"Dude, hello, where did you come from? It's early enough, I just arrived for a while, my name is Zhang Tao, from the northeast. "

Another person also introduced himself: "Tong Chuan, from the frontier." "

"My name is Xu Jing, a native of Star City. "

After Xu Jing finished talking about the local area of Star City.

Zhang Tao and the crib both looked at him again.

Especially seeing that Xu Jing only brought a small backpack, he couldn't help but complain: "No wonder you only brought a small backpack, the local one is convenient, haha, these days, the brothers don't know where to play, it's under your command." "

"Where are you going to play?" Zhang Tao, you don't know that the freshmen of the Elf Academy of the National Defense Elf University are not allowed to go out casually in the first three months, right?" Tong Chuan looked at Zhang Tao curiously, as if he was a little surprised why he asked this question.

"What?" Zhang Tao was embarrassed at the time.

Then he exclaimed, "This is too miserable, isn't it? I didn't pay attention at all, where did I write these regulations?"

"The official website is there, it's too late for you to read it now, you're coming in, what else do you want to do?".

"Day...... Makes sense, then it doesn't matter, what initial elves did you two subdue?".

Zhang Tao's troubles came and went quickly.

Speaking of the initial elves, Tong Chuan seems to have come to the spirit.

I saw him take out two Poké Balls from his pocket.

Just put it out.

"Come out, Derubi, Little Fire Horse!".


"Hee Rhythm~".

With the two fire spirits released by Tong Chuan.

The temperature in the dormitory suddenly began to rise.

Zhang Tao's eyes were quick, and he took away the garbage bag near the little fire horse: "I'll go, you kid is particularly proficient in fire, don't burn the dormitory!"

Zhang Tao was speechless by Tong Chuan's elves.

As the indoor temperature rises more and more.

He hurriedly released his elves as well.

"Ura, come out and help me cool down!".


With a "bang", a navy blue elf with sharp claws appeared, looking cool.

Ranla, evil + ice.

"Huh?" As soon as Hura appeared, he immediately felt a slight discomfort, because there were two fire-type elves here, and he naturally didn't like it very much.

But with the appearance of the fox.


temperature in the dormitory was really under control.

"I'll go, you guy has two fire-type elves, and one ice-type one can't completely cool down the temperature. Zhang Tao looked at Tong Chuan speechlessly, then smiled, took out the second Poke Ball and threw it casually: "Come out, Da Duck!".


A dazzled Duck appears next to Tsura.

"You actually have a duck god?".

Tong Chuan was a little envious of Zhang Tao.

"There are too few water elves on our border, and alas, I really want a duck!"

In the secret territory of the elves on the other side of the frontier, due to geographical reasons, there are many elves in the ground system, rock system, fire system, evil system and so on.

The environment over there is not very suitable for cultivating water and grass elves, but many people want to raise a water elf.

Even for this reason, many people leave from the frontier and go to other cities where the environment is not so bad.

"Hehe, this is not to Star City, there is a chance!" Zhang Tao enjoyed Tong Chuan's envy of his duck expression, patted Tong Chuan's shoulder and smiled.

Immediately, Tong Chuan and Zhang Tao both looked at Xu Jing.

"Xu Jing, you will be buddies in the future, what are you still hiding, hurry up and take out the elves and give them to my brother to see and understand~".

There are ducks and tandolas at the same time, and the normal temperature in the bedroom is temporarily restored, and as soon as the air conditioner is turned on and the door is closed, Zhang Tao lies comfortably on the sofa in the living room.

Here I have to mention the student dormitory of the Elf College of the National Defense Elf University, although it is a four-person room, but each room has one hundred and twenty square meters.

After coming out of the room, there is a large living room of nearly 200 square meters, so the total area of a dormitory reaches an astonishing 700 square meters!

The reason why I got such a big room.

Or take into account that the elves of each student are different.

The room is too small for fear of impact.

In addition, there are not many freshmen in the Elven College of the National Defense Elf University every year, and the freshmen who can be recruited into the National Defense Elf University are all top-notch scholars.

For a variety of reasons.

That's why there are such exaggerated dormitory conditions.

Xu Jing put the small backpack he was carrying on the sofa in the living room and took out the ugly fish elf egg inside.

"Oh, this is one of my elf companions, and it hasn't hatched yet, haha~" The excitement on Xu Jing's face was not hidden, which made Zhang Tao and Tong Chuan realize that this elf egg may not be simple.

But how does it look so weird?

What's that layer around this eggshell?

"Ahem, this elf egg...... Something looks like!" Zhang Tao looked at the elf egg for a while, touched his fingers on his chin, looked at Xu Jing expectantly and asked, "Is there another one?"

Xu Jing smiled slightly and took out the high-grade ball:

"Come out, Leolu!".

Zhang Tao: "???


Tong Chuan: "it!?Leo Road!?".

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