The fire-breathing dragon is very powerful, and it has domineering power with one claw.

Although the Tyrannosaurus resisted, the resistance was somewhat reluctant. After all, it had spent a lot of energy in the previous battle with the biting land shark.

Even when the two sides were evenly matched, a figure with muscles like a horned dragon suddenly appeared behind the Tyrannosaurus and punched it hard on the forehead.

That’s a Swampert! A giant swamp monster with king-level strength!

Or a Mega-evolved Swampert!

And in the forest, a beautiful figure slowly walked out. She was wearing a light blue coat. She was probably only in her twenties, with wavy blue hair reaching her waist, and an absolutely beautiful face. of confidence

“Another king!”

Seeing this woman appear, Qin Feng immediately recognized her. There are only two women among the eight heavenly kings of the Dragon Kingdom.

Therefore, those two women are well known to the public, and even Qin Feng has paid attention to them.

This woman is none other than Han Xuan, the Water Attribute King!

“You can even abandon your own elf, you are really disgusting.”

Han Xuan walked out slowly, looking at the scene in front of her with disgust in her eyes.

The fire-breathing dragon and the giant swamp monster joined forces to suppress and defeat the tyrannosaurus, and Ye Sheng was also stared at closely, with no chance to escape.

Han Xuan obviously saw how the elf who wanted to abandon him ran away quickly, so she said this

“damn it! Scorpio King, come and save me!”

Seeing that the Tyrannosaurus was defeated and the two kings were eyeing him again, he gritted his teeth and still wanted to find a chance to escape.

But the battle was decided and he was finished.

On the other side, the Circle Bears and the others had joined forces to attack the others one after another. The elves were defeated one after another.

Now there was no elf around Ye Sheng.

“Did beep beep beep!”

At this moment, a siren suddenly sounded not far away, and then police cars appeared on the other side of the farmland.

Then one after another, police officers with Kati dogs and wind speed dogs ran over. , but most of them did not stay here, but went deep into the forest to pursue the elf hunters of the Winged Group.

Several police officers and several wind speed dogs assisted the fire-breathing dragon and the giant swamp monster to kill the flying dragon, Scorpion King and others. The elf arrested him and finally put a silver bracelet on Ye Shengye and put him in a police car.

The elf hunter who had been in the world for many years and the leader of the Flying Wings ended up in the forest of Senyuan Ecological Farm because of his arrogance. were successfully captured.

Reporters, doctors and others came one after another, but the reporters were blocked by the police and only the doctors were allowed to come in for treatment.

The two kings and their elves were not injured, so they mainly It was Qin Feng’s elves who were treated.

Ibrahimovic was seriously injured, a little seriously. Although the other Circle Bears and Wind Speed Dogs won, they were also more or less injured after explaining some things to them. , Qin Feng returned to Lie Jie Lu Shark, and Ibrahimovic was also here, with professional doctors treating them.

“Doctor, how are their injuries?”

Qin Feng stood next to a doctor, watching him examine Ibrahimovic and Liejie Lu Shark, and couldn’t help but ask.

The doctor looked back and was a little surprised by Qin Feng’s clothes. After all, there are no other doctors here except the police and No one could come in except the two kings, but he thought about it and replied:”Ibrahimovic’s injury is not bad, it’s not a particularly serious injury, it’s just a few scratches. You can rest for a few hours after treatment. recovered”

“Biting a land shark is a bit difficult. The injuries on its body are the most serious ones I have seen in all my years of working in the industry. There are more than 60 scars on its body. Its physical strength was exhausted and it fell into a coma.”

“We have brought equipment and are ready to operate on it immediately after treating these wounds. The success rate of the operation can be guaranteed to be 100%, but if it wants to recover, I am afraid it will not be able to recover for a week or two.”

Originally, Qin Feng was relieved when he heard that Ibrahimovic’s injury was healed, but when he heard that Lie bit Lu Shark’s injury was so serious, Qin Feng couldn’t help but worry.

“Seeing how worried you are, are you the trainer of this biting land shark? But I remember that this biting land shark seemed to be wild.々~ ”

Seeing Qin Feng’s expression, the doctor couldn’t help but ask

“I am not a trainer who bites land sharks hard.”Qin Feng shook his head.

After hearing this, the doctor did not continue to ask questions, but continued to treat Ibrahimovic and Liebite Lusha.

“I’m a little curious. You seem to be very familiar with Liebite Land Shark. I remember Liebite Land Shark seemed to have only recently arrived near Lanchang City.”

At this moment, Cao Yan, the fire-attribute heavenly king, also solved his own problems, came to Qin Feng’s side, and asked.


