"Ding, congratulations to the master for winning the battle, Xiao Youyou has gained a lot of experience, and his level has been increased by one level, and the current level is level nine. "

Ding, congratulations to the master for winning the battle............""Ding, congratulations to the master for winning the battle............"


, congratulations to the master for winning the championship for the first time, with 10,000 bonus points and a primary lottery. "

Ding, congratulations to the master........................"

"Ding, congratulations to the master........................"

"Hey, the system, are you conscious?"

Sun Ye's mind sent out several prompts, obviously from the system.

"That's right, master, system 10086 is at your service.

"Master, you usually call me Xiao Tongzi.

After hearing Sun Ye's question, the system also made an extremely standard mechanical sound, but what he said made Sun Ye feel a burst of surprise.

"Are the current systems so humble!?"

After the exclamation, Sun Ye began to continue to act.

After understanding the meaning of the system meeting, Sun Ye didn't ask any more questions, but noticed the reward given by the system.

It's okay, after all, this battle tournament isn't even a small event, and it would be nice to be able to give out rewards.

"Lottery, draw now, take advantage of the luck that just won the championship. "

Xiao Tongzi, I want to draw a lottery!" Sun

Ye looked at the number of lottery draws, thinking that it would be better to take advantage of the situation to draw, and he should be able to get good things.

"Yes, master, Xiao Tongzi is here for you. A

big round card appeared in front of Sun Ye, and it was evenly divided into ten areas.

But nothing inside is shown.

"It's not bad, at least it's not as disgusting as the penguins and pig farm draws in the previous life.

Sun Ye couldn't help but complain when he looked at the lottery in front of him, and then reached out and clicked the button on his right.

It may be that the system did this on purpose, and put the button in front of Sun Ye's right hand, and in the eyes of outsiders, it was just Sun Ye who wanted to stretch out his hand and relax.

This is a good thing to do (. ò ∀ ó。

After pressing the button, the roulette wheel also turned, and after more than ten seconds of rotation, it finally stopped.

"Congratulations to the master for obtaining the elf qualification improvement potion (intermediate level), Xiao Tongzi is here to congratulate him from the bottom of my heart!"

"Scatter flowers, scatter flowers!" "

Elf qualification improvement potion (intermediate level): It can make the elf upgrade one level without any side effects, and it is limited to below the star position. "

Yes, it's just a bit of a chicken rib.

After Sun Ye took a look at the effect, it seemed that it was also like a warehouse.

After all, Xiao Youyou's qualifications are sacred, and his confidantes and brothers are not needed.

After seeing it, I bought it if I had the conditions, otherwise, it could only be used as a benefit for my subordinates.

"Okay, Xiao Tongzi retires. "

Hey, ahem, I'm going to take a break, too. "

Huh. The

system here also responded very cooperatively.

In this way, after more than half an hour of waiting, Jiang Anxi also defeated his opponent and won the second place.

Li Yishu also won the third place, and Jiang Anqing and Wu Xiong also won the top 10 seats.

"Congratulations to Trainer Sun Ye for winning the championship of this Freshman Battle Competition, please go to the backstage to claim the reward within today!" "

Congratulations to

Trainer Sun Ye for winning................." "Congratulations to Trainer Sun Ye for winning.................."

In the lounge, Sun Ye and everyone were also celebrating each other, and a message came from the radio after a while.

After hearing the broadcast, Sun Ye and the others also walked to the backstage located at the back of the lounge.

After each presented their trainer information card, they received their own rewards.

Then we came to the training room that everyone had a separate one.

"What, the second place is only 3,000 elf coins, and ten low-level fire elf square food.

Jiang Anxi was very disappointed when she saw the rewards, these rewards were just daily expenses for her.

After all, his father is the director of the Elf Supervision Bureau of Blossom City, and he is a master-level trainer himself.

"Alright, don't complain, I only have 500 elf coins.

Jiang Anqing, who was next to her, looked at her complaining sister, walked to her side, stroked Jiang Anxi's head with her hand, and took her reward to comfort her.

"Oh ( ́-ω-').

Jiang Anxi also felt some comfort after hearing her sister's prize, but she was still a little angry.

Alas, I worked hard with Yu'er for a day, and in the end I just got what I had every day.

"By the way, Brother Yezi, what is your prize?" Jiang

Anxi also looked at Sun Ye at this time, and said with some expectation.

Jiang Anqing, who was comforting Jiang Anxi, also withdrew her hand and looked at Sun Ye with a smile.

Li Yishu and Wu Xiong, who were counting the elf coins in their hands next to them, also raised their heads and looked at Sun Ye.

"It's not good, it's just 2,000 more elf coins than Xi'er, and the elf fang food is ten low-level ghost spirit fang food. In

fact, Sun Ye is very satisfied with this reward, the competition can not only improve the level of the elves, but also obtain material rewards.

