The power of the waveguide!

It is a type of special power.

The special power in the urban world has always been the envy of many trainers!

Which trainer has special powers.

As long as it continues to develop normally.

The future is almost certain to be able to step into the ranks of the top powerhouses!

Actually, it's normal.

The urban world under the change of the rules of heaven and earth.

Elves have a variety of elemental affinities and lineage attributes.

Humans also live in this space.

Therefore, a very small number of people will awaken special powers, such as trainers who awaken the power of flames, this kind of people are naturally close to fire-based energy, and subduing and cultivating fire-based spirits will often get twice the result with half the effort!

The power of the waveguide is another special power that is different from the power of attributes, as long as it is said that the living form has a unique waveguide, the power with the ability to sense is called the power of the waveguide!

And after mastering the power of the waveguide.

In order to control the skill of wave missiles!

The power of the waveguide can communicate with the elves with the waveguide mind.

You can explore the surrounding area.

Can be condensed into a wave of missile release!

Sure enough, as soon as Lucario's wave missile came out.

Not only the auditorium, but even the college leaders on the front lawn of the super-large plaza discussed one after another.

"The current students are all terrible, and the power of the wave guide has come out, haha, this Xu Jing is in the third class of the freshman year, right?"

"Well, the freshman class that Han Zhuang is in charge of, the students who came in ahead of schedule. "

"The strength of that Lucario...... It's a bit hard to see, and it feels like there's more to it than that. "

"I wonder what the dean thinks?"

The leaders of the college looked at Dean Chen Lin.

The expression on Chen Lin's face was very happy!

He even guessed that Xu Jing might not give up on that fossil pterosaur elf egg, this was to fight for the research right of the resurrection instrument on behalf of the National Defense Elf Academy?

"That's it!"

Chen Lin coughed lowly and interrupted everyone's discussion.

"Xu Jing's Lucario is from Liang Xiuming, President Liang's side, so let's not discuss it too much. "

Why couldn't Chen Lin see that Xu Jing's Menas and Lucario were promoted so quickly?

But everyone has their own opportunities. 27

Xu Jingke is a student of the National Defense Elf Academy.

It's Liang Xiuming's side again.

It's still necessary to have a good relationship!

The dean spoke.

Other college leaders, you look at me, I'll look at you.

In the end, there was no further discussion of the matter.

However, in the audience, Xu Jing and Lucario and the power of the waveguide have already exploded!

"The self-detonating magnetic monster loses its ability to fight, Lucario wins, Xu Jing advances, and Wei Youyou is eliminated!"

In the No. 6 field, the referee and tutor were stunned and hurriedly checked the state of the self-detonating magnetic monster, and after determining that the opponent could no longer have the strength to fight, he waved the flag as soon as possible.

Xu Jing is promoted to 24!

Wei Youyou, who was on the other side, regretted that it would stop there.

Wei Youyou was stunned, looked at Xu Jing opposite him with a helpless expression, and after thinking about it for a while, he still walked towards him, stretched out his hand to congratulate him: "Senior Brother Xu Jing, I didn't expect Lucario's strength to be so strong...... Even the power of the waveguide has been learned, and I am not unjustly lost. "

"Where, Senior Sister's self-detonation magnetic monster is quite powerful. "

Xu Jing didn't say much.

It can only be said that Wei Youyou was too unlucky to meet him.

Otherwise, if it's a different person.

It is impossible to advance to the top 12 with the strength of the self-detonating magnetic monster.

But the round of 24 is still proper!

The two shook hands, and they parted with a touch.

"I hope you will work hard with me to reach the national competition!"

"I will, senior sister~"

This is the end of Xu Jing's game on the 28th.

In the forum of the National Defense Elf Academy that night.

One post after another is crazy to appear!

It's all about Xu Jing!

"Help! Have the current freshmen been involuted to this extent?"

"Crazy! New Life Has the Power of Waveguide?"

"Lucario with the power of the Awakened Waveguide?"

"In the 2023 Elf Championship Cup National Competition, can the National Defense Elf Academy win the championship!"

"Brother Xu Jing is so handsome!Tai cool and spicy!"

I didn't even know who had that hobby, so I simply wrote an elf novel with Xu Jing as a template and posted it on the Internet......

Naturally, it was another big meal that night!

Oct. 29, 9:30 a.m.!

Xu Jing's 24-in-12 match.

The opponent is a senior from the third year.

This junior is very lucky with this sentence.

Because he was either matched to the sophomore year or the freshman year, his friends said that he was lucky with shit, which was too rebellious.

But this time the shit luck doesn't seem to work.

Although the opponent who was matched was still a freshman.

