Inside passage 106.

There was only the sound of snow and snow and the roar of the wind.

A lot of evil elves are here.

Xu Jing saw through Lucario's waveguide power visual sharing, and saw that those evil spirits were all covered in a layer of gray-brown.

It's like a stone!

The cold temperature caused frost to freeze on their bodies.

In addition to looking lifelike, it also reveals desolation!

What kind of existence can make these elite-level, master-level evil elves petrified?

A petrified Black Ruga looked like it had turned around suddenly, trying to push its owner out of the rear but was too late.

The owner behind it is the old man Kong Changhui said, this old man seems to have a premonition of something, with a shocked expression.

But the body hasn't reacted yet.

The look of horror was forever fixed on his face.

Petrify on the spot!

At this time, it seemed that some force was invading, and a wave of fluctuations swept in.

Nothing happened, though.

That invisible force fluctuation should only have an effect on living beings.

Useless against Lucario's waveguide power.

Invisible fluctuations come and go as fast as they come.

"Is this where the sense of oppression comes from?"

Xu Jing's face was solemn.

He had never heard of an elf with such outrageous abilities that could directly petrify people and elves on the spot!

At the very core of the labyrinth cave, something remarkable seems to have come out......

"And he's very smart, he actually used the evil pure crystal condensation to lure the evil elves!"

Through the power of Lucario's waveguide.

Xu Jing saw it very clearly.

In front of the petrified evil spirits.

There is a pure black cube spar slowly taking shape.

"It's the Evil Pure Crystal!"

Finally met the evil system pure crystal!

And it's so easy to come across!

Xu Jing's Super Good Luck Card didn't even have time to use it!

The Evil Crystal itself appeared within the range of Lucario's waveguide power.

It's just that this distance is a bit far.

After entering passage 106 from the 105 and 106 forks, you have to continue to go deeper for more than 900 meters.

"What's going on?"

Hundreds of millions of evil pure crystals are not far ahead.

Xu Jing did not dare to step into passage 106.

I'm afraid that the invisible power will give him a moment, let him experience what it's like to experience petrification on the spot!

And he now knew why he didn't see any more evil spirits from other passages coming this way.

First, all the evil spirits in the vicinity were attracted to it.

Second, the evil pure crystal has been condensed and formed!

When the attribute treasures overflow and condense in the rules of heaven and earth, the fluctuations emitted can be sensed by the elves.

After the condensation 710 is formed, you can't feel the fluctuations.

Try to get Gengar or Bictini to use their superpowers to move the Void around?

Xu Jing had an idea in his heart and immediately put it into practice.

First of all, let Geng use his superpowers to extend into passage 106!

As a result, it was.

The purple fat man's superpower couldn't feel the location of the evil pure crystal at all.

At first, Xu Jing felt that it might be that Geng Ghost's superpowers were not strong enough.

After all, it is a ghost system, and the body does not have a super system.

So it was replaced with Bicchitini.

Biktini has a super system!

Biktini nodded cutely, his little face was serious, and after shouting "Pinipini" twice, he began to urge his strength to help Xu Jing.

It didn't work either!

The evil line pure crystal does not move at all.

Looking at the evil pure crystal embedded in a boulder in the visual sharing, Xu Jing finally frowned.

This was the first time he had encountered such a situation.

It's clear that the treasure is right in front of you.

But I can't get anything!

It's even just over 900 meters!

Such a distance at your fingertips.

Can you only see but not touch?

However, seeing so many petrified lives on the spot, Xu Jing would not have walked into Passage 106 anyway.

I won't let my elf buddies try it out.

"Forget it!

He and his elven companions had just explained the situation.

Everyone, you look at me, I look at you, there is nothing good to do, after all, Geng and Biktini have already tried with superpowers.

Xu Jing is going to go home.

"1 part of the evil is just pure crystal, it's not worth the risk. "

"Everyone, let's go, go back to the previous supply station!"

Xu Jing knew that there was a big deal.

The labyrinth cave should be completely sealed off for the time being.

It will only be opened again when it is clear!


Suddenly, Darkrai, hidden in the darkness, appeared and rushed directly into Passage 106.

Xu Jing's face immediately changed dramatically!

Take out Darkrai's Poké Ball for the first time.

Want to take it back!

"Come back!Darkrai, don't risk it!"


The red energy lines shot by the Poké Ball didn't work out.

