Five-star mission: There is an abnormality in the Aba monster group in the depths of the secret realm of Linggu, ask a trainer with elite high-level strength elves to investigate the situation (the strength of the boss of the Aba monster is elite high-level)

Five-Star Mission: Explore whether there are any wild elves in the core of the Spirit Valley Secret Realm whose strength exceeds the elite high level and reaches the first level of the hall master!

Five-Star Mission: The Elven Emergency Hospital in the Spirit Valley Secret Realm Hall is in an emergency for snake serum stocks, and it is urgent to collect the original venom of the Aba Monster and the Rice Spoon Snake (at least 10 grams of each venom, this quest is valid for a long time)

The above are the 3 five-star missions that Xu Jing received in the secret realm of Linggu.

The first and the last of them overlapped in their tasks, so Xu Jing took the two together.

For other elite trainers.

A five-star mission in a two-star secret realm may be too dangerous.

But for Xu Jing, it's completely convenient.

It's just that those trainers who have enough strength generally don't come to the two-star secret realm.

If the five-star task issued by the Secret Realm Hall has not been accepted for a long time, it can only be completed by the Secret Realm Hall itself.

As for the last task to collect snake venom serum.

There are two kinds of snake elves active in the secret realm of Linggu, Aba Monster and Rice Spoon Snake, and every year there are many trainers who are poisoned by Ah Bai Monster or Rice Spoon Snake, and the serum of these two snake elves is in great demand!

So set this five-star mission to be valid for a long time.

In the blink of an eye, Xu Jing stayed in the secret territory of Linggu for 5 days.

Saturday, March 30th!

Five days have passed, and Hakron's level has already been raised to LV.42, not only have the treasures originally given to it been absorbed, but the second dragon stone has also been given to Hakron.

And that dragon tooth!

400,000 before, now 1.2 million experience smashed down!

Tongzi shows that it takes 6 days for Hakron to absorb it.

And after absorbing these experiences, plus the experience of harvesting wild elves in the secret realm of Spirit Valley, the level can probably reach LV.53!

Of course, before this, Xu Jing will pay attention to the situation of the dragon at any time, and after it can absorb the dragon pure crystal, Xu Jing will also absorb the dragon pure crystal to the dragon dragon as soon as possible.

Let it evolve beyond LV.55 level to become a fast dragon!

At the same time, within 5 days.

With the joint efforts of Xu Jing and Ha Kelong.

Hakron successfully awakened the molting trait, and also mastered one of the three genetic skills, the dragon god dive.

This is a great skill of the dragon system, and it is very powerful!

What is Hanging?

That's what you want!

Other trainers worked hard and risked their lives, and after finally finding the treasure, they still had to wait for half a year, a year, or even a few years to digest and absorb it.

Xu Jing was short of 163 and got everything done in a few days.

He has only been a trainer for half a year.

What strength is it now?

There are several champion-level elves.

The rest.

Except for Hakron, all of them are king-level!

If it weren't for the dragon egg obtained in the dragon's lair.

If not to be on the safe side.

At this time, Xu Jing had already certified as a Heavenly King-level trainer and challenged three Heavenly King seniors in a row, and had his own Heavenly King title!

Even Xu Jing even thought about what his title was called.

Take the character Jing in his name.

King Sedum, Xu Jing!

Sounds pretty good~

"Hackron, lower your stature. "

Thanks to Hackron.

The fossil pterosaur is idle, and Xu Jing is now using a hack dragon to travel.

In just a few days, after Hakron's actual combat experience was quickly stacked, Xu Jing no longer needed to hide it.

Straight to the Hakron on the road!

Haklong carried Xu Jing to the depths of the secret realm of Spirit Valley.

The wild elves here are basically elite beginners, and occasionally there is an elite mid-level.

Xu Jing had Hakron descend beside a wide river, and then began to prepare lunch.

With the youngest elf becoming the queen of the Hackron.

The handling of the ingredients is all left to Hakron.

At first, the ingredients for everyone's meal were either rotten or broken, but Hakron got better after getting used to it.

After spending an hour, Xu Jing finished lunch.

Embark on a new journey with a hackron.


Not far away in a large dense tree.

A 5-meter-long Aba monster perched within the canopy, keeping an eye out for the newly floating Hack Dragon.

The snake letter confided from time to time.

Because the leaves of the big tree can hide the color of the Oba Monster very well, you can't see the Oba Monster inside at all when you look at it from the outside.

Before the hack dragon could rise into the air, the Ah Bai monster in the big tree saw that the hack dragon had already reached its attack range, and suddenly burst out of the canopy of the big tree!