"By the way, Brother Ye Zi, what are the good things you said to give me?" Jiang

Anxi was also a little disappointed after seeing Sun Ye's prize, but suddenly thought of what Sun Ye said just now, his big eyes flashed, and he said very curiously.

After hearing his sister's words, Jiang Anqing's expression was a little gloomy, but he returned to his original smile, and then looked at Sun Ye.

"Well, you have that too.

After perceiving Jiang Anqing's expression, Sun Ye also touched the waterfall-like green silk behind Jiang Anqing with a little softheart.

Regarding Sun Ye's movements, Jiang Anqing only blushed for a moment, and then approached Sun Ye's side with a smile.

The fresh fragrance hit, and Sun Ye's arm also came with a soft touch.


Jiang Anxi also felt a little jealous after seeing her sister's movements, and came to Sun Ye's side, wanting to be the same as her.

"Okay, you all hold my hand, how can I get something for you.

Seeing this, Sun Ye said helplessly.

After hearing Sun Ye's words, the two sisters of the Jiang family also spread Sun Ye with a slightly red face.

"Well, that's what I'm going to give you. Sun

Ye took out the four cocoa nuts that he had exchanged from the system from the dimensional ring.

"It's cocoa.

Jiang Anqing said with some uncertainty.

Although her father is a master-level trainer, he naturally has no shortage of resources, but because her father's elf level is too high, Cocoa Guo has long been useless to him, so she has not exchanged it, so she has only seen it in the book herself.

It is also because the empire wants to balance the initial gap between the civilian trainers and those children of the family or the second generation.

It is stipulated that the parents cannot exchange resources such as cocoa nuts during the month that their offspring obtains the elves.

Of course, there are also secret transactions such as the black market, but because the father of the two sisters of the Jiang family is himself the director of the Imperial Elf Supervision Bureau, there are people around him who are paying attention, so it is impossible to do such a thing.

After hearing Jiang Anqing's question, Li Yishu and Wu Xiong also looked at Sun Ye with great anticipation.

"Well, it's cocoa.

Sun Ye also did not disappoint them and said.

"Alright, let your elves eat it, after this series of battles, there is a high chance that they will increase their level.

Sun Ye handed them the cocoa fruit.

Without hesitation, the crowd opened the gollumball, released the elves, and handed them the cocoa fruit.

As for why Sun Ye would have cocoa fruit for them, they didn't care.

Do you still have to trace the things that your boss/husband gave you to the end?


", "Huh

", "Woo",



The four little ones were also surprised when they saw the cocoa fruit, and after hearing that their owners could eat it, they each took it to their arms and ate it happily.

"Looks like it's delicious. Seeing

that her feather was eating very happily, Jiang Anxi tapped her lips with her fingers, looking very curious.

I also have the idea of wanting to eat in my heart.

"Silly girl, you're still grabbing food with your own elves.

Looking at her sister like this, Jiang Anqing also shook her head helplessly and patted her head.

Seeing that his master was in such a form, the "Yin"

Fierce Diamond Bird quickly blocked the cocoa fruit with its wings, and then pecked it quickly.

"Well, I'm just talking.

Jiang Anxi also hurriedly protected his head and said with some grievances.

"Okay, Yu'er, you're still blocking, can't you really trust me!" Seeing

his elf food protection again, Jiang Anxi's cheeks were also flushed, his hands were on his hips, and he shouted angrily.

As for it, I still guard against my own master!

Jiang Anxi decided to give her less elf food in the next two days as punishment.


was also amused when she saw Jiang Anxi so cute.

At this time, You'er also floated over and shouted coquettishly.

"Alright, here you go.

Sun Ye also understood what You'er meant, this greedy little guy saw other elves eating so happily, and he was greedy.

Although she has just been promoted to a higher level, who made her so cute \(//∇//)\, Sun Ye can't control it himself.

"Ah, Yu'er has been promoted.

"So is the velvet.

"Hehe, so is my Ahu. "

Well, Xiao Wu has also been promoted. "

Everyone also used their smart bracelets to check their elves, and found that their elves were all promoted

!" "Brother Yezi, thank you!"


Anxi also pounced on Sun Ye's side very happily, hugged Sun Ye tightly, and said happily.

Sun Ye felt the softness strike again, and it was very comfortable.

And Jiang Anqing also walked to the other side of Sun Ye with a smile, just like Jiang Anxi.

Well, it's pretty good to be a hot dog!

"Hehe, Boss, thank you!"

"Big brother, feel free to command it in the future." "

Okay, don't be so polite, we are all friends"

Sun Ye also said emotionally, these friends may be another precious existence in this world.

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