"This is amazing

!" "Haha, we're going to send it!" "It's great!"


The members of the surrounding exploration team also said in surprise.

After all, they have a share of the credit for this exploration of the secret realm, although they can't get a grass leaf dragon, but relying on the merit can at least get the purchase qualification or even get the discount qualification in advance after the mosaic dragon group has obtained stable reproduction.

"Okay, don't be in a hurry to be happy first, first stabilize this Mosaic Dragon Clan!" Looking

at the excited team members around them, Kong Yi and Jiang Tian also looked at each other and smiled, and then shouted.

After hearing their boss's shout, the team members also retracted their smiles.

At this time, they also remembered that each elven race had its own patriarch.

And the patriarchs are the strongest elves, except for some peculiar elven races.

And the patriarch of an elven race with such a powerful attribute as the dragon is even stronger.

So Kong Yi and Jiang Tian are also a little worried now, they will not be able to take down this race.

If that's the case, it's really uncomfortable.

It's like knowing there's a gold mine ahead of you, but you just can't develop it.

"Everybody be careful.

After reminding the team members of their safety, Kong Yi and Jiang Tian walked to the flower-leaf dragon group under the sculpture under the protection of their respective main elves.


At this time, the grass leaf dragon, the three grass leaf dragons, and the flower leaf dragons who were playing under the sculptures also discovered these outsiders.

The dozen or so Mosaic Dragons, the largest and most powerful, all ran to the periphery, looking at the exploration team very vigilantly, and they all let out a roar.

The inner one is the Three Grass Leaf Dragon, and the innermost one is the young Grass Leaf Dragon, with a small head poking out of the protective gap of the Three Grass Leaf Dragon, and the big watery eyes look at the exploration team in front of him with some curiosity.

"Fortunately, there are no king-level elves, only three commander-level. "

Kong Yi and Jiang Tian, through the perception of their old partners, also determined that there was no king-level Mosaic Dragon in this Mosaic Dragon group.

The frowning brows of the two were also soothed.

After hearing the words of the two bigwigs, the players behind them also let go of the tension and panic in their hearts.

"That is to say... Hehe" "

You know ( ̄∀ ̄)!" Kong

Yi and Jiang Tian knew what to do after exchanging glances with each other, and then turned their heads to look at the Mosaic Dragon group in front of them, and laughed strangely.

"Hey, hey... "

Flower!" "


Looking at the approaching two, the flower and leaf dragons also let out a panicked shout.

They also sensed that at least six of the elves in the two in front of them were as strong as the three highest in their group.

With the help of their elves, Kong Yi and Jiang Tian had a touching exchange with the patriarch of the Flower Leaf Dragon for ten minutes.

In the end, the Mosaic Dragon Patriarch agreed to Jiang Kong's conditions.

He is willing to let them take ten of his own clansmen, and every three years, he agrees to let them take five junior elves, and finally accepts the cultivators in the Flower City Elf Association to move in to help them heal and breed.

On the other hand, the elf institutions in Flower City must meet the necessary requirements in the life of the Flower Leaf Dragon Clan, such as the elf food that is necessary in life, the experience fruit of the elf to improve the level, and the spirit fruit.

After seeing that the Patriarch of the Flower Leaf Dragon agreed, Kong Yi and Jiang Tian also breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

They are afraid that this patriarch will have a stubborn and tough personality.

Even death will not accept their conditions.

Even if they conquer the race, they will still hate them and will not be able to recognize them as their master.

"Great, Lao Kong, this time our Flower City has really ushered in a climax of development!" said

Kong Yi beside Jiang Tian who was very surprised.

"Hmm!" Kong

Yi also nodded happily.

"By the way, as for the ten elves that are going to come, I suggest that each family divide three, as for the last one.

Speaking of this, Kong Yi hesitated a little and then said.

"I suggest swapping it for an elf egg as the jackpot for the Blossom City High School Elf Cup in three months' time.

"Well, yes, I agree.

Jiang Tian also agreed with Kong Yi's suggestion, after all, fertilizer and water do not flow into outsiders' fields.

