Through Lucario, Xu Jing immediately understood the seriousness of the matter after understanding the situation of the King of the Mountain.

Because it's a real urban world.

So it's not like in the game, where some attributes aren't 100% immune to some of the attributes that are supposed to be invalid in the game.

For example, the pangolin mouse, the baby pangolin of the king of the mountain, has the attribute combination of ice + system, and can be used as a poison skill in the game.

Even if it is 1 LV.1 level ice steel pangolin baby, the LV.99 level poison spirit on the opposite side uses poison skills, which is useless against the pangolin baby.

But in the real world, the components of attribute restraint are not simply restraint relationships.

At the same level, the Steel Elf can only weaken most of its effects in the face of poison-based skills, but cannot directly ignore the power and effect of its skills.

Of course, if it is a high-level steel elf, when facing a low-level poison skill, that little bit of power and influence is not much different from ignoring it.

The content of the "Basic Guidelines for Trainers" needs to be memorized by every trainer, which clearly stipulates that for wild elves who take the initiative to seek help from trainers, on the premise of ensuring the safety of trainers, they must help if they can!

Xu Jing asked Lucario and the other elf companions to help him pay attention to the Pangolin King, and at the same time asked Lucario to explain clearly to the Pangolin King, so that he could let go of the protection of the baby pangolin, and he wanted to hold the baby pangolin with his telekinesis and bring it to him to check.

It was impossible to let Xu Jing take the initiative to go to the side of the King of the Mountain.

Because this Piercing Mountain King is too high-level.

LV.60 level Wild Panshan King, the strength of the Quasi-Heavenly King's initial level, even if the other party takes the initiative to come to the door for help, Xu Jing will not directly believe the other party.

Of course, he can just leave it alone.

Get out of here with your buddies.

Anyway, there is no monitoring of any "zero-five-seven" category here.

No matter what, no one knows.

But if every trainer thinks so, it is not conducive to the long-term development of trainers!

And don't forget.

Xu Jing has won the status of an honorary nurseryman!

Although he does not have the standard hunting rod for conservationists.

But he does not exclude helping the king of the mountains.

Lucario's words made the King of the Mountains hesitate.

But thinking that the other trainers didn't help him, only Xu Jing was willing to help, and he took the initiative to find it.

Look at the baby who is affected by the poisonous energy.

The king of the mountains is worried.

It nodded and let go of the baby's protection.

Xu Jing patted the stealth Bictini in his arms, and asked him to use his mental power to control the other party's baby pangolin and put it in front of him.

Looking at the baby pangolin who was controlled by telekinesis and came to him, Xu Jing reached out and touched it, and his whole body was cold.

Ahem, don't get me wrong, it's not dead.

People are ice + attribute matching, isn't it cold to the touch~

Rub to the place on the back.

Ice-white back, a clear abrasion mark.

The wound has formed a deep purple color!

The strength of this dragon king scorpion is much stronger than that of the pangolin king, otherwise it would not be so poisonous, and after being greatly weakened, it would still have such a great impact on the pangolin.

Lo and behold, the pangolins were unconscious and never woke up.

Xu Jing took out a bottle of high-grade antidote from his backpack.

The price of this thing is not as outrageous as that of high-grade energy liquids.

But a bottle is not cheap, 30,000 alliance coins!

However, it can greatly weaken the toxicity below the Heavenly King level, not to mention a bottle of 30,000 alliance coins, even if it is 300,000, someone will want it!

The ingredients in the antidote cannot be directly detoxified.

It can only greatly reduce toxicity.

If the trainer is poisoned, it's quite troublesome.

Recovery is time-consuming and laborious.

But the antidote is the elves.

And it's also a sprite with steel attributes.

Then it's fine.

The recovery is so fast!

"Come on, come on, open your mouth obediently, drink the antidote and you'll be fine soon~"

Xu Jing gently patted the little head of the mountain mouse.

The little guy in the coma naturally couldn't hear Xu Jing speak.

I can't open my mouth.

Although Bicchitini's telekinesis has always been in control of the other party.

But Xu Jing was still cautious and did not use his own hand to break the other party's mouth, but let Bicchitini use his telekinesis to control his mouth open.


The antidote in his mouth was unconsciously swallowed by the pangolin, and the 30,000 alliance coins were gone.

30,000 alliance coins are just a small meaning to Xu Jing.

Do it all.

The baby pangolin was sent back to the pangolin.

"You don't have to worry, your baby has already drunk high-grade antidotes, and the toxins in the body will be greatly weakened, and he should not be awake after resting. "

Looking at the king of the mountain who cares about the child.

Xu Jing's slow words made him nod gratefully.

