After waiting for a while, a sharp metallic cry came from the sky. Zhao Yi and Lieyao Lu Shark were moved and immediately looked up.

【Steel Raven】

【Attributes: Steel, Flying】

【Level: 65】

【Qualification: Purple】

【Ability: Mirror Armor (When a Pokémon with this ability is hit by a move or ability that reduces the opponent's ability, it can bounce these effects back to the Pokémon that used the move or triggered the ability. This includes the effect of Sticky Web)】

【A crow Pokémon whose feathers have been partially transformed into steel. It can fly freely even with its heavy wings.】

【Skills: Steel Wings, Glare, Peck, Screech, Metallic Sound, Iron Wall, Claw Sharpening, Arrogance, Random Attack, Peck, Provocation, Scary Face, Bluff, Peck Drill, Brave Bird Attack……】

The attributes of Steeljaw immediately appeared in front of Zhao Yi. Like Dragonball and Garchomp, Steeljaw had also reached the limit of the race's skills. It had learned almost all the skills it could learn, and its level was also 65, which was much higher than his apparent level.

""Hmm? I didn't expect there to be a building complex here!"

At this time, Jin Zhengtai in the sky saw the collapsed ruins of the temple below, his eyes lit up, and he immediately patted Steel Crow on the shoulder, signaling it to land on the ground.

It is common sense for almost all trainers in this world to dig deep into the ground when seeing a building in the secret realm.

With a muffled sound, Steel Crow flapped its wings to disperse the smoke and dust, and Jin Zhengtai also landed on the ground at this time. Zhao Yi could see the man's appearance clearly.

He had no flesh on his cheeks, his eyebrows were slightly lowered, and he was wearing a flashy purple cloak.

No, it's not a purple cloak!

Zhao Yi raised his eyebrows, and he sensed a second waveguide on this guy.

Looking intently, an attribute panel appeared in front of him

【Crossbill bat】

【Attributes: Flying, Poison】

【Qualification: Purple】

【Features: Penetration (can penetrate the opponent's barrier or stand to attack)】

【Level: 61】

【The bat Pokémon, the evolution of Zubat, can fly quietly in the dark with two pairs of wings, so you won't notice it even if it flies by you.】

【Skills: Cross Poison Blade, Ultrasonic Wave, Absorb, Poisonous, Sharp Sound, Black Eyes, Fright, Tailwind, Poisonous Fang, Quick Release, Air Blade, Bite, Black Mist, Venom Shock, Strange Light, Air Blade, Absorb……】

The one lying on him, almost turning into a cape, was a king-level Crossbat, a spirit he specially prepared to protect himself. The purple cape was the two pairs of wings of the Crossbat.

Zhao Yi nodded slightly. As expected, he was an old senior who had experienced the Warcraft War. He was better than him in terms of survival. If he hadn't had the waveguide, he really wouldn't have been able to find the figure of the Crossbat and would have been easily ambushed.

After jumping to the ground, Jin Zhengtai immediately walked into the ruins and began to search.

After searching for about ten minutes, he finally stood up.

"There is no attack, it seems that there is no one left, all right, come out, and look for it with me."

After saying that, a Mook's Eagle with shiny feathers and slender wingspan suddenly swooped down from the sky. It was his trump card in the online intelligence. Zhao Yi took a look.

The level 63 Mook's Eagle was far inferior to the Steel Armored Crow.

The Mook's Eagle landed on the ground, flapping its wings and blowing up dust. After helping him search for a while, he stood up again.

"It seems that there is really no one here. Okay, come out and help me look for it. According to common sense, there should be good things in this kind of place."

After saying that, he threw out four Poké Balls, a level 62 Wrestling Hawkman, a level 63 Natural Bird, a level 61 Crow Head, and a level 61 Scorpio King.

At this moment, he seemed to have really let down his guard, but he never let the fork-winged bat hanging on his body in a cosplay cloak come down. It can be said that the word"caution" is engraved in his bones.

Zhao Yi hid in the corner, and the wave was always covering him and his Pokémons. Suddenly, Zhao Yi's heart moved, because he suddenly found the breath of other people coming from behind him.

This breath was a little familiar. It should be the one on the cruise ship outside. Someone in the temple.

