"Eye of Detection."

It was indeed a close battle, and under the eyes of detection, Pikachu's strength and Ibrahimovic's strength clearly appeared in Su Mu's mind.

Both elves are elite junior strengths.

The battle between Xiao Mao and Ash has also attracted the attention of tourists on the beach, and the elf duel is no stranger to everyone, but Pikachu vs. Ibrahimovic is still rare, and they also want to see what the battle between Pikachu and Eevee will be like.

The audience of onlookers increased, and Ash became nervous.

"Hmph, Ash didn't expect you to be nervous, rest assured, the game will end soon." Seeing Ash's nervousness, Xiao Mao said with a sneer.

"Bastard, I'm not nervous, I'm just excited."

In order to prevent the two from continuing to fight, Dr. Ohki directly announced the start of the game.

"Pikachu, one hundred thousand volts." In the opening attack, Ash's battle strategy has not changed at all.

Even Su Mu, who had not been with Xiao Zhi for a long time, saw through Xiao Zhi's means, how could Xiao Mao, who grew up with Xiao Zhi since he was a child, be recruited.

He opened by having Ibrahimovic use his burrowing skills.

Compared to Xiao Mao, Ash is still too tender.

The 100,000 volts that attacked with all his might did not even touch Ibrahimovic's hair, and lost Eevee's vision, and the scales of victory began to pour towards Xiaomao.

"Pikachu, be careful with the ground."

Ash has really grown a lot compared to when he first traveled, and even though the situation fell into an unfavorable situation, he still commanded the battle calmly and calmly.

The state of the trainer affects the elves on the field, and Pikachu also calms down under Ash's infection, and it keeps shaking its ears, exploring Eevee's position.

Behind you!

In the nick of time, Pikachu found Ibrahimovic's location and narrowly avoided Ibrahimovic's burrowing attack.

Seeing that Ash successfully avoided Ibrahimovic's burrow under Pikachu's command, Xiao Mao was also a little surprised, he did not expect Ash to improve so quickly by what he thought was a fool.

He put away his inner contempt and focused on the game, which he had to win.

He wanted to challenge Su Mu all the time, if even Xiao Zhi couldn't beat him, then he would really become a joke.

When Xiao Mao began to be serious, the battle on the field also became dangerous, and unimaginable power burst out from the bodies of the two weak elves.

The onlookers had already seen something, they never thought that Pikachu and Ibrahimovic could have such power.

How about going back and cultivating a Pikachu or Eevee to try?

The outstanding performances of Ash's Pikachu and Shige's Ibrahimovic gave the audience an illusion.

I hope they just think about it, if they really do it, they will probably regret it, but not every Pikachu is called Pikachu, and not every Eevee can fight with Pi Shen back and forth.

"Let's decide the next move, Ash."

"That's exactly what I mean, Xiao Mao."

The battle has been going on for a while, Pikachu and Ibrahimovic are out of breath, and the next move is to decide the winner.

"Pikachu, one hundred thousand volts."

"Eevee, Shadowball."

Who can have the last laugh in the duel between 100,000 volts and the shadow ball?

When 100,000 volts collided with the shadow ball, there was a violent explosion, and the explosion raised sand and dust, so that everyone could not know the result immediately.

As the sand and dust slowly dissipated, everyone finally saw the situation on the field.

"Pikachu and Ibrahimovic lost their ability to fight at the same time, and the two sides draw."

"A draw?" Xiao Mao shook his head, he could only accept this result, he took back Eevee who had lost his ability to fight, "Hard work on you, Eevee." "

Although he did not win, Xiao Mao did not blame Ibrahimovic, he could see that Ibrahimovic had fought with all his might, and the reason why he did not win was not because he did not work hard, but because the opponent was also very strong.

A sense of urgency rose in Xiao Mao's heart, he had to redouble his efforts, otherwise he would be caught up by Ash.

"Are you all right, Pikachu."

Ash asked with concern as he held Pikachu, who had lost his ability to fight.

The elf's physical fitness is still very perverted, and Pikachu slowly wakes up in Ash's concerned voice, "Pikachu." "

It seems that Pikachu is just out of strength and has not received much injury.

After watching a wonderful game, I was a little hungry before I knew it.

"There's grilled corn over there!!"

I don't know who shouted in the crowd, and everyone rushed to Xiao Gang's barbecue stall.

The corn on the cob on the barbecue stall, the price is favorable, the taste is good, and it is spread by the people, and soon the nearby tourists are admiring.

There was a long queue in front of the barbecue stall, and tourists came to buy delicious roasted corn, which should be a surprise for the three of Xiaozhi who were still working.

(Ask for flowers, ask for evaluation, ask for monthly passes, humble authors ask for everything!! )

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