"Groudon, return to the original!"

Groudon, covered in fiery red scales, inserted his hands into the veins of the forest, madly absorbing the power of the earth.

As the power of the earth accumulated, blue spikes grew at the seams of the scales, and the"Ω"It turned red.

Seeing that Groudon had almost returned to its original state, Hoopa grinned and shouted,"Grawo, Cliff Sword!"

Groudon threw the Cliff Sword recklessly around. The forest, which had been absorbing the power of the earth, was already fragile and was devastated by the Cliff Sword.

Soon, the areas hit by Groudon's Cliff Sword turned into lava and rubble.

Hoopa saw the elves fleeing everywhere and clapped his hands happily. At the same time, a large cocoon deep in the forest shook violently because Groudon absorbed the power of the earth and used the Cliff Sword!


Yveltal emerged from her cocoon.

This was a dual-type divine beast with evil and flying attributes. Yveltal looked like an eagle, but her wings and tail with five claws were unusually large.

""Oh, Yveltal is awake, the show is about to begin."

Hoopa sensed Yveltal's breath and shouted excitedly.

Then his eyes turned and he said,"Since Yveltal is awake, she will come out soon. Hehe, let me come and watch the show."

After saying that, Hoopa took out the ring and sent Groudon away. It hid its breath in the dark and watched Yveltal destroy everything here.

Because she was woken up by being disturbed, Yveltal was very angry.

As a divine beast, she had never experienced such humiliation and had her blanket pulled out.

But she couldn't find the culprit, so she could only vent her anger on these elves.

She used the wings of death.

Weak elves like Pikachu and Cinderella had their lives sucked away and turned into statues.

Strong elves like Pidgeot and Heracross were also paralyzed.

Because Yveltal absorbed the life force of many elves, her strength recovered a lot and she could use more powerful moves.

Her wings and tail were fully spread out, and she looked like a"Y"

Yveltal fired a three-meter-thick destructive beam, wantonly devouring the lives of all living creatures in the devastated forest. Even strong creatures like the Forest Lizard and Venusaur were wiped out by the aftermath.

Most of the life force that Yveltal had just obtained was consumed, so she used Deathwing again.

This time, she was not as lucky as before. All the living elves in the forest had their life force absorbed by Yveltal.

Whether it was Snorlax or Snorlax, without exception, they all turned into stone statues.

After absorbing the life force, Yveltal was still very angry.

The recovery of her strength did not calm her anger, but fueled her ambition to kill.

Yveltal waved her wings that covered the sky and the sun, left the lifeless forest, and flew towards the magnificent meeting where people were.

Hoopa then jumped out of the ring, looked at the stone statues around him, and happily smashed them all.

"Yveltal's strength has recovered by more than half, and it's the human's turn next. Hehe, there's no need for Hoopa to do anything."

After saying that, Hoopa entered the circle and ran off to cause trouble.

Xerneas, the mythical beast that controls all living things in the Kalos region.

As a fairy-type elf, Xerneas, who looks like a deer, has turned into a tree in a forest, but the extinction of all living things in the entire forest has also attracted her attention.

The blue and black Xerneas slowly walked out and breathed the fresh air in the forest.

"I wonder who broke the tranquility of the forest!"

Xerneas knew something was wrong. She used Ultimate Impact to rush to the place where Yveltal had wreaked havoc.

Looking at the dead branches and leaves, lava and rubble on the ground, what shocked her most was the stone statues on the ground.


As the god of life who was against Yveltal, he knew her methods very well.

But the most urgent task was not to teach Yveltal a lesson, but to clean up the mess she had made.

Xerneas urged the life force in her body, and the eight long horns on her head, like branches, flashed with seven colors of light.

The seven-color light spread from her long horns to the surroundings, and when it encountered the elves beaten into stone statues by Yveltal, a ray of light would descend, allowing them to regain their life force.

The resurrected elves ran to kneel in front of Xerneas as if guided by something.

As more and more elves were resurrected, Xerneas's life force gradually dissipated.

From standing at the beginning, to now limp on the ground.

But even at the last moment, Xerneas did not stop releasing life force.

Slowly, the elves beaten into stone statues by Yveltal were The elves of the stone statue were all restored, and they surrounded Xerneas, the god of life.

However, they were weak elves after all, and were powerless against the divine power of resurrection.

Xerneas' body turned into starlight and dissipated in the air.

The trees in the forest were also restored, and the lava was transformed into land. This was the last gift from Xerneas to the elves.

The elves spontaneously built a tall statue at the place where Xerneas died.

Stronger elves like Rhinoceros used the power of the earth to move the rocks upwards.

Smaller elves like Chrysalis used Leaf Blade and Vine Whip to shape the statue.

Soon, a statue that looked no different from Xerneas was created.

Xerneas sacrificed his life for all the elves in the forest.

The resurrected elves cried:

"Don't die, don't die……"

Xerneas gently shook her head and said to the elves surrounding her:

"Don't feel sad for me, death is just a new beginning for me……"

As soon as the words fell, Xerneas turned into starlight and disappeared between heaven and earth.


After two days of special training, the intimacy between Mary and Princess Diancie became stronger and stronger.

Mary happily pulled Qin Mu's arm and said,"Master, with my current strength, I will definitely be able to beat Serena in the gorgeous competition."

Qin Mu thought about it and thought that if he could beat Serena two days ago, there would be no problem at all.

"Well, come on, Mary, I believe in you."

At the same time, Serena was letting Xiaozhi watch the Moon Storm over and over again.

What's more exaggerated is that Xiaozhi can see the difference between them.

Originally, Xiaozhi also wanted to participate in the gorgeous competition, but because Qin Mu shocked him too much, and Xiaozhi won the gorgeous competition more than once or twice, so he did not participate again.

"Serena, your Fairy Eevee is getting stronger and stronger. I believe you can definitely beat Marie.

Serena nodded and said,"I will definitely beat Marie."

While the entire alliance was preparing for the Grand Competition, Yveltal had already caused destruction along the way.

However, because the places Yveltal passed through were all primitive forests that were rarely visited by people, the elf alliances in various regions did not receive any relevant notifications.

Humans did not know that a terrifying beast representing death had descended upon the world...

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