Xu Jing, who was sure of it, looked at Sirona with a serious expression.

"So why did you come here to say this to me, and let me help you catch that elf?"

Although the giant pincer mantis ran fast after making a fuss on their side, and it can be seen from the way Sirona came over on purpose, there should be no news from Sirona's side.

But Xu Jing still knew very well that the giant pincer mantis had only run a certain distance, and it was unlikely that they would leave the city so quickly.

It's normal if you want him to stay and help find it.

Sirona looked at Xu Jing and naturally understood Xu Jing's thoughts, but after smiling bitterly, Sirona still shook her head directly at Xu Jing without hesitation.

"We have so many things here, and I'm so anxious to deal with them, that's why this low-level mistake occurs, and I'm here to tell you. "

Speaking of this, Sirona returned to her normal expression, and spoke to Xu Jing with a cool expression.

"When we took that elf to the Doctor, it seemed that the elf wanted to find you, so we suspect that the elf will most likely follow you, and you should be careful of the elf's revenge. "

If there is something else, Xu Jing may still need to think about it, but if you want to say that the revenge of the 12 giant pincer mantis, there is no need to think about it so much, after all, Xu Jing has the ability to resist the attack of the giant pincer mantis.

And the giant pincer mantis, as a subordinate, was beaten again and again, and it was impossible for him to really jump out and attack him casually.

So at this moment, Xu Jing, who was listening to Sirona's words, just nodded casually, and didn't take this matter seriously at all.

Sirona knew Xu Jing's strength, and at this moment, seeing that Xu Jing didn't take this matter seriously, she didn't dwell too much, but waved her hand at Xu Jing, and began to deal with her own affairs again.

After Sirona left, Xu Jing was sure that Sirona didn't need his help much, so he naturally took those elves with him to get into the car.

This time there were quite a lot of passengers on the bus.

Xu Jing took a closer look at the location where the car was going, only to find that it was actually going to the vicinity of the unmanned power plant.

The unmanned power plant has been abandoned for a long time, and not many people will go to that place.

Xu Jing also accidentally took a car at random.

Why did so many people go to that place with them?

Could it be that there have been some problems with unmanned power plants recently?

Just when Xu Jing was confused, a passenger sitting behind Xu Jing spoke excitedly at this time.

"Did you also go to the power plant to find the lightning bird?"

Hearing this, Xu Jing looked at the trainer with a little surprise.

The trainer didn't care about Xu Jing's slightly surprised expression, but spoke to Xu Jing happily.

"I'm really curious about what the legendary lightning bird that can manipulate thunder and lightning at will will be like, if I subdue this elf, maybe my strength will be even better at that time. "

If he hadn't talked about it, Xu Jing might not have remembered that there was a lightning bird in an unmanned power plant.

As soon as he said this, Xu Jing remembered that the unmanned power plant had indeed always had a legend about the lightning bird.

Because of this, there are quite a few trainers who want to go there, but basically none of them succeed in getting the lightning bird.

Slowly, naturally there are not many trainers who go there, why are there so many people today?

Could it be that the legend of the lightning bird has reappeared?

Just as Xu Jing was thinking this, the trainer had already begun to happily communicate with the others.

Most of the other trainers went to unmanned power plants, and their communication was naturally unbridled, and there was nothing to hide.

Xu Jing listened for a while and quickly understood what was going on on their side.

It turned out that the lightning bird appeared again in the recent period, although no one knows what the reason for the lightning bird appeared this time, but the appearance of the lightning bird is definitely a huge temptation for trainers.

So after hearing about the appearance of lightning birds, these trainers didn't even bother to study too much, so they went to power generation one by one.

This has caused this car, which is usually not occupied, to now be crammed with a large number of trainers.

Xu Jing, who understood the situation, laughed, but he didn't take this matter seriously, since all the trainers were here to take a look at the lightning bird, it didn't matter if he followed him to take a look.

It would naturally be best if he could accept it, but if he couldn't accept it, Xu Jing didn't think there was any big problem here, after all, he had elves.

There is no shortage of a powerful elf.

Xu Jing didn't lack this kind of powerful spirit at all, but other trainers were obviously very lacking.

So after a while, Xu Jing began to hear the legend of the tenth lightning bird and the things that the lightning bird liked from their ears, and some people had even started to spread rumors.

Xu Jing tugged at the corners of his mouth, and looked at the person who spread the rumors a little speechlessly, and at this moment, an exclamation suddenly came from the side.

"How come there's an elf here?"

Although these people are trainers and have their own elf companions, most of the elf companions follow the trainer when they ride in the car, or they basically don't run around in the Poké Ball.

So the inexplicable appearance of an elf scurrying around without a trainer by his side obviously surprised these trainers.

But the trainer who was surprised after a moment didn't take it seriously. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

413: After all, there are so many trainers here, and there will always be some trainers who don't take care of their own elves very well.

It's just too normal.

While they were thinking, the elf also came to Xu Jing's side at this moment.

Xu Jing, who didn't pay attention to the sound at all, felt that something appeared next to him.

He suddenly looked to the side keenly.

The little fire dragon who was following Xu Jing also looked at it suddenly, and when he saw it, the little fire dragon suddenly snorted in fright.

Xu Jing was also speechless for a while and looked at the elf that appeared inexplicably, this was actually the giant pincer mantis that ran away in Xirona's hands not long ago.

This elf has already run away, and he knows that his side is not easy to deal with, but he still dares to appear so generously, is this really not afraid of death?

Just when Xu Jing was a little speechless and didn't even know what to say about the giant pincer mantis, the giant pincer mantis raised the poke ball again at this time.

It can be seen that being subdued by Xu Jing is what the giant pincer mantis wants to do the most at the moment.

It even looks a little obsessed.

Xu Jing, who originally thought that the giant pincer mantis was planning to fight, looked at the poke ball raised by the giant pincer mantis, and the bunch of elves that inexplicably came out again and followed the giant pincer mantis, and instantly fell silent.

He was still silent on his side, but the giant pincer mantis had already knocked on his arm with a poke ball, and the urging attitude was really obvious.

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