His waveguide responded that there was a hole underneath, but he had no idea what was inside the hole. It was too far away, beyond the range of his waveguide.

However, this development reminded him of the fossil elves under the Dasha Valley in the anime.

"Get out of the way."

Land Shark nodded and said to Zhao Yi.

Zhao Yi nodded and signaled everyone to get out of the way.

""Control the force, there is a hole underneath."

Zhao Yi gave a special instruction before retreating.

When everyone made way for a space, Liebite Land Shark raised his arm fin and hit the ground hard.

Because he had to control the force, this time he only made a crack on the ground.

Then, Liebite Land Shark punched continuously, and smoke and dust rose up on the ground. There were dust and gravel everywhere, and many people covered their noses.

Liebite Land Shark's body was also constantly falling.

"The cave entrance appeared!"

After a long while, the sound of the fierce land shark suddenly came from below, but to others, it was just a normal roar.

"It's done, everyone release the flying elves down."

Zhao Yi walked to the edge of the pit and looked down. It was pitch black below, without a single ray of light, and there was no sign of the Land Shark.

""It's connected? How did you know there was a space below?"

Bi Jiayu also followed and asked in confusion as he looked at the quiet pit below.

"Stop asking nonsense questions. Come on, let me borrow your Armored Bird to ride with you."

Bodao is the trump card, how can it be exposed so easily?

"Okay, I won't ask any more questions.

Bi Jiayu looked at Zhao Yi with a smile, and then called his armored bird over.

The circle Zhao Yi drew was not small, and it could accommodate a flying elf that could carry a person.

He and Bi Jiayu climbed onto the back of the armored bird, and after they sat firmly, the body of the armored bird slowly rose into the air and descended into the pit.

"The illusion below is actually very suitable for survival."

As the Armored Bird continued to go deeper, the light around it gradually disappeared, leaving only a little light at the entrance of the cave, but it could not dispel the darkness below.

At this time, feeling the environment below, the Armored Bird slowly spoke. His voice was clear and loud, and very recognizable. Of course, only Zhao Yi could understand what he was saying. Although Bi Jiayu next to him could sense what the Armored Bird meant, he could not hear the voice.

There was an inexplicable feeling of 993ntr.

Sitting on the back of the Armored Bird, Zhao Yi could clearly feel that Bi Jiayu's muscles beside him had tightened up, and the whole person was in a state of alert.

After all, he was a king who came from the barbaric era, and he was reliable when facing such a situation.

Zhao Yi also slowly spread the waveguide, and the surrounding scenery appeared clearly in his mind.

The Armored Bird landed on the ground. At this time, Zhao Yi had already found the traces of the Liebite Land Shark.

At this time, she was holding a struggling Alola Sandshrew and wondering how this little guy became an ice-type.

"Come on down, come and see, I found an ice-type sandrat!"

Sensing Zhao Yi's aura, Liebite Lu Shark immediately came over, raised the sandrat in his hand and said

"I see it, I see it, it's really magical."

Looking at the elves around him through the waveguide, Zhao Yi had a smile on his face. As he had guessed, this deep pit was a space similar to the one below the Great Sha Valley, where various subspecies of Alola elves lived.

At this time, the attributes of this sandrat also appeared in front of him.

【Sandshrew (Alola)】

【Attributes: Ice, Steel】

【Qualification: White】

【Level: 13】

【Features: Snow Hide (Dodge rate will be increased in hail weather)】

【The Mouse Pokémon has the attributes of ice and steel, and has a shell like steel. Although it is very hard, it is too hard to curl up its body.】

"Wow, how come this mole looks like this!"

At this time, Bi Tianwang had already turned on the flashlight, and when he saw the mole in Lie Bite Lu Shark's hand, his eyes widened in surprise.

"Have you forgotten why we are here?"

Giving this guy a cold look, Zhao Yi stretched out his hand and pinched the sandrat's paw. It was indeed as hard as steel as described.

"Do you mean that those subspecies of elves live in this cave?"

"That's right, it's only in this place that it has not been discovered for so long."

