A week later in the morning.


Under a burst of screams, Sun Ye came to his senses.

"Good morning, little one.

Looking at Xiao Youyou, who was sitting on his chest, Sun Ye said hello.

I looked at the alarm clock next to the table again.

Well, it's half past seven.

"Little guy, are you hungry?"


After hearing Sun Ye's words, Xiao Youyou's eyes narrowed, and her little head couldn't help but click a few times.

"Okay, I'll prepare breakfast for you.

Sun Ye looked at the little guy's such cute movements, and he also acted quickly.

Just then, the door suddenly opened.

A familiar figure walked over, and it turned out to be Sun Ye's mother who asked Meidoudou to tell Sun Ye to get up.

It used to be like this.

"Beanie!" "

So love will disappear, will it (゚O゚)?".

Seeing that Sun Ye himself had already gotten up, and he was still holding a little Youyou in his arms who was not weaker than her.

Meidoudou suddenly felt that there was no love in this world, and her life became darker.

The big eyes looked at Sun Ye with some resentment.

"Uh, pudding, don't be sad.

"There will be a chance that you will wake me up in the future.

Sun Ye looked at the pudding who looked quite depressed, touched his nose, and then quickly walked to her side, picked her up, and comforted.


Pudding raised his head and looked at Sun Ye with tears in his eyes, as if to say:

Really? "Really, really!"

Looking at Pudding with such a look, Sun Ye also solemnly assured.

This is the reason why Sun Ye likes elves so much, these cute little guys, no matter how high their strength, are so innocent in front of their familiar families.

Even elves like the Ancient War Dragon, who are known for their steady, independent personalities, will be coquettish in front of their own trainers.


Xiao Youyou felt a little puzzled about this suddenly arrived and childish sister.

Why did you cry suddenly, are you hungry?

"By the way, I'll give you a name

, little guy!" Constantly

comforting the pudding in his arms, Sun Ye suddenly thought that he hadn't given the little guy a nickname yet.

You can't be a little one, the little one keeps calling like this.


After hearing that his master was going to choose a name for himself, Xiao Youyou also felt very excited and happy, and his small hands were constantly waving, and a faint purple smoke appeared around him, which made Sun Ye feel a little cool.

It seems that it is not only the ice system that comes with the function of air conditioning.

"Well, your future evolutionary type will have the word ghost. "

Then you're called You'er, okay?"

"It's easy and good!" Sun

Ye finally decided after thinking about it again.

"You!" Obviously

, You'er also likes her name.

"Doudou!" Mei

Doudou on the other side also congratulated You'er on having her own name.

Elf friendship is as simple as that.

Put down the pudding and Yu'er, who were already familiar with each other and played together.

I opened the small freezer with elf milk and took out two bottles, one for Yu'er and one for Pudding.


thanking Sun Ye, the two little guys "You" and "Doudou"

skillfully drank it with a straw.

"No hurry, no hurry.

Looking at the little guy in front of him who felt happy because he drank milk, Sun Ye sat on the edge of the bed and waited for them.

The milk of the Spotted Cow is only good for the newborn elves, and for the "old" elves like Pudding, it is just a delicious drink.

"Old Elf" Pudding: So love will still disappear, right?


Yu'er comfortably burps a little after she has drunk her fill.

Sun Ye smiled, threw the bottles that the two little ones had drunk into the trash, and then walked out of the room with them in his arms, went down the stairs, and walked into the living room.

Sun Long and Nangong Yue had already arrived and were eating breakfast here.

Sun Ye put them down and walked to his place.

Hu spicy soup, fried dough sticks, tea eggs, and a piece of instant noodles.

Well, spicy soup soaked in instant noodles is a very favorite way for Sun Ye to eat.

Although he is often complained about by Nangong Yue.

"Dad, I'm going to sign up for trainer information today.

Sun Ye looked at Sun Long in front of him and said casually.

"Well, do you want me

to go with you?"

Because Sun Long himself is the honorary deacon of the Elf Association of Fanhua City, although he doesn't have to go to the Elf Association today, because he wants to make it more convenient for Sun Ye, he still wants him to go with him.

"No need, Dad"

Sun Ye said a little embarrassed after rejecting Sun Long's opinion.

"I made an appointment with Jiang Anqing, Jiang Anxi, Wu Xiong, and Li Yishu, and we went together today. "

Well, just be happy. Sun

Long has some understanding of his children's feelings, but because he is familiar with Sun Ye's character, Sun Long knows that he will make the right choice.

"Ye'er, tell your mother, the two sisters of the Jiang family, who do you like?".

Nangong Yue looked at Sun Ye with some gossip.

After hearing his wife's question, Sun Long also quietly lowered the newspaper in his hand and listened secretly.

"Mom, don't worry about it, we're just friends now. Sun

Ye was also very helpless about his mother's gossip.

Sun Ye, the two sisters of the Jiang family, actually has a good impression, but now his main focus is on training elves and becoming stronger.

As for the relationship problem, he also has a plan for himself, thinking that he can at least wait until he is promoted to a Heavenly King-level trainer before he can consider his other half.

Well, it's also possible that it's several halves.

"Cut, it's so stingy, and I'm also guarding against my mother.

Nangong Yue also said a little bored after hearing Sun Ye's answer.

After hearing this answer, Sun Long also said as usual and changed the topic.

Sun Ye also wanted to get rid of his mother's gossip, hurriedly finished eating, and after saying goodbye to his parents, he quickly picked up You'er and walked out of the house.

"Be happy, every time.

Looking at Sun Ye, who rushed out of the house after eating in a hurry, Sun Long also said helplessly.

For his wife, Sun Long has no other way but to say a word after doing this every time.

"Hmph, I'm not thinking about Ye'er either. Hearing

her husband's ridicule of herself, Nangong Yue just said angrily.

"Ye'er, you don't know this child, he has been independent since he was a child.

"It's also a matter of feelings, it's good that children have their own ideas.

Nangong Yue also recognized what her husband said, but she was just a little curious.

Which of the two sisters can win to win Sun Ye, or do they both lose to Sun Ye, and both fall into Sun Ye's hands.


Pudding was not interested in what her master and her partner were saying.

She was just thinking about getting up a little earlier in the future and telling Sun Ye to get up.

But I thought of You'er, that little guy, who would get close to the water and get the moon first.

I thought about whether to use my little coffer to buy a few bottles of Spotted Cow's milk and bribe her.

It's the easiest way to deal with foodies or something.

Because Nangong Yue and Sun Long will send some elf coins to their elves every month as a reward.

So the poorest creature in the original family may be Sun Ye.

Sun Ye skillfully took out his maglev skateboard, held You'er in his arms, and hurried to the direction of the Elf Training Association in the city center.

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