Immediately, I saw the two claws of the King of the Mountains groping for something behind it, with a "click" sound.


- Thank you, this is for you~

The king of the mountain thanked Xu Jing.

and gave Xu Jing a stone.

Well, not other stones.

It's 1 Ice Stone worth 5 million!

The evolution of a pangolin rat with normal attributes into a pangolin king only requires sufficient energy reserves of ground elements in the body, and when the strength is reached, it can naturally evolve into a pangolin king.

And the rare pangolin with the attributes of the ice + system, after completing the prerequisite of sufficient elemental mold energy reserves in the body, it also needs to have 1 ice stone to evolve!

Therefore, the mother of the pangolin king with this attribute will look for the ice stone for her baby pangolin in case of emergency!

The mother of the king of the mountains was very anxious before.

With the babies, I found several trainers.

But when people saw it, they were directly afraid.

Thought it was coming to find trouble.

The results can be imagined......

Fortunately, it is finally solved now.

The mother of the king of the mountains has nothing else to thank.

So he took out the Ice Stone that he was wearing, it was the most precious thing on it, and it knew that it was useful for human trainers to take it.

"Uh...... Forget it, this is for your baby, and I don't have ice elves. "If this Mountain Piercing King attacks Xu Jing for no reason, after being defeated by Xu Jing, Xu Jing will take the opponent's Ice Stone.

But Xu Jing's original intention was to help the other party.

Didn't expect to get anything in return.

In this case, the other party took the initiative to give him the Ice Stone.

Xu Jing is not short of these 5 million now.

But the king of the mountain's mother doesn't do it.

I didn't accept it when I saw Xu Jing.

It directly threw the Ice Stone in front of Xu Jing.

The Ice Stone crashed into the ground with a crisp "bell-bell-bell" sound.

It pointed at the Ice Stone with its claws.

It means that Xu Jing doesn't want it, and he doesn't want it.

Xu Jing: "......"

Okay, okay, okay, can't you take it?

Xu Jing earned 4.97 million with tears and blood!

Seeing Xu Jing accept the Ice Stone, the mother of the Mountain King was obviously very happy, because this meant that it also helped Xu Jing.

The other pangolins were also very happy. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

They roll around on the ground to express their emotions.

The surface of the pangolin's body will not be contaminated by the dust of the cave floor, and even if they dig a hole, they can always maintain their icy white complexion, which is very beautiful.

"But why were you attacked by a poisonous spirit like the Dragon King Scorpion?"

Xu Jing looked at the King of the Mountains curiously.

It's not a bad thing to wander through the secret realm and be a little curious about the unusual events that happen in the secret realm. []

Because you're likely to get unexpected benefits from it.

It is understandable that the ground-based panking of the mountain has encountered the dragon king scorpion.

After all, it is normal for the ground to be the king of the mountain, and it is normal to encounter the dragon king scorpion when he is digging a hole.

But the ice + series of the mountain king, their nest and the natural difference between the ground system, how can they provoke the dragon king scorpion?


His baby was in no danger, and after the mother of the king of the mountains was relieved, when she saw Xu Jing asking, she told the situation.

Lucario could understand what was being said.

Then through the power of the waveguide, the general meaning was conveyed to Xu Jing.

Luca Translator Leo is online!

The mother and her spouse were out to forage for food every day, and today it was its turn to go out, and when it came back from foraging as usual, it found that its mate was fighting with a dragon king scorpion.

It immediately joined the battle, and the dragon king scorpion saw that he could not defeat the opponent's two pangolins at the same time, so he decided to attack the pangolins.

Seeing this, the male Panshan King, who was the father, did not hesitate to let it withdraw with the children first, and it left the palace behind to drag the dragon king scorpion!

After the mother of the pangolin took the children to evacuate, she found that one of the baby pangolins had a scratch mark on her back, and there were signs of poisonous elements.

There was no detoxification around the place where it evacuated with its babies, so it thought of the human trainer.

It knew that humans had something to solve the influence of poisonous elemental energy, so there was a situation where they took their babies everywhere to find humans.

"I see!"

Xu Jing, who learned the general situation.

After skipping a different color in his eyes, he continued to look at the King of the Mountains and asked, "Is the place where you met the Dragon King Scorpion far from here?"

Xu Jing is not overflowing with the heart of the Virgin, nor is he preparing to find a place for the mother of the Panshan King, this is the wild elves' own weak and strong.

The mother of the pangolin found him with the baby, and there was no dragon king scorpion chasing him behind, which proved that the pangolin should not die.

As for the rest, Xu Jing won't interfere too much.

He was just curious to go over and take a look.