After saying that, before Zhao Yi could answer, he nodded first. After the secret realm was opened, the entire secret realm was trampled by human footprints. It is impossible for unknown Pokémon that have not been discovered by humans to appear.

It is only in this isolated place that it is possible.

At this time, the large army has also come down, and the originally silent space has also become a little popular.

""Whose elf can flash? Come and light it up."

Zhao Yi shouted loudly after looking at the pitch-dark scene around him. Flashlights are useless in such places.

Generally speaking, you should not make loud noises in such a closed place, after all, no one knows what dangers are inside.

But Zhao Yi is different. There are two kings in their team, and one of them even has a champion-level elf. The only thing that can cause this team to have an accident is the divine beast.

"I'll do it."

A steady voice sounded. This was the leader of the expedition team formed by the breeding house, an elite trainer.

"Venusaur, use Flash."

He released his own Pokémon, a gigantic Venusaur.


As soon as the words fell, Venusaur raised its foot and stomped the ground hard.

In an instant, a dazzling light shone from Venusaur's body.

The white light illuminated the dark cave.

The skill of Flash is a transformation skill of the general system. The effect is to blind the opponent through dazzling light and reduce the opponent's hit rate.

It is a despicable tactic of the same type as the Sun Fist.

When you are free, this skill can also be used to illuminate, just like the current situation.

The light dispelled the darkness, and the scenery in the cave appeared in front of everyone.




After seeing the scenery in the cave clearly, they all showed horrified expressions, especially the researchers, whose eyes almost popped out.

At this time, what came into their sight was a small river.

At the edge of the river, a group of elves that were completely different from normal elves were looking over in unison, with tears streaming down their faces.

Living in a dark fantasy for a long time without seeing the light, their eyes were almost degenerating.

"Lower the light a bit."

The researchers shouted immediately after seeing this scene.


The captain quickly looked at his Bulbasaur.

Bulbasaur roared again, and the light on its body gradually became soft and dim, and finally only enveloped everyone.

Now, the agitated elves calmed down.

At this time, everyone had the opportunity to observe them carefully.

"What is that? A little fire pony? It's pink, just like My Little Pony."

"White Sandshrew? Is this an ice type? This is outrageous"

"Black little Rada? Hiss, so fierce"

"Why is this Meowth like this? It looks so good."

Zhao Yi leaned against the wall and smiled at the researchers who were almost crazy.

With the protection of the Land Shark and the Armored Bird, the elves who were caught and studied dared not speak out.

Fortunately, the researchers did not do anything out of line. After observing for a while, they left them food that they had never eaten before.

"Erbin City is now a big hit, congratulations on your promotion."

Zhao Yi smiled and bowed to Bi Jiayu beside him.

Currently, this is the only place in the world where subspecies elves exist. He can fully predict the future of Erbin City.

"I won't say more. If you have any problems in the future, come to me. I will go through fire and water for you!"

Bi Jiayu's face flushed with excitement. He couldn't close his mouth and smiled. He kept talking to Zhao Yi while bowing.

At this time, the researchers over there had an accident.

Clang clang clang.

The harsh and hot friction sound came from the depths of the cave, and along with the tone, there was a terrifying and suffocating dragon power.

Zhao Yi and Bi Jiayu raised their eyebrows, and all stood up alertly, looking at the depths of the cave.

They could feel the terrifying sense of oppression.

A king-level elf!

Undoubtedly a king-level elf!

""Everyone, step back and hide behind me! Turn the flash to maximum!"

Zhao Yi stepped forward quickly, blocking everyone and looking vigilantly into the depths of the cave. Tyrannosaurus closely guarded him.

At the same time, behind him, the light on Bulbasaur was also turned to maximum, illuminating the scenery in the darkness.

After seeing the giant, everyone couldn't help but gasp.

""Staff-tailed Scaled Armored Dragon! How can it be so big!"

Bi Jiayu exclaimed. The one who appeared was none other than the Staff-tailed Scaled Armored Dragon, one of the Quasi-Gods, a Quasi-God of Dragon and Fighting.

But the average Staff-tailed Scaled Armored Dragon is only about 1.6 meters tall at the shoulder, but this one looked almost as tall as a floor, more than 3 meters tall.