But he was also the last freshman among the 24 students who participated.

- Xu Jing!

"Senior Brother Xu Jing, please take care of me. "

Before the battle began, the junior grinned.

Xu Jing smiled back ambiguously.

It's impossible to take care of it.

12 strong he also needs.

The battle will soon begin!

Xu Jing still used Lucario in this round.

The senior on the other side used a more common elf.

- Twin-Tailed Monster Hand!

The Twin-Tailed Hand evolved from the Long-Tailed Hand.

Although it only evolved once.

But the little guy's race value is not low.

- 482 race points!

Among them, the speed race value is as high as 115!

Faster than most elves!

As for the claim of race value, this is the information obtained from the elven ruins of some elven secret realms.

And then after decades of research in the urban world.

It was finally decided.

The twin-tailed monster hand is fast and returns quickly.

The problem is that the skills are too narrow for Lucario.

Unable to form an effective attack on Lucario!

Only symbolically held on after a few rounds.

The Twin-Tailed Hand is blown away by Lucario's punch.

Gives Lucario 1 experience.

That's right, the level is too low!

The difference is more than two large levels!

Xu Jing successfully advanced to the top 12!

Having qualified to represent the Defense Genie Academy in the national competition, his strength also made the other 11 students feel tricky!

This freshman Xu Jing's younger brother.

It seems to be too strong!

In the afternoon game, 12 into 6, Menas came on the field to beat the opposite side.

6 into 3 in the evening, advance!

Because the Communist Party only rested for three days.

Therefore, on the 29th, the entire campus preliminaries will be completed!

The students' emotions became more and more high in this battle.

The winner will be selected from the next three.

Xu Jing!

Although they are freshmen, Menas and Lucario's strength seems to be endless, even if they encounter the elite-level beginner Wei Youyou, they will easily defeat them!

No one knows where the limit of Xu Jing's strength is.

The second, Huayan!

Hua Yan is the most popular senior sister in the entire National Defense Elf Academy, heroic and strong!

The third is that he and Hua Yan have been competing for who is the strongest Ouyang Su in the senior year of the National Defense Elf Academy!

It is worth mentioning that Xu Jing met Hua Yan when he was 12 into 6 before, and Hua Yan did not fight him, but saved his strength and abstained from entering the repechage match.

Hua Yan's strength is really strong, after giving up the battle with Xu Jingyi, she naturally stood out easily in the repechage match, and finally succeeded in reaching the top 3!

In the evening, semi-finals, Xu Jing...... Bye!

That's right, among the three of Xu Jing, Hua Yan, and Ouyang Su, Hua Yan directly abstained when she met Xu Jing, and when the leaders of the academy saw this, why didn't they understand that Xu Jing's strength might be the strongest of the three?

Although Xu Jing didn't let the elves use all their strength in the face of the others.

But after all, the leaders of the academy have been trainers for many years, and their eyesight has long seen that Xu Jing's Menas and Lucario are not right.

Therefore, Xu Jing was directly bye!(Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

Judging by Xu Jing's performance.

No one will gossip about the bye, the strength is there!

Ouyang Su fought against Hua Yan, and the final result was Hua Yan's defeat!

Count the defeat to Xu Jing.

Hua Yan was defeated twice.

And Ouyang Su and Xu Jing are all victorious.

Next, whether Xu Jingying or Ouyang Su wins.

Hua Yan can only be the third in the preliminaries.

It's 23:00 sharp!

Usually at this time.

The National Defense Elf Academy has long been quiet.

Today is in full swing.

The students of the general culture class of the National Defense Elf University were also reluctant to leave for a long time, and they all had to watch the last battle before they were willing!

"After three days of competition, we finally came to the final of the final preliminaries!" Dean Chen Lin stood up at this time, throwing a poke ball in his hand, and white light appeared in the dark night sky.

A golden electric dragon appeared in everyone's sight.

Heavenly King-level Electric Dragon!

As soon as it appeared.

The terrifying aura of the Heavenly King-level Elf was slightly released.

The entire Defense Elf Academy quickly fell silent.

"Electric Dragon, Healing Bells!"


The electric dragon has a ruby-like crystal on its forehead and tail, and I saw a pleasant ringing sound from the crystal on the electric dragon's tail.

Hearing this bell, both the students and the elves felt comfortable physically and mentally, and they were not tired at all.

"In the final final, I will be the referee myself!"

Dean Chen Lin commanded happily.

The king-level powerhouse is the referee himself!

This undoubtedly pushed the preliminaries to the climax of the atmosphere!

Xu Jing VS Ouyang Su!