This can motivate high school students in your city.

After all, the temptation of an elven egg with a race value that is not low and has a dragon elf is very high!

After determining the distribution of elves, they also retreated to the elven secret realm.

After talking to Cao Yu who was guarding the door of the secret realm outside, and after learning that the people from the Dark Court Holy Society did not come.

After leaving Cao Yu and the Flower Leaf Dragon they deserved, and letting Cao Yu continue to stay at the gate of the secret realm, they went back separately.

As for the second-level secret realm that Cao Yu originally guarded, it was guarded by the original deputy head with one-third of the original regiment's manpower, and he took the remaining two-thirds of the soldiers to guard this third-level secret realm.

There is no way to do this secret realm, but it is the foundation of whether the flower market can prosper again!

Finally, he has another job, which is to explore the sealed place of this secret realm,

and then notify the other two to destroy the dark elves in this secret realm.

He didn't want to be named and notified by the Empire like the Chongshan City Secret Realm Protection Regiment.

Kong Yi took Sun Long and the others back to the Elf Association, intending to distribute the harvest this time.

Jiang Tian went back and reported to the above about the experience in this secret realm.

I plan to ask for instructions from above to get more development funds from the city.

This time, the three giants of Fanhua City have made great gains.

First of all, each of them obtained a boss-level Mosaic Dragon, which made their strength improve greatly.

As for the other five leader-level elves in the secret realm, they were all unsubdued.

First of all, these grass elves are all those who have very low race values, and then they have just been promoted to the commander level, and they have not made much progress after subduing the fundamental strength.

Moreover, the elves in the wild will have more or less dark injuries on their bodies, and their physical fitness is uneven, and more of them are wild and difficult to train.

Mosaic dragons are different, they are willing to spend energy and time.

After all, veteran master trainers like Jiang Tian, Kong Yi, and Cao Yu all have their own carefully selected candidate elves.

So these elves are chicken ribs for them.

Therefore, it is not the choice of the Blossom City trainer who will perform well in the future in order to stabilize his position after being promoted to master.

"Old Sun, you can be regarded as developed this time

!" "Good girl, Huiyue-level trainer!"


returning to the Elven Association building, Li Yi and Xu Li both joked with envy.

Just like Xu Li exclaimed, in the entire Elf Association, Huiyue-level trainers were only the number of hands, which showed that Sun Long's status in the Elf Association was now high.

As for the back, it is the assignment of the two Mosaic Dragons in the back.

These two are both Flower Leaf Dragons with Huiyue-level strength, and Sun Long is also capable of competing now.

If Sun Long now obtains another Radiant Moon Rank Flower Leaf Dragon, then he will be ranked in the near middle among all the Radiant Moon Level Trainers in the Elven Association.

But Sun Long did not have the confidence to be selected by the president.

After all, he is a newly promoted Huiyue-level trainer, and there are more than a dozen trainers in the association who are stronger than himself, and he is an honorary elder, and the intimate relationship with the elders within his association is even worse.

"Elder Sun Long, this Flower Leaf Dragon is under your control.

Just when Sun Long wanted to end the matter quickly, and returned home, President Kong's voice suddenly came.

"I'll take ??!"

Sun Long's expression was surprised and happy after hearing the words clearly.

"Yes, but I have a request.

President Kong replied softly.

"You say!" Sun

Long said with some apprehension.

He wanted to win this Mosaic Dragon as much as possible.

Only in this way can he get more resources, and Sun Ye can also develop better.

He knew that he might be a sun-level trainer in his life, but his son was different!

The initial elf was a quasi-god-level phantom elf, and he had also observed in the past few days that You'er had amazing qualifications.

He decided that the future resources would be based on Sun Ye.

And he is also doing his best to pave the way for his son.

"I want you to join the Elven Guild and be a formal elder. "

Yes! Yes!" Sun

Long said in surprise after hearing this condition.

He didn't expect the conditions to be so simple.

At the same time, he also knew that obtaining this Mosaic Dragon this time may also be due to Jiang Tian's love.

But in the end, it's the best to get it!

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