The Dragon King Scorpion generally does not target elves with steel-based attributes, and it also knows that steel-based elves of the same level are not afraid of its toxins.......

But it shot anyway.

What is the reason?

One reason is that the other party is extremely hungry, and if he doesn't eat, he will die soon, so he can only target the family of the Ice Steel Panshan King who happened to be found at this time.

However, Xu Jing believes that there is a high probability that this is not the reason.

Because elves can survive for a long time without eating, the elemental energy in their bodies can consume them for up to several months, and carnivorous and omnivorous elves go out to hunt and forage, more for the sake of appetite.

Therefore, Xu Jing is more inclined to another possibility.

The dragon king scorpion......

Why can't you leave that area!

The dragon king scorpion is omnivorous, and eats everything from meat and vegetarian, and under the influence of appetite, the other party can only look for elves that can be hunted in that area.

After looking for a long time and not finding it, he hit the idea on the family of the Ice Steel Panshan King, which can be seen from the fact that the other party did not chase and kill the mother of the Panshan King with the pangolin.

If the other party is simply hungry, the success rate of chasing and killing the mother of the king of the mountain with the baby is higher!

Under what circumstances would a dragon king scorpion not want to leave that range?

A poisonous treasure condensed under the rules of heaven and earth?

Xu Jing's heart moved, and he wanted to go over and take a look!

Seeing that Xu Jing wanted to go over to have a look, the mother of the Mountain King could vaguely feel the power of the elf companions around Xu Jing.

It patted itself, indicating that it was about to return to take a look, it was very worried about whether its spouse was okay, and Xu Jing could follow it.

The two sides agreed.

Xu Jing nodded.

Ride Menas and follow Mother Panking back to its lair.

Ten minutes later, the passage ahead suddenly narrowed.

Xu Jing still wondered what the situation was.

It has always been more than two zhang wide how the cave passage suddenly narrowed, so that Gera Ora increased the flash a little to see clearly, it turned out that these things were dug up on the ground of the gravel layer!

Layers of rubble have been piled up, blocking the cavern passages!

Coupled with the fact that the mother of the King of the Mountains began to roar and call something after arriving here, Xu Jing immediately guessed that this was the nest of the King of the Mountains' family.


Suddenly, an icicle carrying a cold breath shot towards Xu Jing!


Lucario flicked a bone energy bar in his hand.

The Bone Stick Random Fight skill collides with the icicle on the opposite side.

The two skills collide and explode.

Icicles shatter and ice chips shoot everywhere!

An ice-white figure burst out, and Lucario's eyes froze at each other's faces.

This is another Ice Steel Pangolin King!

The body size is much bigger than the mother of the king of the mountain!

There is no doubt that this is the head of the Panshan King's family, the father of the Panshan King, who is responsible for luring away the powerful enemy Dragon King Scorpion!

The other party obviously regarded Xu Jing and Xu Jing's elf companions as enemies, and attacked as soon as they came.

Fortunately, the baby pangolins hurriedly rolled out like balls one by one, and 2.0 stood in front of their father, squeaking and explaining.

Only then did the male king realize that he had done something stupid, and he regarded Xu Jing, who had saved his child, as an enemy, and he apologized to Xu Jing on the spot.

It's not going to be good, though.

Severe physical overdraft.

There were also some visible signs of injuries on his body.

There are dark purple spots on the body.

These are the toxins of the dragon king scorpion!

However, the Dragon King Scorpion's toxin is useless against the same level of the Mountain King.

But it still left such obvious traces on its body, which shows how terrifying the high-level poison elves are.

Xu Jing took out a bottle of stamina potion from his backpack and gave it to the other party.

He was just prepared for it, he didn't actually use it once in his backpack, and there was still some stock in the backpack.

He took an Ice Stone from the Mother of the Mountain King, and he had already made a lot of money, so it didn't matter if he gave the other party a bottle of physical strength potion.

The male Panshan King also understood what Xu Jing meant when he saw what he had already taken out, and he was about to take it.

It turned out that Xu Jing suddenly stopped.

This will not make it straight.

What's going on?

"Menas, condense a drop of life for it. "

Xu Jing suddenly remembered, why waste a bottle of physical strength potion?

Just let Menas condense a drop of life droplets.


The whispering Menas seemed to be chanting some ancient incantation.

The water elemental energy condensed in front of its mouth, and a drop of azure water floated towards the Panshan King, but the other party did not resist, allowing the water droplet to sit on it.

The drops of life can stop bleeding and restore fatal injuries, and restoring physical strength is only a passing effect.

Quasi-Heavenly King-level life droplets.

One drop makes the king of the mountains feel much more comfortable!.

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