Because Darkrai is too fast.

The red energy line landed on a boulder.

Darkrai is a figure flickering, and he rushed out more than 200 meters in the blink of an eye!

"Cice, find out what is going on with Darkrai!"

Xu Jing didn't know what was going on with Darkrai all of a sudden.

Lucario could only observe what Darkrai was going to do through the power of the waveguide.

However, watching Darkrai walk straight along those petrified elves, Xu Jing immediately knew what Darkrai meant.

It wants to rush over and get the evil pure crystal by itself!

It seems to feel the appearance of a living being.

An invisible force wave swept in again.

Xu Jing's heart is in his throat!

Darkrai, you can't do anything!

Under the observation of Lucario's waveguide.

The moment when the wave of invisible power appeared.

Darkrai's figure vanished again.

Merge with the darkness around you!


At the place where Darkrai disappeared, when the invisible force was about to cover it, a pitch-black ball cocoon suddenly appeared in that position!


Power fluctuations swept over the ball cocoon.

The ball cocoon does not move at all.

Darkrai's figure reappeared.

It's okay!

"I'm going to go!

Xu Jing's first reaction was to breathe a sigh of relief!

Darkrai was fine, it was able to dodge the power of the petrified life force with the combination of its special ability to blend into the darkness and the exclusive skill of the dark hole!

The second reaction was that the evil pure crystal was about to arrive!

Sure enough, Darkrai had already come to the position of the evil pure crystal, and reached out to grab it!

The evil pure crystal embedded in the boulder immediately turned into a torrent of energy and was sucked into Darkrai's body!

Congratulations to the host, your Darkrai has absorbed the Evil Pure Crystal, and the Evil Elemental Attribute in his body has skyrocketed, gaining 1.2 million experience points, and the absorption time is about 5 days]

Darkrai at LV.58 will probably be able to reach LV.63!

Darkrai has already gained a lot of experience at LV.58.

Maybe you can break through to LV.64 directly!

Darkrai went in and out as fast as he could.

Xu Jing was still wondering why Darkrai was safe. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

It has the same evil attributes as those evil spirits.

The difference is that Darkrai is a phantom beast, not an ordinary elf!

There's also Darkhole, Darkhole's exclusive skill.


Xu Jing, who was sitting on Menas's back, suddenly hammered his hand!

A divine beast that soars in the sky and is born from destruction flashes through his mind - the cocoon of destruction, Ipeltar!

Same malign attributes.

The same has the ability to petrify lifeforms!

Xu Jing feels that there is a high probability that he will not be wrong!

"If there really is a cocoon of destruction in the labyrinth cavern, then ......"

That's a bit of a ...... It's terrifying!

Once the Cocoon of Destruction is born, Epeltal is born.

First up are all the wild spirits and trainers who roam the labyrinthine caverns throughout the labyrinth!

These lives are just paper paste in front of Ipeltar, who is mainly destructive and destructive, only petrified lives!

After the labyrinth cave cooled down.

Ipeltar rushed outside, that was the entire Dongshan Province, and even the entire Dragon Country!

Congratulations to the host, the side quest is completed, and you have obtained the advanced gacha ×1]

Tongzi suddenly popped up such a prompt at this time.

Xu Jing didn't have the time to care about this.

You can draw cards at any time.

The first priority is to find the staff of the supply depot as soon as possible!

He hurriedly rushed to the supply station with his elven companions!

"Menas, everyone, hurry, let's rush back, hurry!"


The largest supply depot before.

Kong Changhui and a number of other trainers are resting here.

Before, when Xu Jing sat on Menas and left.

Some trainers represented by Kong Changhui talked to each other while resting, and they were all guessing which second-generation trainer Xu Jing was.


The effect of Geraora's flash skill allows the trainers in the supply station to see it from afar!

It was Xu Jing who rushed back and his elf companions!

"Yo, the little brother is back so soon, did he forget that something fell on the sleeping bag pit in the supply depot?"

"Haha, little brother, don't you want to rest for one more day before you go over? Go back in passage 100, and the temperature will be more than -50!"

"You guys, don't tease a few words, the strength of the little brother is much stronger than you and me, and I have a little palpitations when I see that Lucario. "

"It's just, don't say -50, even -60 is fine. "

"Woo throat!"

Everyone laughed and laughed.

