Students who apply for the Elf Academy of the National Defense Elf University.

Everyone has a breath in their hearts!

I want to learn to make a name for myself here!

So ......

The historical record of the Elven Academy of the National Defense Elf University is a very important benchmark for these students!


seniors who set these historical records.

In the end, they basically became the powerhouses of the whole country!

And now, among their classmates in the same class, there is a ruthless person who broke the record of the first day of the freshman military training competition!

One shift.

Xie Zhe took a few classmates who formed a team.

Fighting on the battlefield in Supply Depot 4.

"Flying mantis!


Xie Zhe has a relatively well-proportioned figure, looking less than 1.8 meters tall, with a simple short black hair.

He commands his Primal Elf Flying Mantis.

The flying mantis spreads its wings as thin as cicada wings on its back.

Blade-sharp arms thrust forward.


Ahead, a pangolin and a Nidolino didn't have time to dodge before they were hit by the flying mantis's knife arm.

"Brother Zhe, your flying mantis is also very powerful, 1V2 can win against both of us, I am convinced. "

"Yes, Brother Zhe, and you successfully suppressed Bai Lanlan in the second class on the first day, and you should be nine out of ten in the first place in the freshman military training competition. "

See the flying mantis defeat its own elves.

The two teammates opposite Xie Zhe hurriedly flattered.

"Alright. Xie Zhe didn't care and waved his hand.

"I didn't choose you as a teammate to listen to you praise me, help me sit down and train, and continue to help me find the treasures of the secret realm tomorrow. "

Although Xie Zhe is confident that he will win the first place.

But to be on the safe side.

I still found two teammates to form a team.

"Hehe, let me see if there are any other ...... in our class" At this time, the trainer of the pangolin smiled, picked up the high-tech watch, opened the standings, and refreshed it.

Suddenly, the words behind me couldn't be spoken, and I was stuck!

Three seconds later.

He reminded Xie Zhe in a somewhat strange tone: "What, Brother Zhe, someone robbed you of the first place ......".

The first place was robbed?

Xie Zhe frowned.

He scored 136 points on the first day in the previous freshman military training competitions.

That's also the number one score.

This year, there is still someone who is taller than him on the first day of 136?

"Register the two unregistered high-level balls in the room later, +20 points to snatch the first place back. "

However, Xie Zhe only frowned and relaxed.

He didn't just have 136 points today.

There are also two senior balls that have not been registered.

I was going to keep it for the next few days when I sprint to the standings, but now it seems that I don't have to lose it, and I can't even get the first place on the first day

Who knows, when the two teammates heard this, they immediately cried and mourned: "Brother Zhe...... No, the first place Xu Jing, he ...... 210 points!".

"Multi-...... How much?210 points!?".

At this time, Xie Zhe was a little Bengbu and ......

His 136 points plus 20 points makes 156 points.

It's so much ...... away from 210

Covering his forehead, Xie Zhe raised his hand to look at his high-tech watch, and sure enough, the first place was Xu Jing of the third class.

He looked at his two teammates and asked, "Help me inquire about this Xu Jing's information, it seems that there is no way to win the first place today." No matter how the other party accomplishes it, it's already dark today, and it's not suitable to go out on adventures, and sooner or later you will deal with each other. "

It's already like this, no way.

Alas, I thought I could take the first place to make my dad happy.

This Xu Jing has two brushes.

Even the historical record has been broken, so keep an eye out for it!


On the Gate Square of the Secret Realm of the Starspring Secret Realm.

Six counselors are encamped here.

In the evening, the counselors of the other five classes all smiled and teased each other, saying which of the students they brought was more powerful.

And this time.

Han Zhuang, the counselor of the third class, was depressed.

Because on the first day, the top five in the standings.

None of the three classes he took ......

"Teacher Han, don't worry, I think Tan Xinyan in your third class is very good, she has 91 points, and she is likely to squeeze into the top five tomorrow, maybe she is unlucky. "

"Yes, Lao Han, why is your performance so inactive today, the standings, it's just the first day, don't worry too much. "

Indeed, no one can be sure that they will have the last laugh until the last day. "

After all, the counselors didn't have anything else to talk about at this time, and in the end, they kept talking about the standings.

Among them, a class of counselors is more proud.

Who let him be lucky enough to let Xie Tianwang's son Xie Zhe be assigned to the class he was responsible for!

Several other counselors said they didn't envy that's fake.

After all, Xie Zhe is here.

What kind of activities and competitions will the students do in the future?

There is a high probability that the first place will be taken away by Xie Zhe's class, and it is basically impossible for the students in their other classes to be more powerful than Xie Zhe.

That's when it happened.

Han Zhuang, who was about to go to the class group to comfort and comfort the students.

Looking at the message in the group, my eyes suddenly widened!

"Holy shit!".

A national quintessence.

Draw the eyes of the other five counselors.

After seeing the chat content on Han Zhuang's mobile phone screen.

Everyone refreshed the standings for the first time.

That's when I found out ......

The first place that everyone was talking about has changed hands!

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