"Give me a hand."

Zhao Yi glanced around the yard and finally fixed his gaze on a level 16 horse sword soldier.

""Ah? Me?"

The playing soldier didn't take Zhao Yi's words seriously at first. After all, Zhao Yi would hardly bother them.

But soon, he found that he was the only soldier in the training ground. He turned around in astonishment, pointed his sword arm at himself, and showed the same expression as Ben Boerba.

"Yes, let's have a fight with the water leaping fish."

Zhao Yi pointed at the water leaping fish and said with a smile


Upon hearing this, the Colt Sword Soldier immediately became interested and excitedly jumped in front of the Water Leaping Fish, making a provocative gesture to the Water Leaping Fish.

Of course, a spirit like the Colt Sword Soldier would not refuse a request for a fight.

"Very good, thank you very much, come here, Shuiyueyu!"

Zhao Yi smiled and thanked the Judao soldier, then stood behind Shuiyueyu.

"This seems to be my first time commanding a battle after I got you. How is it? Are you nervous?"

Zhao Yi asked with a smile standing behind Shui Yueyu.


But what responded to Zhao Yi was the firm cry of the leaping fish.

"Very good, so the battle begins now, Water Leap Fish, use Dig to dive underground."

Zhao Yi's voice was transmitted to the ears of the Water Leaping Fish slowly.

The Water Leaping Fish now has too few skills, so Zhao Yi can only be the tallest among the short ones.

As soon as the voice fell, the body of the Water Leaping Fish immediately dived and quickly dug a big hole.

The Colt Sword Soldier stood on the ground and did not act rashly, but vigilantly felt the changes around him.

As a wild elf, the Colt Sword Soldier has extremely rich combat experience, far more than the Water Leaping Fish who grew up in the breeding house.

Soon, his eyes focused and dodged. The body of the Water Leaping Fish suddenly jumped out from the position where he just stood.

If it hadn't dodged quickly, it is estimated that the Colt Sword Soldier would have been severely injured by the Colt Sword Soldier just now, after all, the ground system restrains the steel system.

After dodging, the Colt Sword Soldier immediately issued a burst of curses to the Water Leaping Fish. Zhao Yi listened to the details. The curses were quite dirty, and the Water Leaping Fish's face was flushed.

Unreasonable trouble.

The evil transformation skill is used to prevent the opponent from using the same skill twice in a row.

This directly banned half of the Water Leaping Fish's digging skill, which posed the greatest threat to him.

"This little soldier with a colt sword has a very high fighting wisdom."

Zhao Yi looked at the little soldier with a colt sword in amazement, and then continued to look at Shui Yueyu.

"Water Leap Fish, Ultrasound."

After the words fell, the body of the Water Leap Fish suddenly stopped, and a strange sound wave came out from its body. This sound wave seemed to be everywhere. After hearing it, the soldier shook his head fiercely, but still felt dizzy.

He was confused.

"Very good, now is the time, use Rock Crushing on his left foot!"

Rock Crushing is a physical skill of the Fighting system. Although its power is only 40 points, it has four times the power to restrain the Steel and Dark system of the Colt Sword Soldier. This is the killer move that Zhao Yi has been hiding.

Shui Yueyu was just scolded by the Colt Sword Soldier. He wanted to talk back but didn't know what to say. He was almost furious.

Now that he heard that he could fight back, he couldn't sit still anymore. He flew directly towards the Colt Sword Soldier with a white light on his right palm.

At this time, the Colt Sword Soldier's eyes were spinning. Hearing the movement, his years of combat experience forced him to lift his left foot to dodge, but the confusion made him lift his right foot.

Shui Yueyu's right palm hit the Colt Sword Soldier's left foot hard. For a moment, both feet were The flying Colt Saber Soldier fell to the ground with a thump, and the victory of this battle was also won by Water Leap Fish.

At the moment of defeating the Colt Saber Soldier, Water Leap Fish showed a victorious smile on his face, and the next moment, the white light of evolution enveloped Water Leap Fish's whole body. After slowly walking to the Colt Saber Soldier's side, helping him up, and applying medicine on his wounds, Zhao Yi stood up and looked at Water Leap Fish.

A lot of problems were exposed in Water Leap Fish's battle just now.

First and foremost, the connection between the moves is not smooth. When using ultrasonic waves, you have to stop there. This is not seen in his other Pokémon, not even the Round Land Shark.

"Is the combat experience too poor... We have to find a way to solve it."

Zhao Yi rubbed his chin and thought. The round land shark had survived in the wild before, and there were two masters, the fierce land shark and the dragon barruto, who were guiding him. Naturally, this situation would not happen, but the water jump fish was not the same.

At this time, the water jump fish over there had completed its evolution, and he stood up. His limbs became much longer, not as disproportionately short as the water jump fish, and his body color also changed from the dark blue of the water jump fish to light blue.

【Swamp Jumping Fish】

【Attributes: Water, Ground】

【Level: 16】

【Features: Moisture】

【Qualification: Blue】

【Swampert Pokémon, the evolved form of Waterjump, has a thin layer of mucous membrane on its body to survive on the ground, and will play in the mud on the coast after the tide recedes. After evolution, Swampert has an additional ground attribute.

He opened his eyes, searched around, and found Zhao Yi. He immediately ran to Zhao Yi with his short legs, stretched out his hand and pulled his trouser leg, as if to ask for credit.

""Yeah, you did a good job, but you also have to thank Colt Blade Soldier for his help, got it?"

Zhao Yi put the Swamp Leap Fish in front of Colt Blade Soldier.

At this time, Swamp Leap Fish was still brooding over the Colt Blade Soldier's scolding him just now. Now that he saw Colt Blade Soldier again, how could he give him a good face? Seeing this, Colt Blade Soldier smiled lightly and stretched out his hand first.

Seeing this, Swamp Leap Fish turned around and stretched out his hand to Colt Blade Soldier as well, expressing his gratitude.

Zhao Yi nodded slightly, and he also had an idea about the next training of Swamp Leap Fish.

"Come on, Swampert, I'll take you out to find something fun."

By the way, he also brought the Round Land Shark, which was about to evolve, so they could train together.

Back at Dahei Mountain again, Zhao Yi threw out two Poké Balls.



Two excited shouts came from it.

As the overlord of the Great Black Mountain, the round land shark immediately sensed the familiar smell when he arrived here. The whole dragon was as excited as if he had returned home. No, this was home.

And the swamp jumper was excited about the scenery here. He had never seen such a scene since he grew up in the breeding house.

"Next, you two have to take this and climb all the way to the top of Dahei Mountain. I'll wait for you at the top. By the way, you two have to take this with you."

Speaking, Zhao Yi took out two red wristbands.

This thing is called the power wristband, which is a man-made elf prop. Its function is to reduce the speed of the elf, but the arm strength will be better developed.

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