Chapter 3: The Power of Waveguide

"But then again, I didn't expect you to be so strong, not only did you inherit the skill of Double-Edged Headbutt, but you also learned Earthquake."

Gently stroking Onix's horn, Zhao Yi said with some surprise.

These two skills are not something Onix can learn by leveling up. Earthquake needs to be learned from other Pokémon, and Double-Edged Headbutt requires Onix's father to be a Treethon or Aegisblade to be inherited.

"And it's blue-qualified. Is this the foundation of the first batch of trainers after the Warcraft War?"

Yes, Zhao Yi's parents were the first batch of trainers in the world. All the good things were used to train that generation of people. High-qualified Pokémon was one of them. Blue-qualified Pokémon were rare. At least Zhao Yi had never heard of anyone in the school who had a blue-qualified Pokémon.


Onix looked at Zhao Yi and made a low cry.

Zhao Yi, who grew up with Onix, immediately understood that Onix was saying that it was hungry.

"Let's eat some tree fruits first, and I'll get you some iron blocks after we get back."

As he said that, Zhao Yi took out a few pomegranates from his backpack and threw them into Onix's mouth.

This fruit that looks like a pineapple came to the Aquamarine Planet along with the Pokémon. It can be eaten by Pokémon and humans, and it can make both humans and Pokémon stronger.

But this is not what Onix likes to eat. Onix eats stones, mainly to absorb the minerals in the stones. The people in this world didn't understand, and Zhao Yi didn't understand it either, so he just followed the crowd and fed Onix ore.

After all, the people in this world haven't discovered the existence of Steelix yet, and in their opinion, Onix has reached the end and can't continue to evolve.

But after he crossed over, he first tried to replace the ore with iron blocks. After confirming that Onix could digest steel, he immediately told the official to replace the ore with iron.

The official took on all the resources for his growth. After confirming that the iron blocks were for Onix to eat, they didn't say much and agreed directly.


Rock Snake had no choice but to agree, and frowned as he swallowed the fruit in his mouth.

At this moment, Zhao Yi suddenly heard footsteps.

Turning his head, he saw Liu Jiang, who looked shocked, and a gloomy boy following behind him. If Zhao Yi guessed correctly, it should be Liu Hui, who was always lucky.

""Uncle Liu, why are you here?"

Zhao Yi took the initiative and asked in confusion.

"Oh, my nephew is unhappy, so I took him out for a walk. Zhao Yi, this is... your Pokémon?"

Liu Jiang pointed at Onix and asked in astonishment, holding a picture book in his hand.

The information on it was exactly Onix's information, but it was much different from what Zhao Yi saw. He could only see the general information and level. As for more detailed information, such as qualifications, characteristics, skills, etc., he could not see them at all.

"Oh, you mean Uncle Snake? Uncle Snake is my father's spirit, and he has watched me grow up since I was a child."

Zhao Yi stroked the body of Rock Snake with a smile on his face.

"So, since classmate Zhao Yi is training Pokémon here, we two won't bother you. Goodbye."

Liu Jiang waved to Zhao Yi and left with a smile.

Seeing this, Zhao Yi finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Now there is not much time left before the system shows that the two of them still don't leave, Zhao Yi can only take the initiative to be the bad guy and drive them away.

After all, trainers don't like others to watch when they train Pokémon, which makes sense, but it's better not to be a bad guy.

Fortunately, Liu Jiang is very smart. After discovering that Zhao Yi is training Pokémon here, he immediately took Liu Hui away.

Not long after the two left, Zhao Yi immediately saw a burst of light coming from the unfinished building.

His eyes lit up and he rushed in without hesitation.

The door was locked, so he simply stood on Onix's head, let Onix stick its head into the second-floor window, and jumped in directly.

When he walked to the place where the light came from, Zhao Yi immediately saw that thing, which was a ball of light emitting white light.

"This is... the waveguide seed?"

He walked to the side of the light ball and carefully touched it.

The light ball went straight into Zhao Yi's body. In an instant, Zhao Yi felt as if his brain was hit by a hammer, and there was a buzzing sound in his ears.

After a long time, he came back to his senses. At this time, it seemed that everything in the world had changed.

The mountains were no longer mountains, and the water was no longer water. Everything seemed to come alive and could communicate with each other.


Everything in the world has waveguides. In other words, people who can use waveguides have the possibility of communicating with everything in the world. He opened his palm and gathered the waveguides in his palm. A blue ball of light gathered in his hand.

Waveguide missile!

Throwing the waveguide missile, the wall was directly broken into a hole that could accommodate a person.

A smile appeared on Zhao Yi's face. He tried to hold it back a few times, but failed. He simply covered his face and laughed.

"What happened? I heard some noise here!"

Outside, Rock Snake's angry roar came, but it turned into a language that Zhao Yi could understand.

"Uncle Snake, it's okay, I did it, I awakened the power of wave guidance."

Zhao Yi slowly walked to the window, looked at the huge head of Rock Snake outside, and gently stroked the head of Rock Snake.

""Uncle Snake, our family is up."

He said softly.

The rock snake was stunned for a moment, and looked at Zhao Yi quietly, with a smile on his face.

Of course, it understood what a waveguide was, and that was why it was happy for Zhao Yi.

""Let's go home!"

He jumped out of the window and landed safely.

Wave is a fighting-type superpower, which also strengthened his physical fitness, making him gradually approach the physical fitness of a super rookie. Although he may not be able to break Mewtwo's barrier with one punch like a super rookie, he is definitely much stronger than ordinary people. He took Onix back and thought about it while walking outside. He did not go home immediately, but took a taxi to the Pokémon Supermarket.

Tomorrow he has to give a betrothal gift to his original Pokémon, Madoka, whom he has never met before, so he has to prepare it today.

As the name suggests, the Pokémon Supermarket sells all the same Pokémon as the Pokémon of the past. As for the elf-related things, most of what he bought this time were ground-type and dragon-type elf biscuits.

This stuff is an elf food developed by this world alone. It can resist hunger, just like compressed biscuits. The disadvantage is that if you eat too much, you will feel that life is meaningless.

As for things like puffs, energy cubes, elf curry, etc., they are not available here. This made Zhao Yi complain for a long time. If he can find the method of making energy cubes in the future, he will definitely sell all these expensive, tasteless and inferior elf foods.

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