Qin Feng raised his head slightly:”I’m not familiar with Lie Jie Lu Shark, and I’m not familiar with him today either. Just the first time we met”

“Being able to communicate with the Biting Land Shark at the first meeting, and allowing the Biting Land Shark to Mega-evolve even though he only had the Mega Evolution Stone?”

Cao Yan asked curiously.

After hearing this, Qin Feng was slightly startled.

Indeed, it was only the first time that he and Lie Jie Lu Shark met, and they only had one super evolution stone, not even the evolution key stone as a bridge..

As for the required bond, Qin Feng didn’t think there was any bond between himself and Lie Jie Lu Shar.

In the beginning, he had the intention to kill Ye Sheng because he helped Lie Jie Lu Shar to deal with Ye Sheng and caused Ibrahimovic to be injured.

Liebite Lu Shar may have realized that he was helping it, so he stood up at the critical moment. At that time, they had a spiritual connection with each other, and they both wanted to tear up Ye Sheng. Is the spiritual connection considered a bond?

Feng thought for a moment and felt that this should not be considered a bond. Or perhaps, it was not a bond between him and Liebite Lusha. After all, he and Liebite Lusha were not trainers and trainer elves.

“I am not sure as well.”

After thinking for a moment, Qin Feng replied.

At this moment, Han Xuan came over from not far away, looked at Cao Yan with a smile and said,”The leader of the Flying Wings who has been active in committing crimes around the world for many years has finally been arrested today. La, thank you for coming in time.”

Cao Yan smiled slightly, looked at Lin Feng, and said to Han Xuan:

“I didn’t help much. Before I came, someone had let the Biting Land Shark Mega evolve and stopped Ye Sheng’s Tyrannosaurus and other elves.”

“When I come here, I can at best pick up the pieces. I don’t dare to take the real credit.”

After hearing this, Han Xuan couldn’t help but look at Qin Feng. Can she stop Ye Sheng’s flying dragon?

She knows all the top trainers in the country, and she doesn’t remember Qin Feng.

Moreover, she actually let the wild one Biting Land Shark has undergone Mega evolution? What is this method?

“I just tried my best. The Biting Land Shark broke into my farm and destroyed my crops. As soon as I stopped it, the elf hunter showed up to capture the Biting Land Shark.”

“People like Elf Hunters are outraged by what they do. It is impossible for me to watch him capture Liebite Land Shark with my own eyes.”Qin Feng replied.

Perhaps it was because his father had died at the hands of an elf hunter, and because of his hatred for the elf hunter, the moment he saw Ye Sheng, Qin Feng had no intention of backing down.

“The two kings have finished handling the scene. We are also arresting the Elf Hunters of the Flying Wings hiding in the forest immediately.”

At this moment, a police officer came over and said to Cao Yan and the others.


And suddenly there was a movement of struggle on the side.

Qin Feng took a look and found that the bitten land shark had woken up, because the doctor used the most effective medicine. After treating it, it had already recovered to some extent.

Perhaps they realized that these people had no ill intentions towards it, so Liejie Lusha did not attack, but planned to break away.

Cao Yan and Ye Xuan frowned slightly when they saw this, pretending to be ready to let their elves suppress Liejie. Lu Shar.

But seeing this scene, Qin Feng suddenly raised his hand to stop their movements, and then came to Lie Jie Lu Shar.

“Lie biting land shark, don’t worry, they won’t hurt you, your injury is too serious, they are helping you treat it.”Qin Feng said quickly.

After using the soothing bell to soothe Liebite Land Shark, Liebite Land Shark’s emotions and behavior let Qin Feng know that it was not vicious, but rather kind-hearted.

Perhaps Qin Feng took the initiative to save it. It gained its trust.

And strangely, Liejie Lusha, who had already broken away and was about to fly away, suddenly calmed down after hearing Qin Feng’s words. Next, bite the land shark and accept the treatment honestly.

“If you say now that this is the first time you met, without knowing the truth, I will never believe it.”Cao Yan couldn’t help but say.

A ferocious quasi-god bit a land shark in the wild, and now it actually listened to the words of a human being whom he met for the first time.

Who would believe this?


At this moment, a sharp cry came from the sky.

Everyone couldn’t help but be attracted. Looking up, they saw an armored bird.

The armored bird slowly descended and finally landed on the ground. From the armored bird A middle-aged man wearing a police uniform stepped down.

Judging from his temperament, he was probably in a high position.

“Land Bureau.”

When they saw this middle-aged man, Cao Yan and Han Xuan both shouted.

