Chapter 3: The object of God's Choice is the Blue-Eyes White Dragon. Qin Mu was very happy when he heard the prompt sound of the system.

His reputation was successfully upgraded to level 2, and he could now start the second God's Choice.

Qin Mu's God's Choice system can choose all the dragons in the universe by default, but his reputation level was low at the beginning, and the space for selection was relatively small, so his first God's Choice was a fire-breathing dragon.

Now that it has been upgraded to level 2, the space range of the God's Chosen Dragon must be larger, and the elves are more powerful!

As expected, the system provides three types of dragons for Qin Mu to choose from.

They are water attribute, light attribute, and thunder attribute.

Qin Mu hesitated between these three options, and after thinking for a while, he chose the light attribute.

Dragons with light attributes are rarer than those with water and thunder attributes, and it is also easier to get dragons with explosive strength.

"Ding Dong! The second-level God-chosen host chooses the light-attributed dragon. Confirm?"


As Qin Mu finished speaking, a dazzling light appeared out of nowhere, and along with it a dragon appeared!

"Ding Dong, God's Choice is complete, and the chosen one is Blue-Eyes White Dragon"

"Blue-Eyes White Dragon……"

Qin Mu looked at the giant dragon in front of him and murmured.

The blue-eyed white dragon in front of him was painted white, as if it was covered in shiny armor, wrapped in light, dazzling and dazzling. The two dragon eyes were blue-green, like gems, revealing a mysterious atmosphere.

Qin Mu was shocked when he saw the blue-eyed white dragon for the first time. The arena of the gym was 300 meters in size, and this blue-eyed white dragon took up half of the size!

Qin Mu stepped forward to test the spirit attribute of the blue-eyed white dragon.

To his shock, the test value kept increasing!

After the value increased to a full score of 100, it dropped again until it reached zero.

"What's going on?"

Qin Mu was puzzled, and then he immediately thought of the answer.

It must be that the attributes of this Blue-Eyes White Dragon are so powerful that they have broken through the limits of detection!

Qin Mu observed the Blue-Eyes White Dragon for three minutes before taking it back into the summoning ball.

Seeing that even the summoning ball was completely white and emitting light, Qin Mu smiled. It seems that with this Blue-Eyes White Dragon, the possibility of others successfully challenging the gym is almost zero.


In a studio somewhere in western Kalos, a shout attracted the photographers who were out shooting nearby.

"Something strange has happened! Come and see!"

A man in his thirties looked at the contents displayed on dozens of screens in front of him, and called his colleagues in shock to come in and watch this strange scene.

This is one of the stations of the Elf World program, and inside are real-time videos transmitted back by photographers from all over the place. Their task is to shoot various elves.

But what is strange is that these elves being photographed were fine in the last second, and in the next second they all hugged their heads and curled up together, as if they were very scared.

"Look, what happened to these elves? There is nothing suspicious in these pictures!"

"Not only these elves in the video, I was just about to go on a mission with my Pidgeot, and it suddenly jumped into my arms and covered itself with its wings, and its whole body was shaking, which scared me!"

"My elf too!"

"me too!"


"These elves all look very scared. Did they sense something that frightened them?"

One of them found a hot spot.

"Quick! Send all these videos back to the headquarters! It will definitely cause a wave of viewership!"

At the same time, the headquarters of the Elf World Channel received videos of the strange performances of elves from various garrisons almost at the same time.

The headquarters was also very efficient and broadcast these videos after simple processing.

Soon, this incident received a huge response. Almost everyone said that their elves had abnormal behavior at the same time, and it lasted for three minutes!

The central part of Carlos is where the headquarters of the Elf Alliance is located. It is surrounded by oases and flowers. The environment is very pleasant and it seems very quiet and peaceful.

However, dozens of shadows that suddenly broke into the sky broke the silence here.

Just now, the district chiefs of the Elf Alliance received an emergency summons and were gathered together at the meeting at the headquarters.

""Leader, all the district heads are here."

Miss Lilizi, the secretary of the leader, stepped forward and said to the man who was sitting at the top with his back to the crowd.

The man waved his hand, and Miss Lilizi nodded and stood aside.

The man turned around in his chair, wearing a pair of sunglasses, so people couldn't see his expression clearly.

"Twenty minutes ago, the headquarters detected a huge energy fluctuation. This powerful energy was enough to make all the wild Pokémon in Carlos nervous and trembling. What do you think about this?"

Cui Lie, the district chief of District 1, stood up.

"Leader, with such powerful energy fluctuations, there is no doubt that it must be a divine beast!"

"What do others think?"

"I think what District Chief Cui said is right. A divine beast must have been born!"

The other district chiefs all agreed with Cui Lie.

The leader nodded.

"I asked you to come here to discuss this mysterious beast."

The leader waved his hand, and Miss Lilizi came up with the video material and showed it to the district heads.

"The abnormal behavior of the elves lasted for three minutes, which means that the beast appeared for three minutes and then hid again."

Miss Lilizi summarized the information in the video.

"Alliance leader, during this period, several other major forces have been ready to make a move, especially the Dark Hunting Group, which has completely disregarded the rules set by the Elf Alliance and has started to burn, kill and rob. If the divine beast falls into the hands of someone else, the status of the Elf Alliance may be in jeopardy.……"

Cui Lie did not continue to speak. What he knew, the leader also knew.

"Therefore, we must take the initiative to attack the divine beast that appears this time! We can't let the divine beast fall into the hands of others! So next time the divine beast appears in a certain area, we must be very alert to explore it!"

Everyone nodded in agreement.

The Kalos area has always been managed by the Elf Alliance, but in recent years, three major forces have emerged, the Seven Colors Gym Group, the Night Sea Group, and the Dark Hunting Group. The power of these major groups has grown day by day, and has threatened the Elf Alliance, the"master" who was originally in Kalos!

And the appearance of the divine beast this time will definitely become a hot spot for the major forces to compete!

You know, the last time the divine beast appeared was a hundred years ago. Whoever owns the divine beast will have the strength to crush other forces! Become the number one force in Kalos!

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