Half a month later.

March 15th!

After Xu Jing used the golden experience crit card to raise the strength of all the elves to the head, he set his sights on the boss of the dragon's nest.

Another side quest is to find the boss of the Dragon's Lair!

And defeat it!

Xu Jing originally thought that although the champion-level fast dragon was wild, since he had the information he obtained from Peng Laosan, it was not difficult to find it in theory.


Now, it's not hard to be a ghost!

Xu Jing can't afford to complain, okay!

After giving Biktini a ~3 level boost from that morning.

The experience time of the Golden Elf Crit Card was over, and Xu Jing came to the position given to him by Peng Laosan as soon as possible.

There is a lake there, the lake seems to have an area of tens of thousands of square meters, there are many elves drinking here on the shore around the lake, and there are many water system elves in the lake from time to time - the surface of the water.

According to Peng Laosan's intelligence.

He had brought his elven companion to the lake to drink, but before he could get here, he saw a huge orange figure drinking from a distance!

Peng Laosan knew at that time that he had encountered the strongest wild elf in the legend of the evil dragon's nest - the champion-level fast dragon!

After he made a note of the location.

I didn't drink any water, for fear of disturbing the dragon.

According to the laws of nature, the most powerful wild elf in the dragon's lair, it must have its own fixed lair!

The average person can't find it at all.

But since I came to the lake to drink water.

There is a high probability that the other party's lair is near this lake!

It won't be too far.

The radius will not exceed 20 kilometers!

Xu Jing has been in the past half a month.

Look around the lake.

Sitting on a fossil pterosaur, looking for it in a circle.

I didn't see any fast dragons within 20 kilometers at all!

As a last resort, Xu Jing can only expand the scope of searching!

Expand to a radius of 40 km, 60 km!

Now, Xu Jing has carefully searched all the 200 kilometers around the lake!


Well, it can't be said that there is nothing!

Xu Jing found 6 attribute essences and 2 attribute stones!

6 copies of attribute essence are worth 3 million.

2 attribute stones are also a piece of 10 million.

Anyway, 13 million has arrived!

The secret treasure was not found.

A secret treasure worth 20 million is indeed hard to find.

In half a month, Xu Jing had already eaten the things he had brought in his backpack, and after sleeping in the open for two days, Xu Jing couldn't help it at that time, and let the fossil pterosaur carry him back to the secret hall.

After spending a sum of money in the secret hall, Xu Jing, who was fully resourced, returned to his destination.

"Damn, keep probing, I won't believe it!"

Xu Jing patted the back of the fossil pterosaur.

At this time.

Suddenly, a skill soared into the sky below!

Countless wind blades are going up against the raft!

I don't know if it's an air blade or a whirlwind knife.

However, the guy below wanted to attack the fossil pterosaur, and the fossil pterosaur naturally would not sit still, and easily dodged after waving the dragon wings, and cast a rockslide on the spot!

The giant rock condensed and fell at a rapid speed.

The target of the fall is the spirit that sneaks up on it below.


The rockslide formed a rocky mountain that fell from a height of nearly 300 meters at a rapid speed, and the wind pressure caused a whining roar around the rocky mountain, which sounded particularly scary.


Not to be outdone, a yellow-purple destructive death light came up against the raft again, hitting the rocky mountain formed by the rock avalanche!

As a result, it didn't explode the rock mountain as the other party imagined, and the destruction of the dead light was scattered by the rock mountain, and it continued to fall!


Far in the air at an altitude of nearly 300 meters.

Xu Jing could hear a dull sound.

The falling boulder is like a remote-controlled bomb, detonated from a high altitude by a fossil pterosaur, and the rock crumbles, and the power is incomparable!

The LV.79-level fossil pterosaur fell into a rock avalanche, but Xu Jing did not receive a prompt from Tongzi for a long time.

Either the sneak attack spirit below avoided the rockslide attack range, or the opponent blocked it with a skill and was not defeated.

When flying at high altitudes, Fossil Pterodactyls will occasionally encounter attacks similar to those just now, as some of the more territorial elves are not used to seeing other elves flying over their territory.

And this kind of most likely is a flying system or an elf that can fly itself, otherwise it doesn't count so much.

The flightless elf leaders don't have so much to manage.

The bottom was not defeated though.

But the attack did not rush up again.

Maybe the other party was stunned or frightened by the fossil pterosaur's move rockslide.

The fossil pterosaur also seemed to have a premonition that there was still a battle on the other side, and the huge dragon head looked back at the owner on its back, and asked with a leak in his eyes: "Do you want to go down and it!?"