He had obviously discovered the clues left by Jin Zhengtai and was coming here quickly and firmly. Zhao Yi did not move, but just watched quietly. After a while, accompanied by a moist breath, he approached carefully on a giant-winged flying fish, and after approaching, he did not show up, but hid.

In the temple ruins, Jin Zhengtai's movements did not change, and he was still concentrating on searching for possible treasures, but Zhao Yi's waveguide clearly told him that the guy's muscles had tensed up. It was obvious that the cross-shaped bat had sensed the breath of the giant-winged flying fish and notified him.

""Oh, they are waiting for me. Do they want to hunt me?"

Even the dumbest person can guess what they are planning. If it weren't for the waveguide this time, Zhao Yi might be in real trouble, but unfortunately, this world is so fucked up.

The secret communication between these two guys was as transparent as transparent in Zhao Yi's eyes, and there was no secret at all.

After waiting for a while, Jin Zhengtai's action suddenly stopped. He dug out a bracelet from the ruins, which was obviously a space equipment.

He opened the bracelet with ease, and suddenly, a pile of debris was poured out, forming a small hill. Among them, a candy wrapped in blue candy paper fell very conspicuously on the top of the hill and rolled down the hill.

At the moment when the candy appeared, Zhao Yi clearly heard two heavy gasps from his ears, which were from Liebite Land Shark and Duolong Baruto.

The two dragons all had wolf-like eyes at this time.

But the two of them did not act rashly, but looked at Zhao Yi. After all, they didn't know whether it was what they were looking for.

"That's right, that's the one, ma'am, go and bring it back."

Zhao Yi chuckled and patted his body and stood up.

Since the real owner has appeared, there is nothing to say, just grab it.

The terrifying dragon's might swept the whole place in an instant. For a moment, with the temple ruins as the center, everything was silent. The neck of the strongest elf among Jin Zhengtai's elves, the Steel Crow, slowly twisted like a rusty machine. The eyes that had been half-closed were now wide open, looking at the giant beast walking out of the woods behind him in disbelief.

Not counting the arm span, the average height of the Steel Crow race is 2.2 meters. Jin Zhengtai's Steel Crow is much taller than other Steel Crows. Zhao Yi took a rough look and it was about three meters.

And his Land Shark has developed quite well, but it is only just over two meters. Standing in front of the Steel Crow is like a child standing in front of an adult.

But at this time, the arrogance exuded by this child suppressed the Steel Crow by who knows how many heads.


Steel Crow let out a sharp cry, and suddenly spread its wings to block Jin Zhengtai behind him, with panic in his eyes.

Jin Zhengtai and the director of the Elf Bureau of the Korean country are old partners, and it is also an old partner with the giant winged flying fish. The giant winged flying fish's breath just now was a secret signal between them, a secret signal for it to attract in the open and the giant winged flying fish to attack in the dark.

But that guy didn't say that the one he was going to attack this time was a peak king of the fierce bite of the shark!

Among the same level, the strength of the quasi-god is cliff-like, not to mention that the level of Steel Crow is several levels lower than that of the fierce bite of the shark, which is several levels of the king, the difference is huge!

Jin Zhengtai's pupils shrank to the size of a needle tip at this time, and he secretly complained in his heart. He didn't expect that the old partner was so pitfalls. Is this what they can covet!


Looking at the Steel Crow standing in front of him, Garchomp laughed strangely and his body suddenly disappeared.

At this moment, Steel Crow felt that all the iron feathers on his body stood up. It was as terrifying as an ordinary person facing a tiger, but when he turned around, the tiger disappeared.


Steel Crow made a prompt decision, turned around, picked up Jin Zhengtai's clothes and was about to fly.

How to fight? Let that jerk fight himself! There is no place to fight at all!

But before its head turned around, it felt a huge force coming from the top of its head.


The terrifying power burst out, and Garchomp had come to Steel Crow's side without knowing when, stretched out its claws to pinch Steel Crow's head, and turned Steel Crow's head back to face her.

Looking at the arrogant Garchomp standing in front of it, Steel Crow took a deep breath, and its eyes gradually became sharp.

It knew that this time it would not end well.

And similarly, Garchomp's aggressiveness���This movement also angered Steeljaw. They are all kings, and they have all walked out of countless battles. No one is more noble than the other. What are you talking about!

