During this period of time in the car, Sun Ye did not waste it, but turned on the will bracelet and put on headphones.

The day before departure, Sun Ye spent 10,000 elf coins to buy a massage video in the Will Bracelet.

This is a massage specifically for elves, which can effectively release stress for elves, relieve physical fatigue, and even reduce the dark wounds in the elves' bodies to a certain extent if used well.

"I see, it can still be like this.

"When you learn it, you can try it for You'er and Jing'er!" Looking

at the explanation in the video, Sun Ye also nodded involuntarily.

"However, the elf massage, I don't know if it's suitable for You'er.

Thinking of You'er's light body, Sun Ye was also puzzled.

According to attributes, You'er, the little guy, has no physical body, but the strangest thing is that in normal times, Sun Ye can touch her.

Could it be that You'er can control her body?

If that's the case, it feels like the Geng ghost in Sun Ye's previous Pokémon.

The more I thought about it, the more curious I became, and Sun Ye also decided.

When you arrive in Qingyue City, you will rush to the hotel immediately, and give it a try when the time comes

!"Ding! At present, we have arrived at Qingyue City Station, please get off the station in an orderly manner, pay attention to safety, and wish you a happy trip!




After more than ten minutes, the radio in the carriage also sounded the arrival prompt.


!" "It's finally time to get to the station!"


Ye also stood up when he heard the sound of the announcement, and stretched his waist involuntarily, don't say that you haven't been on the train for a long time, you really can't adapt to it.

Although having a bracelet of will can consume time, many people are always a little uncomfortable staying in this cramped carriage.

Following the crowd, Sun Ye also walked out of the station.

Qingyue City, compared to the flower city where it is located, is more prosperous, but it is not much better.

The highest trainer in the city is also a master trainer, and there is also no Heavenly King trainer in charge.

The total area of the Huanglong Empire reached more than 90 million square kilometers, which was about ten times that of the country where Sun Ye was located in the previous life, and was divided into fifty provinces.

Although the empire does not rank provinces, according to the ranking of private survey agencies, the overall strength of Dongyue Province can be ranked in the top five among all provinces in the empire.

Dongyue Province is divided into a total of 17 cities, and the two cities of Fanhua City and Qingyue City are only at the end of the top ten, belonging to the existence of the old nine and the old ten.

As far as Sun Ye knew, among the seventeen cities in Dongyue Province, only five cities, Qingquan City, Linhai City, Buye City, Dongqing City, and Donglai City, had Heavenly King-level trainers in charge.

The difference in strength of the remaining cities is only the number of trainers at the level of master.

"Sure enough, the city is so close, I really don't feel any difference.

Looking at the environment similar to his hometown, Sun Ye thought.

After glancing around and showing no interest, Sun Ye also opened the will bracelet and inquired about the location of the hotel where he had booked a room in advance.

Although Sun Ye is a little strapped now, and he only has about one million elf coins on his body, Sun Ye has no compromise on the environment where he goes out to live.

You must know whether you have a good rest or not, which is very important for yourself.

So Sun Ye ordered a hotel for five hundred a night before leaving.

Although you can't settle for your living environment, you can't be extravagant and wasteful.

It was already 10 o'clock in the morning when I arrived in Qingyue City, and it felt like it was the hottest time.

I don't know what's going on this year, it's surprisingly hot.

However, some of the fire-based, stone-based, and earth-based trainers on the Internet said that their elves felt that the surrounding elements had become richer, and the speed of level improvement had also increased a lot compared to previous years.

There were even a small number of trainers who specialized in ordinary elves who made such statements.

Sun Ye also hit an elf Didi with the Will Bracelet just now, but this time it was a maglev flying car with a sense of futuristic technology.

In fact, elf Didi is divided into two types, elf options and car options.

It's too hot today, so I didn't choose the convenient and fast elf option, and just now I sensed that You'er and Jing'er were resting, and Sun Ye was embarrassed to disturb them, so he made a car option Elf Didi.

It doesn't have the freshness of the Genie option, but it's more comfortable.

During the time of sitting in the car, Sun Ye was not idle, and opened the will bracelet again, inquiring about the three secret realms in Qingyue City.

In fact, Sun Ye didn't plan to understand that first-level secret realm, but he adhered to the principle that fly meat is also meat, and Sun Ye also planned to understand it, maybe there would be an unexpected gain.

As mentioned earlier, the three secret realms in Qingyue City are all grass-based secret realms, which is also the main purpose of Sun Ye's visit.

The Blue and White Secret Realm, a first-class grass secret realm, is located in the Central Park of Qingyue City, with a separate area.

The area of the secret realm is about thousands of square kilometers, which is almost equivalent to the smaller prefecture-level cities in Sun Ye's previous country.

According to the investigation of the Imperial Exploration Team, there are five kinds of grass elves living in this secret realm

, such as the Grass Spirit Gran Ball Clan, the Grass Worm Clan, the Ethereal Beast Clan, the Prosperous Flower Fairy Clan, and the Spirit

Peach Clan.

"Hey, almost all of them are old acquaintances!" After

reading the elf's introduction, Sun Ye thought with emotion.

Except for the last spirit peach, Sun Ye has not seen it in reality, and he has experienced everything else.

"Well, I feel that the ethereal beast can take a look, after all, it can evolve in multiple ways!"

"As for the rest, I won't consider it for now.

After reading it, Sun Ye also closed this secret realm, but opened two other second-level secret realms.

Spirit Peach Sun Ye also learned about the Leader Inferior Race Value on the Will Bracelet, and at the same time, there was no multiple evolution, so there was no capture and cultivation value.

There are only ethereal beasts in this, which can make Sun Ye feel a little interested.

After another twenty minutes of driving time, Sun Ye also arrived at the door of the hotel.

"Master, sweep it over.

After greeting the driver with a smile, Sun Ye also opened the car door and walked out.

"Alas, the other two secret realms aren't very powerful!"

"The rarest elf is the Boss Superior Wolf Smoke Soul." Touching

his chin, Sun Ye whispered with some disappointment.

Perhaps it was because of You'er and Jing'er's qualifications that Sun Ye's vision had been raised by several levels.

The leader and superior elf that he once wanted to have, but for Sun Ye now, he is a little uneyed.

But in fact, a two-level secret realm can have a leader and a high-grade elf race, which is very superb and precious.

You must know that in the third-level secret realm that has just been discovered in Blossom City, the most precious elven group is the leader and superior flower leaf dragon group.

Although the attributes of the Wolf Smoke Soul are slightly worse, the race value is not weaker than that of the Flower Leaf Dragon.

"Okay, tomorrow I'll go to the first-level secret realm in Central Park first, and then go to the second-level secret realm in the suburbs last.

After reading it, Sun Ye neatly put away the will bracelet, and he also had a plan in his heart.

Then he entered the hotel, and after completing a set of procedures in the lobby, Sun Ye also successfully checked into the hotel.

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