As a magnetic voice appeared, a huge pressure swept over, instantly covering the area within a hundred meters. A huge figure covered the sky, and waves of low roars came, shocking everyone's mind.

Super metal full body armor, giant claws that can tear everything apart, and an extremely hard shield...

Battle Greymon made a strong appearance, with overwhelming momentum!

A dragon roar resounded through the sky, accompanied by a blood-red light that cut through the sky. The sturdy arms of Battle Greymon suddenly smashed the ground hard, and a strong shock wave spread in all directions. The powerful attack wave directly smashed the hard soil layer, and the mud and rocks underground were also blown up by this powerful force and flew upwards.

Deep cracks spread out from the earth, and the landforms of the entire area were destroyed. The mud and stone fragments in the ground kept flying out, forming huge waves of soil.

The earth was shaking, cracks were everywhere on the surface, explosions occurred from time to time, and soil and rocks kept splashing on the ground.

War Greymon was so excited because he hadn't seen the light of day for such a long time that he couldn't control himself and hammered the ground twice. He didn't expect that it would cause such serious consequences!

"Master, I didn't expect this place to be so fragile……"

Battle Greymon looked at Qin Mu with innocent eyes. He didn't want to be locked up again.

"Your strength should be directed at the enemy! This place can't stand your torment"

"I understand, Master."

Seeing that Qin Mu had no intention of blaming him, War Greymon regained his arrogant look.

Everyone was shocked by this scene!

I didn't expect Qin Mu to have such a terrifying elf!

No wonder Qin Mu had the courage to stand on his own!

The strength that War Greymon had just shown was amazing!

At this time, an unmanned helicopter sent by the media appeared at the scene and filmed War Greymon!

Originally, they wanted to film the scene of Hoopa and the six beasts wreaking havoc, but they accidentally filmed Qin Mu summoning a new beast!

This shocked the whole audience!

"Another dragon-type beast! It looks more powerful than Deathwing and the Ultimate Dragon! This is incredible.!"

"Oh my god! I can feel the majesty of the Tyrannosaurus through the screen! How many cards does Qin Mu have that he hasn't revealed yet!"

"Maybe Carlos can be saved!"

Everyone was secretly amazed at the terrifying strength of Battle Greymon.

They stared at Battle Greymon intently, and suddenly, they noticed that there was a pattern of the badge of courage on the back of this Battle Greymon.

"Look at the shield behind the Tyrannosaurus! Does it look familiar to you?"

"I remember that when Qin Mu was fighting with Yveltal and was almost hit, such a badge of courage appeared and protected him!"

"I remember it too! It turned out that it was this Tyrannosaurus that saved Qin Mu!"

"It turns out that Qin Mu has such a powerful elf, but he has never used it!"


Everyone was discussing this Battle Greymon fiercely. They thought that maybe this Battle Greymon was the key to defeating the six beasts controlled by Hoopa!

All the major forces in Kalos were panicked after seeing the appearance of Battle Greymon!

Qin Mu actually took out such a powerful dragon-type Pokémon again!

But he just conquered Yveltal not long ago!

Deathwing, Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon, Yveltal, plus the newly appeared Tyrannosaurus, a total of four beasts!

The beasts they dreamed of getting, but Qin Mu already had four!

Each one was so terrifying when taken out alone! Especially this newly appeared Tyrannosaurus!

Qin Mu refreshed their imagination of how powerful he was!

Almost every time they saw Qin Mu again, they would subvert their previous views of Qin Mu. Qin Mu was far beyond their ability to predict!

That's why Qin Mu dared to face the crisis again and again and face the difficulties!

Because he had the confidence!

Deathwing, Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon, including the newly appeared Tyrannosaurus, are all Qin Mu's confidence!

An even more terrifying idea appeared in the minds of the top leaders of the major forces.

Perhaps, Qin Mu's strength is more than that... (To read the novel of violent excitement, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

This idea made them tremble with fear!

After feeling trembling with fear, they were glad that they did not choose to be the enemy of Qin Mu. Otherwise

, they would definitely not have a good end!

But the Flash Team and the Rocket Team are different. They had already made a feud with Qin Mu before, which made them extremely regretful!

Watching Qin Mu release another new beast, the Flash Team and the Rocket Team fell into panic!

If they knew that Qin Mu's strength was so terrifying, they would never provoke him!

But now it's too late, they can only find a way to improve their strength, so that Qin Mu will not come to settle accounts in the future, and they can compete with him...

The Flash Team can only hope to be with Carlos's guardian beast.

And the Rocket Team can only be tied to the Flash Team and seek a solution together!


Hoopa was a little shocked when he saw Qin Mu releasing a new dragon spirit.

A human being could actually possess three powerful beasts. He, Hoopa, had never seen such a thing before.

Moreover, this Tyrannosaurus that appeared later looked even more powerful than the two giant dragons!

The energy of this Tyrannosaurus was so powerful that it was indescribable! None of the six beasts present could have such a powerful energy fluctuation!

Perhaps the strength of this Tyrannosaurus was terrifying!

This made Hoopa feel a little threatened.

However, even if this Tyrannosaurus was very powerful, plus the two giant dragons, it was three against six with the beasts he controlled!

With a half-number advantage, even if there was some difference in strength, the gap could be narrowed down by relying on this doubled number difference, right?

Besides, there was Hoopa himself!

In this battle, Hoopa firmly believed that he could win!

(Li)"..Don't think you can defeat Hoopa with three dragons! Hoopa can do anything!"

Hoopa said to Qin Mu.

Qin Mu sneered:"Hoopa, you will pay for all the crimes you have committed!"

Qin Mu's words made Hoopa completely angry:"Damn human! Whatever Hoopa does is right! Hoopa is the king of this world!"

Qin Mu began to be alert and let Deathwing, Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon and Battle Greymon gather together to form a small team.

"Are you ready for battle, guys?"


The three giant dragons responded to Qin Mu's question with a deafening roar.

Hu Pa, who was already angry with Qin Mu, heard the roar of the three giant dragons and immediately commanded the six controlled beasts to rush towards them.

"Tear them to pieces!"

Hoopa gave an order, and all six beasts swarmed towards Qin Mu!

The battle began!

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