"Alright, you both know the rules of the battle. "

"It was Xu Jing who went up the raft. "

"It's still Ouyang Su who keeps his original ranking. "

"Ready to start!"

Dean Chen Lin is also not afraid of big things.

In a few words, the emotions of the seniors and freshmen were stirred, and I watched the play next to me.

Send elves on both sides!




Boskodora is a heavyweight elf similar to Kirbymon and Rumblestone!

As soon as it plays.

When condensed from a Poké Ball.

A shadow appears directly on the battlefield!

Gently move the soles of your feet!

Like the earth shaking, the venue shook directly!

"! Ouyang Su took out Bosco Dora?"

"It's so scary, just looking at it makes me feel suffocated, I can't imagine what Xu Jing will feel when he faces that Bosco Dora!"

"This ...... I'm afraid I have to have an elite level?"

"Don't talk about fighting, I'm scared to pee when I look at it......"

The students who had never seen Bosco Dora were all very excited, after all, this was a powerful guy who was almost mistaken for a quasi-born elf!

And I heard that now Boskodora has been listed as one of the endemic elves of the National Defense Elf Academy?

Doesn't that mean they have a chance to get a baby of Boskodora in the future?

It's domineering when you look at it!

"Hehe, you kid really took it out. Dean Chen Lin smiled, took out another Poke Ball, and released another Heavenly King-level Elf from it—the Desert Dragonfly!


The desert dragonfly has dragon attributes and can fly!

A green dragon-like desert dragonfly appeared next to the venue, and the shock brought by Bosco Dora dissipated at once.

"Old man, please use the power of the earth to strengthen the field to the right extent. It turned out that Dean Chen Lin guessed that the battle between the two would be more intense, so he proposed to be the referee because of this one!

The green wyvern figure nodded.

Under the dragon's claws, there is a convergence of ground-based elements.

After the site is reinforced to a suitable extent.

Dean Chen Lin ordered the finals to begin!

[Elf: Wave 273 Scodora (Steel + Stone)]

【Qualification:Quasi-Heavenly King】

[Level: LV.49 (Elite Advanced)]

[Individual Talents: Stamina (30) Attack (30) Defense (20) Special Attack (16) Special Defense (31) Speed (29)]

[Trait: Hard Head (With an incomparably hard head, even if you use a skill with reaction damage, your physical strength will not be depleted)]

[Skills: Ryujin Dive (Genetic), Double-Edged Head Hammer (Not Mastered), Impact, Hardening, Head Hammer, Metal Claw, Rock Block, Hold, Rock Avalanche, Metal Sound, Iron Tail, Sacrifice Charge]


It was the Bosco Dora information that Xu Jing saw.

Quasi-heavenly king-level qualifications!

The individual value talent is 1V2U with a 29!

The trait is also very well awakened.

A hard head is one of the best traits of a rock elf.

It has the characteristics of a hard head, which means that when using super powerful but anti-damage skills such as double-edged head hammer and self-sacrifice charge, you will ignore the anti-damage!

"Senior Brother Xu Jing, come on, have a fight!"

"Rock Blockade!"

"Wave Roar!"

Boss Dora stomped on the ball of his foot!

The audience in the auditorium subconsciously felt their hearts tighten, and the next moment, they saw four huge rocks rushing out from under Lucario's four sides, forming a circle to seal it off.

"Broken rock!" Xu Jing ordered.



A punch to crush rock.

The rock in front of it is shattered by Lucario's punch.

Countless small pieces of rubble rushed towards Boskodora.

"Puff puff!"

The gravel hit Boskodora like a torrential wind.

All stopped by its heavy armor-like shell.

The bullet-like rubble didn't leave a trace on Boskodora's armor.

"Wave! roar!!"

Cold, undaunted gaze at Lucario.

"What a strong broken rock!" Ouyang Su was surprised in his heart, and the speed at which he gave the command was not slow: "Roar and interfere!"


In the game, when you encounter a wild elf, you will use a roar, and if the opponent's level is lower than your own, you will directly bounce away from the opposite side.

In reality, there will certainly not be such an outrageous effect.

But the roar can be breathtaking, and the other party is caught off guard.

It is likely to be shocked and exposed!

Boskodora's roar frightened the audience into clenching their hands, but Lucario's face was calm.

Don't say it's higher level than the other party.

Even if the two sides are of the same level, it is impossible to scare it with the roar from the opposite side!

"Attack, go back to sleep after the fight early, and rush over with a flash of light!"

In the campus preliminaries, Xu Jing finally took the initiative to attack for the first time, but this reason made people laugh and cry......

ps: The boss of the company is not a good person, he works overtime every day, I hate it!.

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