Opening the first page of the book, the entire room fell silent, leaving only the sound of Su Mu's rapid breathing.

Su Mu knew that the Saint Annu was a luxury ferry, but to this extent, Su Mu still did not expect it.

At the moment of seeing the reward, what rocket team and what danger were all left behind by Su Mu.

St. Annu, he went to fix, and Jesus could not stop him, he said.


"Xiao Xia, Xiao Gang hurry up, I want to hurry up and challenge the Dead Leaf Dojo." Xiao Zhi seemed to be in a good mood, and he kept urging Xiao Xia and Xiao Gang at the front of the team.

Xiao Xia and Xiao Gang looked at each other, a little helpless, they were not as blindly confident as Xiao Zhi.

Ma Zhishi, the owner of the Dead Leaf Dojo, is different from the two of them, and he will definitely not release water in the Dojo Challenger, and they are a little worried that Ash will encounter setbacks.

After the battle with Su Mu, Xiao Zhi also grew a lot, he saw Xiao Gang and Xiao Xia's worries, patted his chest and said: "Don't worry, Xiao Gang, Xiao Xia, I know that the Dead Leaf Taoist Hall is not so easy to challenge and succeed, and I am ready to fight hard." "

Xiao Gang and Xiao Xia did not expect Xiao Zhi to say such a thing, it seems that Xiao Zhi has really grown up.

The two smiled gratifyingly, "It's good that you understand, but it's already late, it shouldn't be too late to challenge the dojo today, let's go to the Pokémon Center to rest first, and then leave tomorrow." "

Entering the Pokémon Center in Dead Leaf City, the three of them saw Su Mu and Miss Joy talking and laughing at a glance.

The two talked and laughed, and the relationship was very good.

"Su Mu hasn't seen you for a long time." Xiaozhi, who saw Su Mu, quickly stepped forward to say hello.

"yes, long time no see Ash. And Xiaoxia and Xiaogang. Su Mu responded with a smile.

Calculating the time, Ash, they should indeed come, it has been less than a week since the departure of the Saint Annu, if they don't come again, they will not be able to catch up with the plot of the Saint Annu.

"Su Mu, did you get the orange badge?" Ash asked eagerly.

"Well, it's already been obtained, you have to come on too, Ash."

The timing of Ash's arrival in Dead Leaf City was very good, because he was severely taught by Su Mu for a while, Ma Zhishi has now converged a lot, and he will no longer be as cruel as before in the face of challengers.

Su Mu also invisibly helped the challengers reduce the difficulty of the challenge of the Dead Leaf Daoist Hall.

Because there have been few trainers who have been severely damaged by Ma Zhishi when challenging the Dead Leaf Dojo recently, Miss Joy's workload has also decreased, which is why she has time to chat with Su Mu, if according to her previous workload, let alone chat, she even has to squeeze out the time to drink water.

After hearing that Su Mu had obtained the fourth badge, Xiao Zhi's heart was also anxious, he didn't want to be thrown off by Su Mu, you must know that he had always regarded Su Mu as his fierce enemy.

"Miss Joy, please."

Ash gave the Pokéball to Miss Joey, he wanted to complete the elf examination as soon as possible, and he would challenge the Dead Leaf Dojo early tomorrow morning.

For Xiao Zhi to regard Su Mu as a strong rival, Xiao Xia and Xiao Gang, who get along with Xiao Zhi day and night, are also clear, but they think that this is a good thing, and having a competitive opponent can promote Xiao Zhi's growth faster, which is also what they are happy to see.

"Mouth Mouth!" The sudden bad laughter sounded in everyone's ears.

Ash's neck was cold, as if someone was staring at him.

"Who is it?!" A bold person like Ash was also frightened and shouted loudly.

"Don't make trouble." Su Mu also had a little headache, he had obtained Geng Ghost for a few days, and after a few days of getting along, he found that his Geng Ghost liked to play pranks, which really gave him a headache.

He didn't have a good solution, after all, scary and mischievous were the instincts of ghost elves

"Geng ghost?" After knowing that it was the elves who made the ghostly laughter, Ash was not afraid, he was one of the few people who liked any elf, let alone a geng ghost, even if it was stinky mud, he could accept it.

Xiao Zhi skillfully took out the elf guide and investigated the information of Geng Ghost.

"Geng Ghost, shadow Pokémon. It is the final evolution of the ghost, and the reason why people suddenly feel cold in their bodies is because the geng ghost absorbs the heat around them. "

"Shadow Pokémon? This is the first time I've seen it. After listening to the introduction of the book, Ash looked at the Geng Ghost in front of him curiously.

Xiao Gang stroked his chin with his right hand, and he noticed something wrong.

"Su Mu, is your Geng ghost a flash elf?"

Su Mu glanced at Xiao Gang in surprise, it was really worthy of Xiao Gang to see the special place of its Geng Ghost at a glance.

The Flash Ghost is a little different from other Flash Elves, and before the evolution of the MEGA, the Flash Ghost and the ordinary Geng Ghost were not surprised in color, and it was difficult for trainers who did not have special research on Geng Ghost to distinguish it.

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