

After successfully subduing Mrs. Hua Jie, Ibrahimovic and Fengsu Gou, who had been watching the battle for a long time, suddenly cheered.

Now, Mrs. Hua Jie’s tribe was subdued because of the leader of Mrs. Hua Jie, and the tribe was equivalent to listening to Qin Feng’s words.

Just like the giant needle bee group,

Qin Feng didn’t have much excitement. After all, this wasn’t the first time he had conquered.

The emotions of the surrounding Madam Hua Jie, Huayedi and Hua Beibei were different from Qin Feng’s. Now they seemed a little at a loss.

Their powerful leader was actually defeated. They were in the same group. They didn’t know whether to run away or what to do. They were stunned for a while.


Ibrahimovic trotted over happily, jumped to Qin Feng, and Qin Feng also took advantage of the situation to hold it in his arms.

Then, Qin Feng stepped forward and picked up the elf ball containing Mrs. Hua Jie, and put it in his arms again. It was released.

The leader of Mrs. Hua Jie, who was seriously injured, immediately appeared in front of Qin Feng. Its eyes seemed to be born with a charming but extremely arrogant feeling, even though it was seriously injured now. The situation was still the same.

The elves worshiped the strong, so after being subdued, Mrs. Hua Jie did not attack Qin Feng, but Qin Feng stood in front of it and took out a bottle of healing spray. After checking its injuries, I picked up the healing spray and treated it.

“Because it doesn’t make sense to you, and because human concepts are a bit complicated and difficult for you elves to understand, I have no choice but to use a battle to reason with you.”

“Maybe you think this is your territory, but within our human laws, everything here belongs to me.”

“I’m sorry for destroying your garden because of fighting, but now you are my partner, I will take responsibility, and I will restore this place to its original state.”Qin Feng said, and the healing spray in his hand kept spraying on the wounds on Mrs. Hua Jie’s body.

Although these 10,000 acres of fields belong to Qin Feng, this is for human beings.

If it had been with these, it would have been long ago The elves living in this land say that this is their own place, and if they are asked to let it go, how can they agree?

That’s why Qin Feng said that human concepts are difficult for elves to understand.


Mrs. Hua Jie didn’t react much. She just listened to Qin Feng’s words quietly and watched Qin Feng seriously treating herself with the healing spray.

Looking at Qin Feng’s serious look, it The original arrogant look slowly relaxed, and the state of mind was like calm water suddenly rippling.


Qin Feng didn’t notice it, it doesn’t mean that Ibrahimovic in Qin Feng’s arms didn’t notice it.

Ibrahimovic’s eyes immediately looked at Mrs. Hua Jie, and he yelled at her unhappily.


Ms. Hua Jie returned to her arrogant look, and glanced at Ibrahimovic lightly. When she saw Ibrahimovic being held in Qin Feng’s arms, a subtle expression appeared on her face, and then she It was shouted


Ibrahimovic seemed a little angry when he heard this, and shouted unceremoniously at the same time.

In its view, this Mrs. Hua Jie is even worse than the nurturing sister!

“So wonderful, so wonderful, Lotto, according to human words, this is called jealousy!”

Rotom was flying high in the sky, watching Ibrahimovic and Mrs. Hua Jie start to quarrel, and couldn’t help but show a look like eating melon.

Just as he was cleaning Mrs. Hua Jie’s wounds, Qin Feng slowly raised his head, I saw Ibrahimovic and Mrs. Huajie arguing.

Neither Ibrahimovic nor Mrs. Huajie seemed to be interested in each other.

“No noise, no noise.”Qin Feng calmed the two elves and waited until they calmed down. Then he said to Mrs. Hua Jie,”Next, I will transform this area into a place suitable for most elves to live. I hope When the time comes, you can bring other tribesmen to help.”

“As for your garden, I promise to restore it and make it even better.”

Elves have different personalities, and it is not easy for them to get along well with each other. In Qin Feng’s view, this needs to be done step by step.

As long as they have more contact with each other in the future, the relationship between Ibrahimovic and Mrs. Hua Jie will not change. It will be like this now


After hearing Qin Feng’s words, Mrs. Hua Jie immediately snorted at Ibrahimovic, then bent down to pick up a blue petal from the ground, gently placed it on Qin Feng’s hand, and turned around. left


Ms. Hua Jie’s attitude immediately made Ibrahimovic angry.

Qin Feng looked at the blue petals that Mrs. Hua Jie handed over in his hand with a confused look on his face. He didn’t understand what Mrs. Hua Jie was. mean

“Forget it, I’ll just assume it agreed and quickly transform this area to complete the task of development. Then I will give the rewarded special flower seed to Mrs. Hua Jie and transform its garden.”

“Special flower seeds should have special effects.”

Qin Feng murmured to himself, and then collected the blue petals.

Since it is the flower seed rewarded by the mission, it must not be a simple thing.

There is a garden transformed by Mrs. Hua Jie here. In the future, the giant needle bee They can even collect nectar from the flowers here, and by blending various nectars, it is even possible to create a new flavor of hive honey.

Mrs. Hua Jie did not leave far, but came to the circle bear, opened her mouth and took the circle. After the Circle Bear scolded him and drove the Circle Bear away, he explained the situation to the tribesmen, and then led the other Madam Hua Jie and Huayedi to start cleaning up the destroyed flowers. After picking up the blue flower that had been trampled to pieces, he couldn’t help but look at Qin Feng not far away.

“Rotom, I’ll trouble you about the transformation.”Qin Feng looked at Rotom high in the sky and said

“Leave it to me, Lotto.”

Rotom responded, and he flew out of the Elf Book, and then got into the lawnmower and turned into a cutting Rotom.

The transmission of the cutting Rotom could be heard from a distance. It made an astonishing sound, starting from the grassland outside Mrs. Hua Jie’s territory, and began to cut these messy weeds.

It moved very quickly, and such a large area was cleared in less than a moment, followed immediately. It was cleaning up further and further towards the direction from which it came.

Qin Feng had told it before, so it knew what to do, and Qin

Feng also relaxed.

The waveguide force in the body suddenly had a special reaction, as if an inexplicable force collided with the waveguide force.

It was a spying force, and the waveguide force detected this force. After using the power, he wanted to construct it into Qin Feng’s mind as a picture, but was forcibly interrupted!

In his mind, Qin Feng could only vaguely see the figure of the spying object constructed by the power of the waveguide. contour

“who! Who is snooping!”

With this special feeling in his heart, Qin Feng’s heart suddenly became tense, and he looked around nervously.

But Qin Feng couldn’t help but feel that there seemed to be no malicious intent in that weird prying. ps: Third Updates, please support with rewards, monthly votes, and reminders!

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