"No, it's important to get down to business. "

Xu Jing asked the fossil pterosaur to fly at a height of 100 meters.

At this height, Xu Jing continued to look down with a telescope on the back of a fossil pterosaur.

"It's not the way to go. Xu Jing frowned, thinking about a way to break the situation.

He did see Kuailong's footprints next to that lake, proving that it was not Peng Laosan's intelligence that deceived him.

Could it be that there was some reason for the dragon to leave the lair?

Xu Jing decided to find another day.

If you still don't find the dragon next.

He was about to go to the place where Peng Laosan sold him for 5 million alliance coins!

Fast Dragon ...... Find out later!

Or give up here, there is a high probability that the fast dragon is not here, and he will go directly to the core area of the dragon's nest!

When he was in the labyrinth cave, he couldn't go any further than he stepped into the No. 105 passage at the edge of the core area, and the core area of the dragon's nest was not blocked.

There, wild elves with king-level strength can be seen, their strength is terrifying, and the danger index rises in a straight line!

The day passed quickly.

Sure enough, I didn't find a fart......

Xu Jing gave up.


On March 16, the core of the dragon's lair was on the edge.

A group of adventuring parties is surrounded by a pack of large wolfdogs.

"It's over this wave, this group of big wolfdogs is too smart, they actually know how to lure the enemy deep into ......"

"Captain, you go first, I'll take the back!"

"Captain, help me take care of my family!"

"Don't be stupid, you all go, Lao Tzu is behind! Lao Tzu will bring you back when he takes you out, get out of here!"

Several members of the adventuring party are vying to see who dies in exchange for the other companions' chance to escape.

It's not often that an adventuring party can do this.

In the end, Xu Lei, as the captain, roared angrily and asked several other members to quickly retreat with the elves, and he had already rushed to the big wolf dog pack with his remaining 3 elf companions.


The leader of the big wolf dog is extremely strong, and he is more than 4 tall standing on all fours, and the eyes of the wolf staring at Xu Lei are very fierce.

A low roar. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The surrounding 6 big wolf dogs that were smaller than it swarmed towards Xu Lei's elves!


Xu Lei is preparing to fight to the death with the elves.

Unexpectedly, the big wolf dogs around them suddenly seemed to have encountered something terrifying and made a commotion.

The leader of the big wolf dog slowly retreated, his limbs and paws left scratches on the ground, his eyes stared at Xu Lei, and he roared in his throat as if he was demonstrating.

"Grass!, is it possible that there is a new terrifying guy coming out to forage for food!?" Xu Lei also panicked.


Some team members hurriedly reminded.

Xu Lei looked at the group of big wolf dogs that quickly retreated.

It seems that these big wolf dogs will not continue to attack, and the other party will not be able to stop him, but fortunately look back and see where the sky is sacred?

"Shhh...... What a big fossil pterosaur!?" Seeing what made those big wolf dogs afraid to retreat, Xu Lei's pupils shrank suddenly, and his heart almost jumped out of his chest!

"This ...... Damn, it's really dead now, and our Sichuan Shu adventure team is going to be wiped out......"

This fossil pterosaur with a wingspan of more than ten meters is definitely above the quasi-heavenly king, and the fossil pterosaur is extremely fast, and the flying elves of these people and the super elves who can teleport and escape have lost their ability to fight.

They can only be reduced to the food of this fossil pterosaur!

It's hateful, Xu Lei took this Sichuan and Shu adventure team to the secret realm all the year round, and finally made a small fortune, and now he is going to be buried here!

However, Xu Lei and several members of the team were not attacked.

In their imagination, the scene of the fossil pterosaur "feasting" did not appear, which made them suddenly remember one thing when they came back to their senses.

- Fossil pterosaurs are ancient fossil elves!

At present, there are only fossil pterosaurs in specific secret realms, and there are no in the dragon's lair!

So this fossil pterosaur has a trainer![]


Sure enough, a figure jumped down from the fossil pterosaur, and Xu Lei and the others hurriedly stepped forward to thank the big guy for saving his life!

But I don't want to be so young on the other side!

And they all know each other......

The members of the adventure party looked at each other.

In the end, the captain Xu Lei came forward, and he couldn't believe it but had to ask: "Uh, may I ask who are Xu Jing?

"Yes, it's me. Xu Jing generously admitted, patted the ash on his body, and looked at Xu Lei: "Your adventure team has been wandering around here?"

