A tall figure with injuries all over his body was looking around with a vigilant face. Any disturbance around him would make him nervous.

Its body is covered with large and small scars, but this makes it look even more ferocious and fierce. It looks like a hammerhead shark, with a dark blue background, two protrusions on its head, and an inverted pentagon on the tip of its nose. There are star-shaped yellow spots and two white bone spurs on each arm and thigh.

This looks like a biting land shark!

Suddenly, Biting Land Shark’s eyes flashed, and looking at the scene in front of him, he was a little excited because he found rows of apple trees!.

During these days of escaping, it barely ate much, but now, it actually found so much food!

Lie Jie Lu Shark hurriedly stepped forward, picked an apple from the tree and ate it. He immediately felt that his physical strength and strength had recovered somewhat. While eating the apple, his nose suddenly smelled something. Fragrance.

It looked towards a pit in the distance that looked a little different. At one point in the pit, it saw the small mouth of a bag, and the fragrance came from inside that bag!

When it came here, it knew that it had broken into the territory of a powerful guy. After all, these rows of apple trees were a constant source of food in the wild, and they would have been eaten by powerful elves long ago. To occupy.

And that fragrant bag must be the food left here by the owner here. The other elves who have lived in the forest for a long time know that this place is owned by the owner, so naturally they dare not enter here.

It just broke in here accidentally. If it were it before, it would definitely disdain to eat the food of those it considers weak.

However, it is now seriously injured, and even has multiple fatal injuries. It urgently needs food and treatment to allow its body to recover.

Even though it was disdainful, it still stepped forward and took out the bag buried in the soil. After tearing open the mouth of the bag, it poured the food inside into its mouth.


After tasting this delicious food, even Liebite Land Shark couldn’t help but make a sound of surprise.

When Liebite Land Shark kept eating to recover from its body’s injuries, even it didn’t notice that there was a yellow spot on its head. There is a small bead on the eye. The bead is hooked tightly on the yellow spot, constantly emitting a faint red light.

And a few kilometers away, there are several off-road vehicles driving quickly in a mountain forest. There were more than ten people in black and red robes sitting, and a silver wing-shaped badge was clearly visible on their chests.

This silver wing-shaped badge was not an ordinary thing, it represented the world-famous top. The Elf Hunter Team, the Flying Wing Group!

The leader of these Elf Hunters held a tablet with a radar screen on it, and a red dot was clearly visible on the radar. Driving fast, they were getting closer and closer to the red dot.

“460 found a land shark bitten! The boss was smart and used a solar-charged tracker to detect the location of the biting land shark in real time. Quick, notify the boss!”

Looking at the red dot on the radar, the leading man immediately said to the people behind him

“Understood!”The person at the back immediately replied, but then he was a little worried,”However, the boss’s traces have been locked by the Dragon Kingdom police, and even by the fire-attribute king Cao Yan of the Dragon Kingdom. We will notify the boss now. , won’t that King Cao also come together?”

The leading man suddenly shouted coldly:”Idiot, even so, we must inform the boss that the biting land shark has the strength of the king level. Even among the kings, it is the most powerful one. It is seriously injured and is beyond our ability to deal with!”

“If we rush to deal with it, our lives will be at risk. Except for the boss’s Tyrannosaurus, no one can deal with it. Our role is only to find it and notify the boss!”

After the man in the lead said something, the people behind him immediately did not dare to speak. They just quickly used various means to contact the boss of their flying wing group, Ye Sheng!

Senyuan Ecological Farm, cabin.

Since giving the elf After they all improved their strength, Qin Feng asked them to fight or train individually to master the sudden increase in power in their bodies. There was only two days left before the agricultural products exhibition conference started.

Three days are different. On the second day, Uncle Song delivered two new huts and three warehouses to Qin Feng.

Qin Feng took a rough look at the two huts and three warehouses, and found that they were almost nine percent. It has been restored very well. There is a small swimming pool, a pavilion, a swing, and a garden in the hut. It can be said that it is a villa!

The three warehouses are also as Ibrahimovic likes, with some external decorations, which is not what you see. So monotonous. After completing the delivery

, Uncle Song left with his construction team.

Qin Feng did not plan to build other facilities at the moment, so he did not start construction immediately.

A ribbon-cutting ceremony was held, and Haoli and Xiao Fudan were also attracted.

These days, they have also watched the huts being built. They are also sincerely happy about the two additional huts added to the farm.

“In addition to housing the elves, the newly built hut also needs to be occupied by people. In the future, there will be more and more elves on the farm. I don’t have that much energy to take care of them all. Maybe I need to consider recruiting some employees to work for the farm..”

Looking at the elves playing in the yard of the hut, Qin Feng couldn’t help but think of the future.

