself...

How could a mere armor trap Mewtwo? The specially made armor was destroyed by him, and in the end, the human who deceived and used him suffered the same fate as those scientists.

The human who claimed that he could tell him the meaning of existence was as selfish as those scientists! They were all trying to use him!

So Mewtwo hated humans!

It was humans who created him! It was humans who made him so miserable! Humans created him but did not give him the meaning of existence in this world...

In the end, Mewtwo could only place his hope on"Mew".

In a sense, Mew can be regarded as his parents, so he hopes to find his own existence in Mew.!

However, Mew has almost no trace. After so many years of searching, Mew still has not found the whereabouts of Mew...

But the two dragons that appeared in the Kalos region made Mew seem to smell the scent of"the same kind".

Maybe he can find some answers from the two dragons...

Somewhere in the Kalos region, a golden ring appeared out of thin air.

Then a vortex of time and space appeared in the middle of the ring, and Hoopa flew out of this vortex.

After waking up, Hoopa felt the feeling of freedom!

However, he is still sealed now, and his strength and form are sealed.

Hoopa is unwilling to always be sealed like this. After being sealed, his original giant-like form has become like a little doll. Similarly, his strength has been sealed by half.

Hoopa took back the golden ring, and then took out a donut from the golden ring and ate it.

After eating a donut, Hoopa hung the golden ring on his horn again, and then he decided one thing!

Hoopa decided to start looking for the pot of punishment that sealed him from now on.

Because only by finding the pot of punishment can he find a way to remove the seal on his body! Only by removing the seal can he return to his original appearance and have the original powerful strength!

Hoopa recalled his previous appearance. At that time, he was an existence that was enough to make humans and elves tremble!


On the Dragon Island in the Kalos region, the Dragon Conference originally held by the Yulong Family had to be suspended due to the sabotage of Team Flare and Team Rocket.

Team Rocket and Team Flare, the culprits, had been subdued by Blue-Eyes White Dragon and Deathwing, and were just waiting for Qin Mu to deal with them.

This battle allowed everyone to see how powerful Blue-Eyes White Dragon and Deathwing were, and also accumulated a lot of reputation for Qin Mu.

Qin Mu checked the God Chosen System.

"Gain Kaluni's shock and admiration, reputation +500

Gain Zhulan's shock and favor, reputation +300

Gain Serena's shock and admiration, reputation +200


Looking at the details of accumulated reputation, Qin Mu found that he not only gained reputation in this battle, but also won the favor of many girls... All these accumulated reputations counted together, and Qin Mu gained 20,000 reputation points in this battle.

20,000 reputation points! It seems that this battle has gained a lot.

But Qin Mu calculated and found that these reputation points are still a long way from summoning the next dragon.

However... an upgrade icon appeared on the illustration of the Blue-Eyes White Dragon in the God's Chosen System.

Qin Mu had never seen this upgrade icon before, and then he curiously clicked on this upgrade icon.

Then the God's Chosen���Pop-up prompt

"Ding Dong! Upgrading Blue-Eyes White Dragon requires 20,000 reputation points. Are you sure you want to upgrade?"

Qin Mu checked and found that the reputation points he just gained were just enough to upgrade Blue-Eyes White Dragon!

Qin Mu was a little surprised. The current Blue-Eyes White Dragon was already very powerful. How much stronger would it become after another upgrade?

At this time, Diancie, who was trapped in the Flare Team's special catching net, looked at Qin Mu with shining eyes...

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