"Xian Bai!"

Spit venom!

- Acid Bomb!

A poison-based skill that greatly reduces the hitter's special defense!

However, it didn't know that Xu Jing had long known about its existence, and specially let Haklong pass by.

Wait for the Ah Bai monster to rush out.

It was greeted by a move from Hackron, Dragon Wave!

The domineering dragon energy exploded in the canopy of the big tree.

Addi's monster fell to the ground limply.

As soon as he was about to escape, he was stopped by the Geng ghost who appeared.

"...... of Cybor"


Ah Bai didn't know that he had been fooled, for fear that his life would be in danger, so he stared nervously at Geng Ghost.

"Geng, keep it under control, I'll get some venom. "

Xu Jing, who jumped off the back of the Haklong, held a bottle in his hand, which was specially used to extract venom from snake spirits.

There are several of these bottles in Xu Jing's backpack.


Geng Ghost's purple claws hooked slightly.

Hypnotism activated.

The Alpha opened its mouth and froze in place.

Xu Jing used a small stick to expose the fangs of the Ah Bai monster, and then used the bottle to put the fangs on the upper jaw of the Ah Bai monster on the mouth of the bottle, and slightly tapped his tongue twice, and a few wisps of purple-black venom flowed down the mouth of the bottle into the bottle.

The serum needed by the Elven Emergency Hospital has to be prepared according to the original venom of the Aba monster, and the venom released with skills will not work.

And each snake spirit has less primordial venom.

That's why you only need 10 grams of venom for each snake spirit, and you'll have to find many snake spirits to collect 10 grams!

After Xu Jing finished collecting the venom, he stood far away and asked Geng Ghost to unhypnotize the Ah Bai monster.

After Ah Bai woke up, he looked at Xu Jing in a panic, and then fled without looking back.

Xu Jing smiled slightly and sat on the Haklong.

"Go, keep up, the direction it fled from is exactly the Aba monster group, go over and take a look!"

Half an hour passed in the blink of an eye.

The Abba Monster crawls in front.

Xu Jing sat on the back of Haklong and followed in the sky.

Gradually, one after another Aba monsters appeared in front of them, which proved that the front should not be far from the Aba monster race!


Suddenly, Hackron stopped.

There are so many Abba monsters here, and the Abba monster that followed at the beginning has long since disappeared.

What made Hackron stop was nothing else, it was the environment ahead!

Ahead is a poisonous swamp!

From time to time, you can see a Baba snake or a Baba monster coming out of the ground in the poisonous swamp, and soon burrowing into the poisonous swamp again.

This seems to be the base camp of poisonous elves, in addition to the Aba Monster series, Xu Jing also saw the round silk spider series, stinky mud series, dissolving beast series and other poisonous elves.

These poison spirits gathered together in the poison swamp.

And above this poisonous swamp.

There is some purple mist that is visible to the naked eye!

"The number of poison elves here is a bit terrifying......"

Xu Jing's face was solemn, because there was no purple mist in front of him, but poisonous gas!

The breath of the poison elves will have a very small number of negligible poison gases discharged along with a piece, and when the amount is good, the breath of these negligible poison elves will not be affected at all. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But there are too many poisonous elves in this poisonous swamp!

They gathered together, and combined with the influence of the poisonous swamp, over time, these mist-like purple poisonous gases appeared above the sky.

And it depends.

The sky was polluted with purple poisonous gas.

What if some trainer with a flying elf accidentally rushed in from here and took a sip...... []

Good guys, that's probably just lying on the board!


Xu Jing called out the little guy Biktini.

In this situation, even the clouds in the sky looked like they were polluted by poisonous gas, and Xu Jing felt that it was necessary to deal with them.

Poison gas can't be blown away with a flying skill.

That would just blow it somewhere else.

Xu Jing's goal is to use powerful fire-based skills to directly incinerate these poisonous gases!

That's where Bicchitini comes in!


The little guy Bictini also didn't fall asleep in Poké Ball.

I didn't expect to be called out by Xu Jing suddenly.

However, the little guy was quickly attracted by the purple poisonous gas in the distant air.

"Biktini, you haven't used it on a large scale since you mastered the exclusive skill, so use these poisonous gases to test the power of your fire charges!"

The palm of his hand fell on Biktini's head and rubbed it, Xu Jing's words were naturally necessary for Biktini.

Its small hand was placed in front of it, and as the fire elemental energy frantically condensed, the fireball formed by the flames poured out like a meteor shower, and the purple poisonous gas was gorgeously crushed in the sky.