The white energy representing the flying system enveloped Steeljaw's entire body.

Brave Bird Fierce Attack!

A powerful 120-point flying move, which attacks the opponent while also causing damage to itself.

According to common sense, this move requires a low-altitude dive, but Steeljaw used it directly at zero distance, and its huge body rushed towards Garchomp like a high-speed tank.

At this time, under the shared waveguide, Garchomp had already discovered Steeljaw's movements, and laughed a few more times. The arrogant arrogance turned into substance, and the blue-purple flame enveloped Garchomp's entire body.

Reverse Scale!

The powerful 120-point dragon move was used without hesitation, and the two started a fist-to-flesh fight in this open space.


The terrifying air wave instantly crushed the trees within a radius of dozens of kilometers. The legs of the two stood on the ground, as if they had taken root and did not move at all. The distance between the two was very close, and their wings and fins collided dozens of times in an instant. In a battle like this, ordinary trainers could not intervene at all, and Jin Zhengtai flew to a safe place early under the protection of the king-level cross-bat.

Zhao Yi was protected by Doronbaruto, and he looked at the terrifying scene in the field in shock, which seemed like a natural disaster.

Until now, he has truly seen the full-strength attack of Garchomp.

"Is Garchomp okay?"

After a long while, Zhao Yi looked at Doronero with concern. After all, in the game, Garchomp, who is at the same level, may not be able to beat Steelix without other elves to pave the way. Originally, he thought that Garchomp's level was higher than Steelix, and his talent was also higher than Steelix. Steelix was probably not a match for Garchomp, so he let Garchomp go all the way.

But after seeing the collision between the two guys, Zhao Yi admitted that his new

"It doesn't matter, that guy can't hold on for long, didn't you see that she still has the strength to protect those things?"

Dronbaruto's steady voice reached Zhao Yi's ears.

Zhao Yi only saw at this time that the pile of debris with the magic candy was still there, without any damage.

And soon, just as Dorronbaruto said, after a period of hardness, Steel Armor Crow finally couldn't hold on, and was suppressed by the Liebiting Gargoyle with blue-purple dragon flames burning on its body.

Just when Liebiting Gargoyle got the upper hand, a violent wind sounded from behind her. Liebiting Gargoyle's eyes condensed, turned around and stretched out his dragon claws.

The dragon claws grabbed a brown-black wing fiercely and threw it to the ground fiercely.

It was the king-level Mook's Hawk. The characteristic of this Mook's Hawk is self-sacrifice. When using a move with reaction force, the power will increase by 20%.

The original power of Brave Bird Fierce Attack, which was 120 points, has reached a terrifying power of 180 points after being modified by Mook's original system.���Adding the 20% characteristic increase, that's 216 points, higher than self-destruction.

But such a terrifying Mook-Hawk had no power to resist in the hands of Garchomp, and was thrown directly to the ground, ravaged by the surging mud.


According to common sense, ground-types can't beat flying-types, but that was when the flying-types were flying. Now that they've landed on the ground, how could they not hit you?

Mook-Hawk's body is not as hard as Steelix. The earthquake and the fall that contained the furious power of the reverse scale just now made it lose its combat ability.

"Wait, I think there might be some misunderstanding between us!"

Seeing this scene, Jin Zhengtai almost drowned himself with a mouthful of spit, and hurriedly flew high in the sky and shouted.

This is too scary. In such a short time, the Liebite Garchomp almost defeated his two Pokémons. The rest of his Pokémons, except for the Scorpion King, are all small and fragile. It is estimated that they will be killed by the Liebite Garchomp with one claw.

There is no way to fight it!

"Exit this secret realm now, and the matter will be over."

Zhao Yi said loudly, and then lightly clicked the translator hanging beside his ear. Suddenly, a cold mechanical voice translated the words just now.

When Jin Zhengtai heard this, he couldn't help but look at Zhao Yi. At this time, how could he feel at ease if he was asked to give up this secret realm. He couldn't help but look in the direction where the director of the Korean Elf Bureau was hiding. As long as his sneak attack could succeed, everything would be unknown!

But after he looked in that direction, his expression suddenly froze.

Because the director of the Korean Elf Bureau and his elves were all beaten and lost their combat ability and lay there.

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