"Thank you, thank you, Xu ...... If you have any questions, just ask, our Sichuan Shu adventure team knows everything, and there is no end to it!" Xu Lei almost subconsciously called out Xu Jing again, but fortunately, a team member next to him pulled his clothes, making him suddenly startled, where is this person in front of him who is the Xu Jing classmate they knew before?

This horse is a big guy sitting on the back of a fossil pterosaur with terrifying strength!

Don't be foolish!

"Don't be nervous, it's too dangerous for your adventure team to come to this kind of core area, the leader of the big wolf dog pack just now is almost at the peak of the Heavenly King!"

Xu Jing saw the emotional changes of the trainers of the adventure team who had survived the catastrophe, and after slightly calming down, he also asked the purpose of his special visit.

Ask them.

Have you ever seen a champion-level dragon in the core area!

"Fast Dragon...... Alas, to tell you the truth, our team has rarely come to such a deep area before. Xu Lei and several team members looked at each other and smiled, and they all sighed.

He then explained, "I don't know why you have such a powerful fossil pterosaur, but in return for saving our team just now, we are sending you this piece of information for free, hoping to help you." "

Xu Lei told the story.

Their Sichuan Shu adventure team had never entered such a deep place in the core area before, and this time they came here because they had seen the fast dragon in the outer area a few days ago!

There's something wrong with that dragon!

It's probably about to lay eggs!

What is a fast dragon?

That's the owner of the world's No. 1 god speed!

is still a powerful dragon elf, and a quasi-god!

How precious are the eggs of this elf......

The value is indescribable!

It was precisely because of the guess that the fast dragon was going to lay eggs.

Therefore, the Sichuan Shu adventure team, which usually does not venture forward, discussed it and decided to enter the core area to join in the fun.

Let's see if we can have a chance......

There's a ghost chance!

After their Sichuan Shu adventure team entered the core area, before they could do anything, they were lured deep into the encirclement by a group of big wolf dogs!

I was made dumplings!

If they hadn't met Xu Jing, they would have suffered heavy losses!

"If you're interested, you can try to go a little deeper, but we don't know the specifics of the dragon. "

Xu Lei said the news he knew.

Xu Jing nodded.

"Okay, thanks!"

The news that Kuailong might be going to lay eggs made Xu Jing a little excited, although he had 3 phantom beasts, but the quasi-god didn't have it yet!

As an opener, how can you do it without only God?

Gotta get one!

jumped and landed on the back of the fossil pterosaur, and the fossil pterosaur shook its wings, and it rose to the sky with Xu Jing, and soon disappeared into a black shadow.

"I'm going!" He's finally gone, and that fossil pterosaur feels so terrifying to me......

"Yes, I have seen Chen Tianyi's fossil pterosaur from afar, and his fossil pterosaur seems to be ...... Not as big as Xu Jing's fossil pterosaur?"

"How is it possible, doesn't that mean that Xu Jing's fossil pterosaur is stronger than Chen Tianyi's fossil pterosaur?

"Is the Heavenly King-level Fossil Pterodactyl? It's really incredible, the younger generation of our Dragon Kingdom has reached this level?"

"No, right...... It should be that he is too strong. "

Xu Jing left, and several trainers of the Sichuan Shu adventure team couldn't help but discuss.

The topics all revolve around Xu Jing and the fossil pterosaur.

"Alright!" Xu Lei frowned and stopped the discussion among his teammates.

"What now, are you going to continue to go deeper or ......" Before Xu Lei finished speaking, he saw all his teammates' heads shaking tops, and he smiled bitterly: "That's what I mean, let's withdraw, the core area is not something we can come, and the fast dragon egg is not a treasure that we can touch." "

"Hope...... He can make it!"

Xu Jing saved the Sichuan Shu adventure team.

The Sichuan Shu adventure team was grateful to him.

But their strength can't help either.

I can only pray silently in my heart.

I hope Xu Jing can get the fast dragon egg as he wishes!

"Let's go, Geng ghost, you hide in the dark and pay attention!"

"You ...... Eagle!"

With Xu Lei's arrangement, one by one.

The people of the Sichuan Shu adventure team divided their labor and began to retreat!

Before withdrawing.

The members of their team glanced nostalgically behind them.

After remembering the horrific scene of being dumpled by the big wolf dogs just now, they didn't stay any longer.

Leave quickly with the help of your elven companions.

And the other side.

Xu Jing flew into the core area on a fossil pterosaur.

Again encountered the roadblock attacker Zero!.

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