As soon as these words came out, several newspapers who were broadcasting live to watch Zhao Yi make a fool of himself, expose Zhao Yi's lies, and prove that there is no champion-level elf in this world all put on masks of pain.

Looking down at the barrage, sure enough, the barrage was falling like snowflakes, in all kinds of languages, all of which were ridiculing Britain and the crazy king.

"Damn it! Who’s going to drag him down? The dignity of the British royal family is almost being destroyed by that madman!"

Several newspaper owners frantically tried to command frontline reporters to go up and drag the madman down through their headsets, but this involved the affairs of the three kings, so how could those reporters dare to move!

"Haha, this must be King Zhao Yi, I've heard of you for a long time, you look much younger than in the photo."

A hearty laugh came from the crowd, and a muscular man over two meters tall with red hair pushed through the crowd and walked over.

"This man is Charles William, the British Fire King and the strongest man in Britain. He has three top-level Fire King elves. Britain said that he is also the trainer of their breakthrough to the champion level.".

Xia Yun explained her identity to Zhao Yi again.

"Red hair, Irish?"

Zhao Yi nodded, but his focus was obviously different from Xia Yun's. He looked at Charles' red hair and asked curiously. Britain's full name is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and red hair is obviously the symbol of the Irish.

But he didn't notice that the moment he said this, the faces of several people around him who could understand Chinese suddenly changed, and Charles' face immediately darkened, with a hint of anger on his face.

"Yes, he is Irish, but he doesn't like people calling him Irish, because in Britain, red-haired Irish are discriminated against. He grew up in the market and was looked down upon, so he especially hates people calling him Irish."

Xia Yun quietly explained to Zhao Yi what was going on.

"Mr. Zhao Yi, before we fight, should you respond to Henry's challenge? Could it be that... you are afraid of Henry's elf attribute?"

Fairy-type is immune to the damage of dragon-type skills, so it can be said that it is a natural nemesis of dragon-type.

In Zhao Yi's original world, it was because in the fifth generation of Pokémon Black and White, the penetration of dragon-type skills plus one-time attribute gems was too strong, so in the sixth generation, a fairy-type was added to suppress the dragon-type.

Charles must fight Zhao Yi and Henry first to see if Zhao Yi has broken through to that level.

After all, family members know their own business. When the cabinet and His Majesty the Emperor heard the news from Yan Country, they carefully asked the researchers and determined that it was impossible for a champion-level elf to appear in preparation. This was definitely a bluff from Yan Country, so without his consent, they directly announced to the world that he had also broken through to the champion level.

Anyway, it's all bluffing, then Let's do it together. Two big countries have successively said that they have champion-level trainers. Other countries can't sit still and have stated that their countries also have champion-level elves.

This wave, this wave can only be said that Dai Ying is really good at stirring up trouble.

But although the cabinet and His Majesty the Emperor have determined that Zhao Yi must be bluffing, Charles, who has climbed all the way from the market to the present, still thinks it is better to be safe. First, he tricks a superstar to come and test Zhao Yi's strength.

And this crazy superstar of the royal family naturally fell into his eyes, but he didn't expect this guy to be so crazy that he challenged Zhao Yi with the reason of jealousy over an eighteen-year-old kid.

There was really no other way, so he went down in person.

Zhao Yi glanced at the sturdy man, then chuckled.

"Of course not, in that case, I will accept his challenge."

As he said that, Zhao Yi looked at Henry and threw out the Poké Ball of Garchomp.


The violent dragon power and the murderous aura soared into the sky. The angry dragon roar made the group of ordinary people around pale and stepped back a few steps.

At this time, the super evolution stone of Liebite Garchomp was hanging on the neck of Liebite Garchomp.

In the end, Dolong Baruto still couldn't find a romantic time, so he had no choice but to choose a noon time to give the evolution stone to Liebite Garchomp.

For the people, Liebite Garchomp's momentum was terrifying, but it didn't seem so to Charles.

Carefully feeling the momentum of Liebite Garchomp, Charles' eyes became brighter and brighter.

He could feel that this Liebite Garchomp was very strong, but it didn't exceed that limit. It was still at the peak of the king, just weaker than his three The top -level elf of the king only took half a step more.

But if you haven't become a champion, then what are you pretending to be!

At this moment, he was very sure that Zhao Yi was just bluffing, and he didn't have a champion-level elf at all!

Thinking of this, Charles finally breathed a sigh of relief, and the heart that had been hanging in his throat was finally put down.

Very good, although he still can't beat him, it's not embarrassing.

He is very clear about his own strength.

When Qian Honghe was here, he was captured by Qian Honghe every day.

Now Qian Honghe has been killed by Zhao Yi.

He can't beat Qian Honghe, so it is impossible for him to beat the stronger Zhao Yi.

Facing the champion and facing the king are two different concepts.

He won't lose too badly.

Even if he loses, there will be reasons, such as attribute restraint or something.

""Haha, little guy, I admire your courage. You are indeed a person with the same chivalry as me!"

Henry didn't know what Charles was thinking, but laughed and threw a Poké Ball.

This was Ye Dou. It would be fine if he released all his Pokémons, but after seeing that Zhao Yi only released one Pokémon, he thought that Zhao Yi also followed the spirit of chivalry and wanted to fight him one-on-one, so he also threw out one Poké Ball. The white light dissipated, and a fat-looking white bird appeared in front of Zhao Yi.


【Attributes: Fairy, Flying】

【Qualification: Purple】

【Level: 64】

【Features: Heaven's Grace】

【Blessing Pokémon, the evolved form of Pokémon Go, will never appear in places where wars occur. It is difficult to see it when you come in.】

""Everyone else, step back!"

Charles shouted, asking the police to come and evacuate the crowd.

The battle of the king level is not something these people can watch. It is easy to die from unknown aoe.

"Haha, little guy, the strangers have dispersed, so I will attack first! Pokski, magic shine!"

Without any hesitation, he shouted loudly, and threw out a wind fairy to protect himself. As soon as the voice fell, Pokski's body suddenly lit up with pink light.

This is not the light of skills, but the light of props.

Fairy gem!

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