Looking at the team slowly advancing in front of him, he calculated the time, and there were about ten minutes left before he came.

In fact, most of these people went to the depths of the Aoba Forest, and there were very few people like Sun Ye who went to the periphery.

Sun Ye opened the Will Bracelet, he planned to see if there were any tasks related to the periphery of the forest in the past few days, so that he could also earn some resources for himself.

Seeing that the master opened the will bracelet again, You'er lay on Sun Ye's shoulder with some curiosity, staring ahead with big purple eyes.

"Well, this one doesn't work, the reward given is too small. "

This one is even worse!" After

watching five or six tasks in a row, none of them were relentless.

Two of them are difficult and can't cope with themselves, and the other three are capable enough, but they are too time-consuming and laborious, and the rewards are not enough.

"You'er, do you think we can find a good task this time?"

Sun Ye touched You'er next to his face with some loss.


!" "Master, don't be discouraged, you will definitely be able to!"


little guy also saw Sun Ye's situation, so he also cheered and encouraged.

"Hey, there's a new mission update.

Just when Sun Ye wanted to say something to You'er, the message reminder of the Will Bracelet caught Sun Ye's attention.

"It feels pretty good!"

After opening the mission information and taking a cursory look, Sun Ye felt that this task was very suitable for his appetite.

"[Yellow Level Mission]: Collect Honey

[Level Requirements]: Beginner or above Trainer

[Mission Introduction]: Honey produced after collecting wasps and wasps in the wild [

Reward Mechanism]: 1000 Elf Coins/kg

"You'er, what do you think?".

For this task, Sun Ye is actually very satisfied, there are no hard nature requirements, and the level is also appropriate.

The rank of the wasp is generally at the freshman stage, while the posterior wasp is at the junior stage, and there is generally no higher than the junior at the periphery.

ps: There will be some elves whose evolution level is different from that in the Rock Kingdom.


"You'er thinks it's good,,Ծ^Ծ,,!"

It seems that the two of them have been decided.

Sun Ye also received this task first.

It is worth mentioning that Sun Ye also officially entered the level of junior trainer two days ago.

The original white trainer badge has also been changed to red.

The rewards for the junior trainer were also distributed, totaling 100,000 elf coins and a cocoa fruit.

But the size, color, and effect of that cocoa fruit were all inferior to what Sun Ye redeemed from the mall.

Looking at it, the long queue ahead is gradually decreasing.

It's finally my own.

"Hello, please show your trainer card!" The

imperial soldier guarding the door stepped forward and said politely to Sun Ye, and he was also surprised when he saw the little ghost on Sun Ye's shoulder.

I think it's the second generation of children who come to have fun and experience life.

After hearing the words, Sun Ye also took out the trainer card from the system space and swiped it on the special machine in the soldier's hand.

"Hello, you can go in now.

Sun Ye also smiled and nodded to the soldiers, and then walked into the Aoba Forest.

Looking at the young man walking into the distance, the soldier was still a little shocked.

Thinking back to the information just now, the soldier didn't come back to his senses for a long time.

Unexpectedly, after so many years, another genius trainer appeared in Fanhua City.

In just one month, he trained his elves to the elementary level, and the most important thing was that the trainer named Sun Ye was not from a family.

"Excuse me, can I go over?" A

young man in his twenties behind Sun Ye looked at the stunned soldier in front of him.

Said with some uncertainty.

"Oh, oh!"

"Sorry, you can go in."

After realizing that he had lost some of his temper, the soldier also came back to his senses and said as usual.

On the other side, Sun Ye who entered the forest was like a wolf entering a flock.

In just over an hour after entering, he had captured more than a dozen elves for battle.

"You'er, the dragon's minions

!" "Jing'er, high-pressure jetting

!" "Hehe, forehead drops, all forehead drops!" "

Experience! points!"


at Sun Ye, who was already a little enchanted, the two little guys also felt a little worried at first.

But he also saw that every time his master defeated other elves, he would take out healing spray to heal them, and finally take out some elf snacks and put them next to him.

After seeing this, they didn't worry much, and this state was just that the owner was "some" excited.

For the elves who were knocked out and injured by themselves, since the master has healed and compensated for them, then they will be fine.

And every time he defeated them, he could feel that his strength had improved, so he had no reason not to attack!

A purple dragon composed of ghostly elements pounced on the small grass insect in the distance.

On the other side, a huge cylindrical bubble shot out of Jing'er's mouth and attacked the small cloth stone in front of her.

All hits, one hit is fatal.

The main reason is that the elf level gap is too big.

After all, there is a difference of 3 levels, which is also the reason for Sun Ye.

With the system, Sun Ye is specifically looking for such an opponent, after all, brushing the machine, one hit is the coolest, why do you have to fight for a long time.

Isn't it fragrant to have these moments to fight a few more elves who are weaker than yourself and gain experience?

Anyway, Sun Ye and they think it's quite fragrant.

"Hehe, Jing'er's level has finally been raised to level 10.

"Work harder, strive to break through to the primary level today, so that you can enter the secret realm."

Sun Ye hurriedly ran to the side of the little grass insect, took out the healing spray, and sprayed it.

While thinking about the future.

As for why Sun Ye himself was so obsessed with the secret realm.

That's because, according to Xiao Tongzi's prompt, the elements in the secret realm will be much richer than outside.

In the secret realm, Sun Ye will gain much more experience from defeating the elves than outside.

This is a temporary experience buff.

And there are special spiritual plants in the secret realm, even things like cocoa fruit.

The only thing that disappointed Sun Ye was that this secret realm in Blossom City was a secret realm of grass attributes, and in this secret realm, the strength of grass elves would be increased.

In this way, Jing'er is a little uncomfortable, after all, the water system and the grass system are already at a loss.

"Good job!" Sun

Ye put some elf food next to him according to the rules, and then walked next to You'er and Jing'er.

Immediately afterwards, he took out two elven square foods, a mid-level ghost system and a middle-level water system.

"Come, open your mouth!" You'er

and Jing'er also opened their mouths very obediently after hearing Sun Ye's words.

Sun Ye also took one in each hand and put it in his mouth.

"Okay, take a break, and then move on. "

You!" "


!" "Okay, master!"


at the two little guys who were eating happily, Sun Ye also felt a little hungry, and looked at the time again, it was already past eleven o'clock, and it was time for lunch.

Then out of the system space came a gas stove for the field, a small pot, and a pack of instant noodles, luncheon meat, water, and other things.

Sun Ye doesn't actually have any cooking skills, and this time he just plans to cook a pack of luxury instant noodles.

Actually, there are special restaurants around here, but the taste and price are just that...

It's just the same as most of the scenic spots in Sun Ye's last world, the restaurants in the amusement park, unpalatable and expensive, without the slightest cost performance.

If you have this money, you might as well buy some elf food for your family's You'er and Jing'er.

In this way, Sun Ye ended the meal in the wild for the first time.

Pack up the trash, put it in a corner of the system space, and then clean it up when you get home.

Luckily, there was a stream next to the resting place he had chosen, so he didn't have to ask Jing'er to help.

When he walked over, Sun Ye also took a look at his information by the way.

"Hehe, it seems that this is coming quickly!" "

Points: 870" "

Almost every time you finish a battle, you have more than 50 points. "

The more I look at it, the more satisfied I become, and it seems that it is expected to break through 2000 today.

These are two cocoa nuts!

"Hey, mezza, mezza!".

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