Xu Jing rushed directly into the supply station on Menas.

In accordance with the express provisions of the supply depot.

Before the trainer enters the supply station, in order not to cause chaos, the big elves have to be put away in advance, and then called out temporarily if necessary.

Xu Jing's move undoubtedly made the others a little stunned.


Due to the speed of Menas!

When he rushed in, the cold air from behind him also rushed in, blowing and extinguishing the bonfires in the supply station for a while.

Such a movement soon attracted the staff in the supply station, and even the person in charge of the staff came out!

"Manager Lin!"

Manager Lin was a little puzzled, how many years have passed, after this supply station was built, few people dared to violate the regulations so blatantly.

What's the matter with this trainer with Menas?

"Come up with me to see what's going on. "

Several staff members followed Manager Lin to Xu Jing's side.

"Hello, the contemptible surname is Lin, and he is the manager of this supply station, may I ask ......" Manager Lin has not finished speaking.

Xu Jing had already taken the right to speak, he looked at Manager Lin and said with a long story: "Manager Lin, right, something happened in the Labyrinth Cave, you should immediately ask the staff to go to other supply stations, and let all the staff of the supply station start to evacuate the trainers in the Labyrinth Cave urgently, don't go to the place behind Passage 105, let everyone evacuate quickly!"

Manager Lin: "???"

"No, you just violated ......"

Manager Lin looked confused, okay, why did you suddenly say that something happened to the labyrinth cave?

"Oh yes, I was negligent. Xu Jing suddenly came back to his senses and forgot to explain his identity.

It is normal for the other party to be confused when he suddenly opens his mouth like this.

He looked at Manager Lin and took out his honorary nursery identity book, and Manager Lin subconsciously took it and took a look.


Honorary conservationist, a bigwig-level character!

"Ah, Xu...... Well, Mr. Xu, can you tell me the details, it's too sudden, I'm ......"

Although Manager Lin was sure that the certificate of this honorary nurse was genuine, what Xu Jing said was too unbelievable, this was the meaning of dismissing all the trainers in the entire labyrinth cave!

"Manager Lin, there is an unknown energy in the place after passage 105, all the trainers and the evil spirits who were attracted to the past are all petrified, the stakes are very high, don't ask so much, if you are afraid of accountability, there is me who asks from above, act quickly!"


It's all about this.

Manager Lin no longer continued to worry about what was going on.

Although petrification or something sounds fantastical.

But Xu Jingdu said that there is something with him.

Then do it!

The identity of the honorary conservationist is very high in the headquarters of the Dragon Alliance, and it is not something that he can question as a person in charge of a supply station!

"What are you doing in a daze, hurry up!"

Manager Lin hurriedly urged the staff.

Execute the order now!

Then, Xu Jing looked at the trainers led by Kong Changhui and others, and said simply: "Seniors, the situation is urgent, I need your help!"

"What...... What, all of a sudden, play this one?"

"I can directly order Manager Lin, the person in charge of the supply station, to prove that your position in the headquarters of the Dragon Kingdom Elf Alliance is very high, although I don't understand who you are, but you can say it! I have memorized the basic guidelines for trainers!"

"That's right, do you want us to help evacuate the trainers?"

"Petrochemical...... Aren't all the trainers after Passage 105 finished?"

"Alright, stop arguing!"

The crowd fell silent.

Xu Jing's arrangement was the same as that of the staff at the supply station, asking them to disperse and notify the other trainers to evacuate quickly!

Everyone happily agreed!

But will it be done?

I don't know.

Although these people are all trainers, there is no guarantee that some trainers are greedy for life and afraid of death, and choose to flee as soon as possible.

Xu Jing didn't have time to care about these people.

After the order, he was also ready to evacuate.

I never thought that I would encounter this kind of thing when I came in this time, or did I say that the core of other four-star secret realms might also have a divine beast sleep?

In short, Xu Jing rode Menas to the exit, and as long as he met a trainer along the way, he would persuade him!

There are also trainers who do not believe in evil.

thinks that Xu Jing is doing this on purpose.

There are even a small number of trainers who think that this is likely to be an opportunity that should not be missed, after all, they have never heard of the petrification of lifeforms before, but they think that there may be an opportunity over there that has never appeared!

To this kind of trainer who seeks his own death.

Xu Jing didn't say much.

He has already said what he needs to say.

What these people do behind is none of his business.

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