Lu Lin, Director of the Song Provincial Bureau

“Two heavenly kings, it’s all thanks to you this time, otherwise, Ye Sheng would have been able to get away with it again.”

Lu Lin said when he saw Liebite Land Shark receiving treatment on the side.

“Director Lu, the two of us just cleaned up the mess. The real credit goes to this little brother. He stopped Ye Sheng and delayed it until we arrived.”Cao Yan said

“oh?”Lu Lin couldn’t help but look at Qin Feng, a little surprised, but still asked,”Thank you so much to this little brother, otherwise, if Ye Sheng is allowed to escape, he will commit crimes one after another in the future. Qin Feng waved his hand and said:

“Where is it? This is what I should do as a citizen of the Dragon Kingdom.”

“.々 What’s more, my father was also a policeman, and he accidentally died in the mission of capturing the elf hunter. I hate the elf hunter, and there is no reason for me to watch him capture and bite the land shark.

Lu Lin was extremely satisfied and said:”No matter what, I want to thank you very much, because you can be said to have helped every beautiful human and elf family.””

The two of them chatted one by one, talking about Qin Feng’s father and the current situation of the farm. Lu Lin even said that he would award Qin Feng an award and give him a bonus for his righteousness.

At the end of the conversation, Qin Feng finally endured. He couldn’t help but ask:”Um, Director Lu, I wonder what to do after biting a land shark?”

To be honest, at first it was to protect those Nuonuo mushrooms and save Lie Biting Lu Shark.

But now, due to various reasons, Qin Feng felt that between himself and Lie Biting Lu Shark…

Lu Lin hesitated for a while and said:”In the current situation, the bitten land shark needs treatment, and its condition is known to many people, so it cannot be returned to its habitat.”

“In order to protect it, the best way is to send it to a protected area in the province and let it live there.

Qin Feng frowned slightly:”Send it to a protected area in the province?””


Hearing this, Lie Jie Lu Shark suddenly shouted, broke away from the treatment again, and stood beside Qin Feng, with extreme distrust in his eyes.

Obviously, he understood Lu Lin’s words, and his attitude was very Obviously, it didn’t trust anyone except Qin Feng.

Qin Feng glanced sideways at Liebite Lu Shark, then made up his mind and said to Lu Lin:

“Director Lu, you have also seen that, perhaps because I rescued it at that time, it only trusts me now.”

“It is originally an elf living in the wild. If I bring it to the province, I am afraid there will be a lot of trouble. I think it is better to let the biting land shark stay on my farm for treatment.”

“My current farm is also in the wild, which is barely suitable for the living environment of land sharks. I can also take good care of it, don’t you think? Biting Land Shark”


After saying that, Qin Feng looked at Lie Jie Lu Shark, and Lie Jie Lu Shark also nodded fiercely.

The hidden meaning of these words was already obvious. Song Lin couldn’t help but frown slightly. After all, this was a

It’s not like there are no trainers in the country who have quasi-god elves, and the country is not so overbearing. As long as the quasi-gods are obtained through formal channels or in the wild, the state will not interfere.

“Director Lu, I think Liebite Lu Shark means that he is willing to follow this little brother. It is an elf living alone in the wild. If you take it to the city rashly, something unexpected will inevitably happen.”

“I think, as this guy said, let this biting land shark stay here. This is also a wild environment.”

“And this little brother’s father is also a policeman. He knows his background well and won’t worry about what he will do if he gets bitten by the land shark.”

“Moreover, this little brother is also very strong. He also blocked Ye Sheng. He bit the land shark and formed a bond with him to complete the Mega evolution.”

Cao Yan saw that the atmosphere was a little still, stood up and said

“I also think it’s better to let it follow someone it trusts.”Han Xuan said after looking at it for a while.

Qin Feng also took out a Poké Ball in time, looked at Liebite Lu Shark and asked:”Liebite Lu Shark, are you willing to follow me?”

After saying that, Qin Feng looked forward to it. Through the soul exploration with the power of waveguide, Qin Feng could feel that Biting Lu Shark and himself seemed to be inexplicably attracted to each other.


Liebite Land Shark didn’t hesitate, nodded, stretched out his paw and tapped the elf ball.

Red light shot out, Liebite Land Shark was taken into the elf ball.

The elf ball even only shook a little and then stopped moving.

“Then let’s do it this way. Since Liebite Land Shark is willing to follow you, then naturally there is nothing to say.”

“It seems that our Dragon Kingdom will have another trainer with king-level strength.” Lu Lin saw this and said the same thing.

Người mua: Hirano Arashi

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