In the future, the prairie will be fully built. Although the elves such as Big Milk Tank Kentero and Meili Sheep are also free-range, they still need people to go there. Taking care of it, just milking so many large milk tanks is a time-consuming task.

Qin Feng has great ambitions for this farm, but it is absolutely impossible for one person to run it.

“Da na da na da na~”

Just when Qin Feng was sitting on the chair and quietly watching the elves playing, the voices of three gophers came from outside the gate.

After hearing this, Qin Feng couldn’t help but stand He stood up and walked towards the gate.

Speaking of which, since he evolved into a three-gopher, he rarely came back to the hut, and mostly stayed in the farmland. It was when something happened on the farm that it couldn’t solve and it needed Qin Feng to solve it.

And now that it came to the hut, it probably meant that something happened on the farm. After all,

Qin Feng guessed that the crops were ripe yesterday! After just a short stay in the farmland, the crops are already very close to maturity.

“Three gophers, are Wangwanggu and Gungundou ripe?”

Qin Feng walked to the door and saw the three gophers. There was no panic on its face. Qin Feng knew that something happened in the farmland that it couldn’t solve.


“Da Na Da Na Da Na~”

“The three gophers said that Wangwang Valley and Gungun Beans are ripe, and they want everyone to help harvest them, Luotuo. Did you actually mature so quickly?”

Three Gophers said excitedly, while Rotom translated on the side.

“Is that really the case? Everyone, let’s go! It’s time to harvest the farm’s crops!”

Qin Feng also looked excited. When he was about to go to the agricultural product exhibition meeting, another batch of crops had matured to increase his inventory!

Qin Feng rode on the wind speed dog, and the humans and elves headed towards the farm in a mighty manner.

The first Once Wangwang Valley and Gungun Beans matured, they attracted a lot of wild elves. In the future, elves would occasionally come to try to get Wangwang Valley and Gungun Beans, but there were Bi Diao, Wind Speed Dog, and Three Gophers. They took care of it, and basically all the elves who came were beaten away. To the wild elves, the farmland was a forbidden area, and there were powerful elves in charge.

But this time, when Wangwanggu and Gungundou were mature, they didn’t dare to come over.

When they all arrived at the farmland, Qin Feng didn’t need to say anything. They immediately stepped forward to help.

The Flying Praying Mantis used its pair of scythes and dropped them. Wangwanggu and Gungundou immediately fell to the ground. , while Hao Li and other elves stepped forward to help collect them, put them into bags and transported them back to the warehouse.

Qin Feng was not idle either. He spread the power of wave guides to collect the individual plants of Wangwanggu, or helped the elves. After collecting these scattered crops, each of the six acres of land can produce nine thousand kilograms of Wangwanggu and Gungun beans.

The yield is still amazing!




Time passed very quickly, and just as the harvest of crops reached the final step, a roar suddenly came from the forest not far away.

Qin Feng recognized it, and it was the roar of a circle bear.���At the same time, there was also a violent explosion.

In the forest, black mist suddenly rose!

“Oops, something happened!”

“However, who could make the circle bears roar like this and make such a noise?”

Qin Feng frowned slightly. Both the Circle Bears are elite-level. They are well-deserved overlords in the wild. Almost no elves dare to mess with them.

But now, something like this happened.

For some reason, Qin Feng He always felt that something bad was going to happen.

Let the other elves finish the work, Qin Feng took a few Boscadoras and a few more powerful elves, rode on the Wind Speed Dog, and quickly headed towards the forest.

After approaching the forest, Qin Feng discovered that the place where the black mist rose was where he cultivated Nuo Nuo mushrooms.

That meant that the explosion was caused there!

“Damn it, I have been breeding it for a long time, and I will harvest it when I go to the agricultural product exhibition, and now something like this happened!”

Qin Feng’s face looked a little ugly. There were many glutinous mushrooms he had cultivated there, and they were almost mature!

When Feng Su Gou arrived there, he found the Circle Bears and his wife confronting a big guy. , and the baby bear was hiding far behind them.

The two bears were seriously injured, but the guy opposite was not feeling well, and the big guy opposite was also covered in shocking wounds. It resembled a hammerhead shark, with two protrusions on its head, an inverted five-pointed star-shaped yellow spot on the tip of its nose, and two white bone spurs on its arms and thighs.

Qin Feng recognized it at a glance. It’s a biting land shark!

