Soon it was Xu Jing's rookie third shift.

Step through the door of the Secret Realm.

Xu Jing only felt a trance in front of him.

It's as if there's an illusion of space creeping.

Wait until you come back to your senses.

He has already appeared in the world here of the Starspring Secret Realm!

First of all, there is a huge plaza on this side of the secret realm.

There are also military trainers here who are heavily guarded, in order to guard the gate of the secret realm, otherwise the wild elves inside will run through the gate of the secret realm to the outside urban world.

In a matter of minutes, 265 new students were divided into six camps in the square, and six counselors shouted in front of their respective class camps.

Han Zhuang is no exception.

He stood in front of the rookie class 3 and asked the students to check their equipment, and after confirming that there was no problem, he shouted "3 classes go".

Rookie three classes of 66 people set off at the same time.

The rules of the Freshman Military Training Tournament are simple.

Beating other classmates counts as 10 points at a time.

Each classmate can only be defeated by you once.

This class doesn't count yet.

Trying to deliberately lose to the same person to brush points won't work.

Accepting an elf companion counts as 10 points.

Defeat an Elf of Normal Beginner strength for 1 point.

Defeat an Elf of Normal Intermediate strength for 3 points.

Defeat an elf of ordinary high-level strength for 6 points!

Finding a regular Poké Ball condensed in a secret realm counts as 1 point, finding a high-level Poké Ball counts as 10 points, finding a bottle of primary potions counts as 1 point, and a bottle of intermediate potions counts as 10 points!

As for the other secret realm products.

Then the score is judged by its value.

In a word, the higher the score, the better the grade!

In the Starspring Secret Realm, there are ten supply stations in different locations, and the supply stations are responsible for converting points for the things collected by the students and providing supplies.

If anyone can find the treasure of the secret realm and take it to the supply station to register, then it will be 100 points in one step!


In the freshman military training competition, you can also invite other students to fight, but you must not kill yourself, and you must lend a hand to other students who need help.

Everyone wears a locator and a high-tech watch, which can check the real-time score ranking, and when students defeat the wild elves, the high-tech watch can judge the strength level of the wild elves according to their breath and skill strength and make a record.

Some people are bold enough to go it alone.

Some students also started to form teams.

Basically, a dormitory is made up of a team.

Xu Jing is not a maverick for the time being.

He chose to act with Zhang Tao and them.

Anyway, there is a month of freshman military training competition.

There is no rush at all.

And this is a real elf secret land!

If you're not careful, you'll die!

Leolu's strength is not enough for Xu Jing to be completely unafraid of the other wild elves, and he plans to make a wave of money first and team up with the other three roommates to act together.

He has experience points for battles, and he will go up by leveling up the brush.

Wait for Leolu's strength to go up.

When the time comes, it will be safer, and it's never too late to go it alone!

"Brothers, I have something to say. "

After the four of them teamed up to choose a good direction, Zhang Tao, who was usually very arrogant, suddenly stopped the other three.

"Wang Ming, Tong Chuan, Brother Jing, since we can all enter the Elven Academy of the National Defense Elf University, it means that our brothers are among the top among their peers. "

"But since you form a team, there must be one master, otherwise what if there is a disagreement?".

Zhang Tao's words won the approval of the other three.

Wang Ming couldn't help but prepare to directly say that Xu Jing would be the captain, obviously he thought that Zhang Tao was going to recommend himself as the captain when he said this.

As a result, Zhang Tao recommended Xu Jing as the captain in the next sentence, Wang Ming blurted out the words of refusal, and was dumbfounded as soon as he said the word "I don't".

Fortunately, the reaction was fast enough, so it stopped in time.

"Wang Ming, you don't agree?" Zhang Tao looked at him strangely.

"Fart! I mean, I won't disagree with Brother Jing being the captain!" Wang Ming scolded with a smile.

Xu Jing did not shirk it, it was better for him to be the captain than for others to be the captain to command him.

After a moment of silence.

He took out the map of the secret realm of the Star Spring, and chose a place with water, mountains, and forests as his destination.

"Leo Road, let's go, let's go!".


- Finally gone!

After all, the Star Spring Secret Realm is 4,250 square kilometers.

For 265 newborn rookies, it is impossible to run around in such a big place.

Therefore, some of the more dangerous places have been marked on the map in advance, and the wild spirits in the Starspring Secret Realm who have reached the professional level have been cleared and moved to the marked places in advance.

(LV.0~LV.9 ordinary low-level, LV.10~LV.19 ordinary medium-level, LV.20~LV.29 ordinary high-level).

Ordinary high-level strength wild elves are the highest-level opponents these freshmen can encounter.

When the six counselors saw the students set off, they looked at each other and pulled out six Poké Balls from their waists.

6×6, thirty-six Poké Balls were thrown into the sky at the same time.

"Bang!", "Bang!", "Bang!", "......


Thirty-six "bang" sounds were like dull firecrackers exploding, filling the sky above the square with white light.

The white light finally condensed and formed, turning into thirty-six elves of various shapes and appearing in the square.

A carving with wings outstretched.

A sturdy cat boss.

Charizard with two wings on its back.

Flaming Arrow Eagle with fiery red feathers.

Thirty-six elves with at least the strength of the elite beginner gathered in the square, obediently waiting for the master's order.

"Everyone, please do it this time, let's go, scatter in various locations in the secret realm, if you find a student asking for help, please be sure to rush there as soon as possible, pay attention to safety!"

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