【Colt Sword Soldier】

【Attributes: Steel, Evil】.

【Level: 38】

【Qualification: Purple]

After the transformation, the Colt Sword Soldier stood up and looked at his sword arm in amazement. Feeling the power filling his body, he couldn't help but slash in the air.

The sharp sound of breaking through the air made him even more excited.

Not long after the Colt Sword Soldier completed the transformation, the Swamp Leaper and the Scyther also completed the transformation.

【Swamp Jumping Fish】

【Attributes: Water, Ground】

【Level: 21】

【Qualification: Purple】



【Attributes: Flying, Insect】

【Level: 41】

【[Qualification: Blue]

As expected, the qualifier of the Swamp Leaper was upgraded to purple, but what was most unexpected to Zhao Yi was that the qualifier of Scyther was actually upgraded to blue.

From white to blue, it seems that the individual attack value of Scyther was not there before!

Because it was not there before, there is more room for improvement.

After a long time, the pain ended, and the Swamp Leaper lay on the ground gasping for breath, while Scyther had stood up, feeling the power filling his body. He looked at the intact blade arm in disbelief. He slashed the void with a knife, carefully feeling the changes from the past, and his body gradually began to tremble.

"How is it? 500"

Zhao Yi stood up and asked with a smile

"Very good, I never dared to imagine it before. If I had this kind of power before, I wouldn't need to use sword dance to break through the opponent's defense!"

Spy Mantis said excitedly

"Don't say that, your sword dance can be said to be a unique skill, even Garchomp can't do it. If you didn't have the previous experience, you might not be able to develop this unique skill."

Zhao Yi said with a smile, Scyther's sword dance can even be used for both attack and defense, which Garchomp was amazed.

"That's right."

At this time, Scyther could no longer hold back, and swung his blade arm in the empty warehouse, constantly controlling the power and looking for angles to quickly control the surging power. He squatted down and looked at the still dead Swamp Leap Fish.

It seemed that because of the severe pain just now, he had sweated too much, making the Swamp Leap Fish a little dehydrated, and his skin was particularly dry at this time.

You know, Zhao Yi's Swamp Leap Fish has the characteristic of moisture. Every night when he sleeps in the same room with the Swamp Leap Fish, Zhao Yi has to turn on the air conditioner to dehumidify, otherwise the whole bed sheet will become wet when he wakes up the next day.

"Come, have a drink."

He took out a bottle of mineral water from his backpack and poured it down the swampfish's throat. Then he took out another bottle and sprinkled it on the swampfish's body. The swampfish finally recovered. The swampfish jumped up and raised its arms in a very strong pose.

""Okay, okay, I know you're awesome now, go back."

Zhao Yi smiled and pressed the Swamp Leap Fish's head.


At this time, in the capital, Qian Honghe's palace.

After listening to Qiu Xingfa's report, a middle-aged man nodded solemnly.

After hanging up the phone, he turned his head and looked at a crying young woman and a young man who looked to be in his twenties with an indignant face.

These two people were Qian Honghe's children.

"Sister-in-law, Xiaochen, there is news coming from there."

He looked at the middle-aged woman sitting in the hall of Qian Hong and Tianwang Mansion and said

""Uncle Sun, what did Zhao Yi say? Is he willing to let us go?"

Before Qian Honghe's wife could speak, his son Qian Chen spoke first. He held his sister in his arms and gently patted her back to comfort her. At the same time, he looked at the middle-aged man surnamed Sun and asked anxiously.

He was still out having fun last night, but this morning, before dawn, he was caught by his mother's men.

At first, he didn't take it seriously. After all, this kind of thing had happened many times before.

But this time, after returning home, he felt that the atmosphere at home seemed to have changed. The cleaners he met along the way were all in a hurry, and the housekeeper had an ugly face.

At this time, he already had an ominous premonition in his heart. He immediately found his mother, who was staying with his sister at this time. His sister only knew how to cry. The first sentence she said when she saw him was:"Brother, our father is dead!"

At that moment, Qian Chen felt dizzy and almost couldn't stand.

Later, Uncle Sun came over. Uncle Sun and his father were good friends, and he was also busy with this matter.

Uncle Sun shook his head with a heavy face. In an instant, the hearts of the three people fell to the bottom, but the next moment, Uncle Sun's words made them feel relieved.

"After the official negotiations with him, you can live, but you can only live in the capital. If you leave the capital, you will die."

At this point, the three of them finally showed a relaxed smile on their faces. The whole day of fear was finally over.

"It's OK as long as you can stay alive, it's OK as long as you can stay alive."

Sun Chen patted his chest. He was a second-generation rich man. When he thought about his father provoking a king who was stronger than him, he felt that the sky was about to fall.

Qian Honghe's wife was not so optimistic. She looked at her son with a happy face, and a trace of disappointment flashed in her eyes.

After Qian Honghe's death, the official would help on the surface, but it was uncertain how much of this huge family business could be saved.

After all, Qian Honghe offended Zhao Yi.

She knew more than her own children and understood how strong Zhao Yi was now. Although the evil tiger might not look down on their family's assets, the jackals surrounding the evil tiger might be.

Or the fox who wanted to get close to the evil tiger, they might also want to get a share of the pie.

In short, after losing the backbone, the Qian family will definitely have a hard time.

"Okay, I have finished talking about the matter. I have something else to do, so I will leave first. Sister-in-law,���If you have any trouble, come to the Elf Bureau to find me."


"Finally, I'm home."

Zhao Yike didn't know what was happening with the Qian family in the capital. At this moment, he jumped off the back of the fierce bite land shark and looked at his nameless hill and the Tianwang Palace on the hill. He felt that it was pleasing to the eye.

"Come on, come on, come out."

As he said that, he immediately released all the elves.

There is no place in the sky, and if you go home, how can you stay in the elf ball?

Smelling a familiar smell, Steelix cheered, and burrowed into the mud, and soon disappeared.

Scyther also took the Colt Sword Soldier back to the training ground to practice.

At this time, the qualifications of the two elves have been improved, and the control of the surging power is not perfect, and actual combat is the easiest way to control the power.

The hidden injuries on Scyther have been healed at this time, and with the leap in qualifications, the next strength will be a leap.

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