The flames lit up to the sky, illuminating half of the sky red.


Wherever the flame bomb passed, the purple poisonous gas was like a rat seeing a cat, and when it kept making an unpleasant and sharp harsh sound, the gas produced by the flames was pungent but not poisonous.

The poison spirits in the poisonous swamp below were all restless, afraid that the flame projectiles from the sky would fall on them.

Run, run wildly!

One by one, the poisonous elves went out frantically and fled.

For fear that he would be slow to escape, he sent it himself.

The power of a champion-level skill is so terrifying.

As hundreds of poisonous elves fled from the poisonous swamp, the entire poisonous swamp was instantly devoid of an elf.

Xu Jing looked down from the sky.

"Huh, what's that?"

To Xu Jing's surprise, there seemed to be something wriggling in the middle of the poisonous swamp, stirring all the sludge, sludge, and stench around the poisonous swamp and it looked disgusting!

"Hackron, go down a bit. "

Xu Jing patted Hakron.

When approaching a height of 20 meters above the Poison Swamp.

Hackron stopped.

Xu Jing looked at the place where all kinds of sludge wriggled, and the power of the waveguide gushed out from his body, covering the strange place like a tide.


"What the hell ......"

Xu Jing was stunned, feeling that his waveguide power was swallowed up by that strange place!

Found something strange in the secret realm again?

"Hackron, stay away, lift off. "

Whatever it is, since it's unknown.

Then ...... Use your skills to blast all this sludge away!

He wanted to see what was under the sludge.

It was the first time he had seen it.

There is something that can be devoured even by the power of the waveguide, and the five-star mission is probably related to this thing.


Hakron lifted off and regained 50 meters in the air.

Xu Jing looked at Biktini floating next to him and ordered, "Biktini, another flame bomb, throw it directly into those wriggling sludge, and blast all those disgusting things away." "

In the two-star secret realm, no matter how dangerous the existence is, it is impossible to threaten his strength, so Xu Jing is very bold.


Biktini once again activated his exclusive skill, and the meteor shower-like fireball reappeared.

It's just that it was in the sky before, and the poisonous gas of the attack had no entity, so Xu Jing couldn't see the power at all.

Now directly in the sludge of the poisonous swamp, the power of the flame bomb is clearly manifested.


Sludge, stinking water, poisonous gas, and other filthy things solidify, crack, evaporate, and shatter under the terrifying heat of the flame bomb.

The whole ground seemed to tremble!

Flameballs hit the ground!

It's no less than a mega-earthquake!

The elves within a radius of dozens of miles began to flee away.


This time it was a fossil pterosaur that came out.

"Fossil pterosaurs, blow those dust and sand away. "


The fossil pterosaur carried out the master's order, and the dragon's wings flapped.

Soon, the disgusting part of this poisonous swamp was revealed.

It's a mysterious hole!

"It's the mysterious cave again......"

Xu Jing looked at the mysterious cave in the middle of the poisonous swamp and his mouth was a little dry, he had already determined that the opposite side of the mysterious cave was the real elf world in the dragon's nest before.

Originally, I thought that only the place in the dragon's nest had a hole entrance.

"Now it seems ......"

"The entrance to the elven world is likely to appear in the world one after another?"

"But why did all those poison elves just now run to the poison swamp?

Xu Jing was a little puzzled.

"Forget it, you have to be a professional. "

There was another "bang" of the Poké Ball opening.

This time it's Lucario!

Lucario appears on the back of a fossilized pterosaur.

The fossil pterosaur's head turned around and snorted disapprovingly.

But I didn't say anything.

After all, Xu Jing has something to do.

"Lucario, tell me again with the power of the waveguide, and see if it's the same as the hole in the dragon's lair. "

"But be careful, I just sensed with the power of the waveguide, and as a result, the power of my waveguide was swallowed. "

Xu Jing used his superpowers to lift himself up and walked from the back of the hack dragon to the back of the fossil pterosaur.


Lucario nodded, didn't say anything to the owner of the "weak chicken", and directly released the power of the waveguide.

Xu Jing put his palm on its back.

The power of waveguides, shared!


The mysterious cave once again welcomes the power of the waveguide.

This time, the power of the waveguide is many times stronger.

Xu Jing's waveguide power was also fused into it, and he was forcibly sent into the cave by Lucario's waveguide power, blocking the devouring power!

Over there, it's really the elven world again!

It doesn't seem to be the same as the dragon's lair.

Because the first thing Xu Jing heard was......

"Sirona, have you found a solution?"


Outside this mysterious cave, is the Sinnoh continent?

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