That night, a piece of news directly bombarded the entire Internet

【Yan Country discovered a new quasi-god, Duolong Baruto, who evolved from Duolongqi at level 60.

At the same time, the elf encyclopedia also updated Duolong Baruto's racial value.

For a moment, the original discussion about Zhao Yi on the Internet was directly suppressed, and everyone was shocked by Duolong Baruto's luxurious racial value.

【What is the speed??? 142???】

【120 attack, 142 speed, if this isn’t a numerical monster, then what is a numerical monster?】

【What did it evolve from? Doronyx? ? ? I used to have a Doronyx, but it didn't evolve at level 40. Someone happened to be buying this kind of Pokémon a few days ago, so I just sold it. I did it!!!】

【The guy above made me laugh to death. This wave directly lost a quasi-god cub, and it looks like it is a quasi-god that is particularly powerful among quasi-gods.】

【Land Shark woke up and found himself dropped to second place on the list.】

【It just so happens that the trump card of today's new dragon king is Land Shark. It's really gratifying. Just after showing off, this kind of thing happened.】

【No, wait a moment before you laugh, I seem to feel something is wrong. I don't know why a few days ago, a lot of people suddenly started buying Dolon Messia. Then I took a look at those people's addresses, and they were all from Lian City!】

【The new Dragon-type King is also from Lotus City. If Dragonite wants to evolve into Dragonbaru, it needs to be at least at the peak of Quasi-King. Do you think this new Pokémon was discovered by him?】

【Impossible? After picking up the former stat monster Garchomp, I also picked up the current stat monster Dragon Ball? Don't do this, I will really cry! 】

For a while, there were different opinions on the Internet about whether it was Dragon Ball that Zhao Yi found, but in the end, the final conclusion was made under a photo.

【Everyone, I am a waiter at a Pokémon buffet in Lian City. I am definitely the Dragon Baruto that was discovered by King Zhao Yi (picture)]

After saying that, he also posted a photo of Zhao Yi eating there with a group of Pokémons. If it was before today, the most eye-catching ones in this photo would definitely be the Biting Land Shark and the Round Land Shark, but after today, the most eye-catching one became the Dragon Baruto

【Two quasi-gods at the king level, what a joke, is this guy the son of destiny?】

【Cry, cry, King Zhao Yi is not even 18 years old yet, he is still a child!】

【Others' 18, my 18】


Zhao Yi ignored the various opinions on the Internet at this time. He had already arrived at his own palace on the Land Shark.

This palace was built completely according to the scale of the old palace. Each king would be assigned one, and the architectural style would change according to the attributes of the king.

For example, his palace had the characteristics of dragon, ghost, ground, rock, evil, and steel.

""Uncle Snake, everyone, this is our home from now on!"

He immediately opened his backpack and released all the more than 40 Pokémon.

In the past few years, Onix had been hiding in its Poké Ball and rarely had the opportunity to move around. Now, after seeing the size of the Heavenly King's Palace, the whole snake became excited, cheered and began to wriggle on the ground.

Those little soldiers with horse swords who had not seen much of the world were even more excited at this time, running around in the Heavenly King's Palace one by one.

""Hello, King Zhao Yi."

Just as Zhao Yi was holding his waist and watching these little guys having fun, a mature male voice suddenly came from behind him.

Turning around, he saw a middle-aged man in his thirties or forties wearing a butler's uniform walking towards him with a smile.

"Zhao Yi Tian Wang, my name is Liu Bo, I am a professional housekeeper hired by the government to manage Tian Wang Palace. This is my phone number, you can tell me anything."

(In reality, there is also a profession of professional housekeeper in China, which can be searched on a certain audio platform)

"Okay, I've got it. How many people are there in the Heavenly Palace besides me?"

Zhao Yi wrote down Liu Bo's phone number on his phone and asked,

"At present, there are 12 cleaners, two cooks and four gardeners employed in the Tianwang Palace. The price of hiring them is paid by the government, and you don't have to bear it. In addition, we are all hired workers, workers, and different from the old servants. Please remember this point, Tianwang Zhao Yi."

Liu Bo specially warned, fearing that Zhao Yi would think wrongly when he heard the word housekeeper. After all, Zhao Yi's age is too confusing. A boy of this grade is just in the second year of middle school.

"I understand."

Zhao Yi nodded, and asked Liu Bo to ask the chef to prepare dinner for him and the elves tonight. Then he led Onix, Colt Soldier and Land Shark to the training ground to start training.

Onix was captured in the barbaric era of the elves, and no one had any training experience, so it had accumulated a lot of hidden injuries. In the past two days, Zhao Yi has been using waveguide to help Onix sort out the hidden injuries. Now Onix has fully recovered, and even its level has been raised from the original level 34 to level 36.

Today, Onix, who has recovered, can finally start training.

Land Shark is at a low level, so it was captured from the beginning. After coming back, it has been upgraded by two levels, and is now at level thirteen.

As for the Colt, its situation is very similar to that of Onix, but also a little different. Onix mainly has hidden injuries left from the brutal training, while the Colt is left from the battle.

So in the past two days, Zhao Yi let the Colt do simple training while using the waveguide to comb out its hidden injuries, and it is almost healed now.

Just when he arranged training plans for several Pokémon, the phone suddenly rang, and when he picked it up, it was the teacher calling.

Immediately, Zhao Yi couldn't help but reveal a smile on his face, answered the call, and turned on the speakerphone.

"Hey, teacher, how about I give you a big job today?"

As soon as the voice fell, the teacher's excited voice rang out over there.

"Wow, it's so big! I never thought in my life that I could become a superstar teacher.!"

"Yeah, that……"

After the excitement, the teacher suddenly began to stammer, which made Zhao Yi raise his eyebrows.

""I said, teacher, what's going on?"

On the other end of the phone, the teacher squatted on the ground, glanced at the head teacher Xiao Wang who was also squatting beside him, and the principal who was standing in front of him with a ruler and a smile, and then he told the matter.

"It's like this, I heard that you became a superstar, so I got excited and beat up Mr. Huo from the next class who always opposed me. Then, after hearing that you became a superstar, the dean of studies, Xiao Wang, also got excited, and went to have a one-on-one duel with the vice principal with a thermos cup."

Zhao Yi was stunned for a moment:"Did you win?"

After saying this, the people on the other end of the phone were a little confused.

"We definitely won the fight, but after we won, the principal came over and told us that today's incident was a bit serious, but if we could invite you to give an open class to the school, he would pay for the compensation."

The old class teacher finally told us what happened after hesitating. After he finished speaking, his face was as red as a monkey's butt. After all, a teacher caused trouble and needed students to settle it. This was outrageous no matter how you looked at it.

"Go to school to give an open class? That's great, I'll go there tomorrow!

Teacher, tell the class group when you go back today." Zhao Yi was not surprised but happy after hearing this. Who didn't have a few classmates who didn't get along well with them when they were in school?

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