【Name: Biting Land Shark】

【Gender: male】

【Attributes: dragon, ground】

【Level: 79】

【Features: Hidden in the Sand】

【Individual values: physical strength (31), attack (31), defense (31), special attack (31), special defense (31), speed (31)】

【Skills: Crush, Sand Splash, Dragon Breath, Quicksand Abyss, Stomp, Bite, Split, Dragon Claw, Dig, Sandstorm, Slam, Dragon God Dive, Sharp Stone Attack, Dragon Star Swarm, Destruction Death Ray, Big character explosion, dragon tail, invisible rock, water rupture, power of the earth, ultimate impact】

“This is actually a biting land shark with level 79 king level strength! The personal value is full, all skills and attributes are involved, and it is ridiculously powerful!”

“Nuonuo mushrooms can attract dragon-type and monster-sized elves. Is it possible that this biting land shark was attracted by the Nuonuo mushrooms? wrong! There are no wild quasi-god elves near Lanchang City, let alone bite a land shark, and by the way, the injuries on its body!”

Qin Feng initially thought that the Biting Land Shark was attracted by the mature Nuonuo mushrooms, but then he suddenly remembered that there are no quasi-god elves distributed near Lanchang City. The Biting Land Shark It was definitely not the wild elf near Lanchang City, and it had many injuries. There were probably dozens of wounds all over its body, and there were seven or eight wounds. Qin Feng could tell that it was a circle bear. They were caused by the couple’s fight with it.

However, there were several wounds among them. Qin Feng could see that these wounds were not caused by the couple, but these could be ignored. The body of this fierce bite was still there. There are many other wounds, many of which have even scabbed over, making it look extremely ferocious and fierce.

“Could it be that this is the biting land shark that Master Song told me about in the wild in Caiyun City that was spotted by the Flying Wings and wanted to capture it, and finally escaped to the vicinity of Lanchang City?”

Qin Feng was excited when he saw the biting land shark. Although it is extremely powerful, he can also be called a king-level trainer now, not to mention Ibrahimovic and the others. If they are with There is a chance of conquering it in a battle!

This is a quasi-god!

Those vicious elf hunters have been chasing this biting land shark, and the biting land shark appears near his farm, doesn’t that mean something? , those guys are not far away?

It is even possible that the new injuries on the land shark were caused by those elf hunters!


But just when Qin Feng guessed the identity of Lie Jie Lu Shark, Lie Jie Lu Shark roared angrily, his eyes were scarlet red, as if he had lost his mind, and the dragon stars suddenly shot out, turning into huge stars. Meteorites hit the circle bears and the others

“We can’t let it continue to be destroyed like this! My farm and my Nuonuo mushrooms will be destroyed by it!”Seeing the crazy destruction of Liebite Land Shark, Qin Feng quickly asked the Circle Bears,” Circle Bears! What happened when the land shark bit the shark? What happened before?!”


The circle bears quickly released their skills to block the falling meteorites, and then replied to Qin Feng.

Their eyes were fixed on the biting land shark, and they did not dare to slack off at all. They could feel the biting land shark giving them The strong sense of oppression!

If they slack off, they will most likely pay for it!

For the sake of the baby bear behind them, for the promise made with Qin Feng, and for the sake of these glutinous mushrooms, they cannot retreat!

“Circle Bears and the others said that Liebite Land Shark broke into the Nuonuo Mushroom cultivation area with injuries all over his body, and then ate the Nuonuo Mushrooms unreasonably and wantonly. They tried to persuade him, but Liebite Land Shark did not respond. , and then they started fighting, Lotto.”

Rotom translated. It was also seizing the opportunity to capture the biting land shark. There are very few photos of such a quasi-god elf even on the Internet.

“In other words, before coming here, was Biting Land Shark like this crazy and furious look?”

Qin Feng heard the situation in Rotom’s translation. This is also superficial. Before coming here, the land shark was bitten like this!

Then it should eat the Nuonuo mushroom to restore its health. Physical strength!

The reason for its appearance is almost obvious, that is, it was injured by the elf hunters of the Flying Wings!

Qin Feng looked around carefully and found no trace of strangers. It just shows that at least those elf hunters have not come over now

“Rotom, call the police immediately and tell them that the Elf Biting Land Shark hunted by the Flying Wings has appeared at the Senyuan Ecological Farm, and the Elf Hunters of the Flying Wings are also very likely to appear here, so they can send people quickly. Come support!”

“Got it, Lotto!”

Rotom also looked nervous. He quickly ran out of the forest, found a place with signal, and called the police to explain what happened now.

“So before the Elf Hunter shows up, the most important thing to do now is to appease the irrational Biting Land Shark!”

Qin Feng was staring closely at Biting Lu Shark, but a delicate bell suddenly appeared in his hand. It was the comforting bell that he had been rewarded when he used Wangwang Valley to make delicious food. Qin Feng originally thought it would work. It’s not big, it just makes the elf closer to me. Unexpectedly, it has a big effect now.

Người mua: Hirano Arashi!

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