Zhao Yi's eyes were fixed on the Staff-tailed Scaled Armored Dragon.

Others didn't know, but didn't he know that this was a dominant elf, the Overlord Staff-tailed Scaled Armored Dragon!

【Squamata scutosaurus (dominant)】

【Attributes: Dragon, Fighting】

【Qualification: Gold】

【Level: 65】

【Features: Soundproof (blocks out sounds and is immune to sound attacks)】

【A scaly Pokémon, the evolved form of Scalesaurus. When it sees an enemy, it will make the scales on its tail make a clanging sound to intimidate the enemy. Weak creatures will run away when they hear the sound.】

【Skills: Scale Noise, Impact, Glare, Hold On, Dragon Tail, Horrible Face, Headbutt, Self-Motivation, Scream, Iron Wall, Dragon Claw, War Roar, Dragon Dance, Scale Reverse, Close Combat, Soul Dance Sonic Boom, Sonic Wave……】

This Overlord Staff-tailed Scaled Ankylosaurus has reached the mid-level Heavenly King level, which is similar to the Liebiting Land Shark and the Dragon Balluto. It has learned all the skills that its own race can learn.

"Overlord Staff-tailed Scaled Dragon."

Zhao Yi looked at the Staff-tailed Scaled Dragon in front of him and exhaled a breath of turbid air, his eyes gradually brightened.

It must be said that he wanted

"Are you...humans?"

The staff-tailed scaly dragon slowly walked out, growling menacingly, and the scales behind it kept colliding and rubbing, just like a rattlesnake.

Through the waveguide, Zhao Yi clearly understood what she meant.

The staff-tailed scaly dragon's voice was low and hoarse, but it was full of a strange charm.

If Zhao Yi closed his eyes and only listened to the voice, he would really think that the person who spoke was a beautiful queen.

"Not bad, human."

He walked out, opening his waveguide to the maximum, and his whole person showed a sense of affinity.

"Human, what do you mean by coming to my kingdom and bringing light here without permission?"

Although Zhao Yi was somewhat surprised that he could understand what he said, the Armored Dragon still pointed at the elves around him who were crying and questioned him.

""Sorry, Your Majesty, this is our fault. Turn down the light."

Zhao Yi said with a chuckle.

As soon as he finished speaking, the light on Venusaur's body dimmed again, and a hazy light enveloped everyone.

Seeing this scene, the face of the Armored Dragon showed a satisfied look.

""Tell me, what are you people on earth doing in my kingdom?"

Zhao Yi raised his eyebrows when he heard this. This guy... doesn't seem to know that the world above has become a secret place.

He didn't notice that the eyes of the people behind him were gradually getting weird.

This is clearly a communication. If they don't understand, then they have lived in vain.


Old Chen wondered.���Mumbling

"It doesn't look like a superpower, but more like a waveguide."

Beside him, Bi Jiayu added that he was an old senior after all, and he guessed what Zhao Yi's ability was in a few seconds.

"After you go out, sign a confidentiality agreement and don't tell anyone about his abilities."

He turned his head, glanced at the crowd sharply, and said in a low voice.

"Don't worry, we understand."

The captain nodded, and naturally understood how important this trump card involving a superstar was.

"Your Majesty, the world above has changed. Your original world has been broken and turned into a secret realm. We came from outside the secret realm to subdue special elves."

Zhao Yi did not have the idea of a riddle man, and directly told the whole truth.

Sure enough, after hearing this, although the Overlord Staff Tail Scaled Armored Dragon did not show it on his face, Zhao Yi's waveguide had been shrouding her, and he clearly felt that her breathing was disordered.

"What do you mean?"

She looked at Zhao Yi. Because she felt the undisguised aura of Liebite Lu Shark, she regarded Zhao Yi as an equal to herself.

"It means literally, Your Majesty, do you want to go out with me to have a look?"

Zhao Yi asked with a smile, and at this time, he finally revealed his sinister intentions.

That's right, he wanted to subdue this overlord, the Scaled Armored Dragon.

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