"How's it going?

It's a good thing, I only give it to my friends. Arthur smiled and flickered.

"Mi!" the mini-dragon nodded again and again, looking at Arthur with blank eyes, this look is self-evident, that is, I still want!

"It's okay, we're friends, I still have a lot of this kind of energy cube. Arthur took out the energy cube and put it in front of the mini-dragon, luring the mini-dragon step by step.

The poor mini-dragon didn't know that the sunny and handsome boy in front of him who looked like a dog was actually coveting its body.

Eevee watched this scene speechlessly from the side, and his trainer seemed to be a little dark.

Mini Dragon, though

Eevee thought of what he was going to evolve in the future, and snorted lightly, not paying attention to the mini-dragon at all.

It's just a mini dragon, it's a fast dragon, and the old lady doesn't put it in her eyes, the old lady is fighting the dragon system. (?????????)

Just as Arthur was tempting the mini-dragon, a larger water snake came out of the water not far away, staring at the interaction between Arthur and the mini-dragon, and a trace of hesitation flashed in his eyes.

Hackron felt that his child was being attacked before, and rushed over as soon as possible, but after seeing Arthur, Hackron was silent.

Well, it's definitely not because the wind speed dog behind Arthur shows the posture of a vicious dog in the house.

Hakron is very suspicious, if he rushes to protect his children at this time, it is likely to be a buy-one-get-one-free situation.


human who can raise such a vicious dog, no, such a powerful Pokémon, is definitely not easy to deal with.

Of course, if the other party is going to be unfavorable to the mini-dragon, no matter how powerful the other party is, Haklong will also protect his child at all costs.

But Arthur's appearance reminded him of the friend he was at the beginning, not the bad guys at the beginning.

If it were those people, it would be impossible to take out food for the mini-dragon.

Hackron wanted to see what kind of person Arthur was, their traces had been exposed, and it was not a good thing for them, and Hackron knew how much of a storm he would cause.

Those who wanted to arrest themselves at the beginning caused great damage here.

Dragon Nest can't stay any longer, but they don't have many options.

"Do you want to come and talk?" Arthur immediately sensed the appearance of Hackron, and he beckoned to Hackron's position.

Hakron hesitated, then looked at the energy cube that was eating food again, and sighed silently, this child is not saved.

I had warned it not to get out of the water at will, not to appear in front of humans, but it didn't listen to persuasion at all.

Maybe I'm really hungry.

In today's Dragon Valley, their mothers and daughters can only barely eat, and if they don't leave here, they will definitely be stunted in the future.

But where can they go without this?

The outside world is much more dangerous than here.

Obviously, this is a very cowardly hackron.

After some hesitation, Hackron wandered not far from Arthur, silently glanced at his child, and then looked at Arthur again.

"Would you like some?" asked Arthur as he pulled out the energy cube and spoke to Hackron.

Pokémon: Hackron

Potential: Heavenly King

Level: Beginner Gym

It's another hack dragon with the potential of a heavenly king, and the potential is good, but will this level be a little lower?

You must know that Hackron is not a Pokémon that has not been born much time like a mini-dragon, this mini-dragon is at least over thirty years old, and has long passed the best period of strength improvement.


Pokémon at the beginning of the Gym are actually not weak in the wild, and the growth rate of a dragon-type quasi-god like Hakron is much slower than that of ordinary Pokémon.

But the beginning of the gym in his thirties is inevitably too sorry for the cards of Hakron.

However, considering the environment here in Dragon Nest, Arthur is also relieved, although the wild wilderness area protects Pokémon, it is indeed difficult for excellent Pokémon to appear here, even if they are talented, it is very difficult to really grow up.

Unless the Pokémon inside is willing to leave the Wild Fields area.

When Hakron saw the energy cube in Arthur's hand, he hesitated a little, he was not his daughter who didn't understand people, and he didn't understand the sinister human heart, how could he eat human food casually?

"Mi!" the mini dragon noticed his current arrival, and subconsciously was a little scared, he seemed to have made a mistake.

But after seeing Arthur's energy cube, it directly picked up an energy cube and came to Haklon's side and sent it to Hakron's mouth.


food was directly delivered to his mouth, and Hackron subconsciously swallowed it in one gulp, oops, it's so fragrant!

Is human food so advanced now?

At the beginning, the human also often came to see him, and occasionally brought himself some tree fruits to see him, and Hakron felt that the human was quite good at that time.

But I didn't expect that there was such delicious food in human food, if I had known that human food was so delicious, I wouldn't have to eat a hungry meal here, and I would have to save a meal for my children!

Eating such delicious food every day, even if it is subdued, it is willing!

"Don't worry, I have a lot more here. Seeing Hakron like this, Arthur didn't hesitate, and directly handed a whole box of energy cubes to Hakron in front of him.

This time, Harkron didn't be polite to Arthur, and ate it directly.

Seeing his mother like this, the mini-dragon was also slightly relieved, and then looked at Arthur on the side, it would not compete with its mother for food.

"It's right for you, I don't have it here, you can try this. Arthur pulled out the energy cube that Eevee had eaten and handed it to the mini-dragon.


mini dragon sniffed with its little nose, and then took an energy cube in its mouth and ate it, it tasted good, although it was not as delicious as the previous one, but for the mini dragon, it was also a delicacy that had never been eaten.

"How's it going, Hackron, do you want to leave with me, I don't think you usually eat and live well.

Why don't you follow me? At least follow me, you can all eat well and live well, and you don't need to worry about food.

Moreover, I can also tap into the talent of mini-dragons. Arthur stared at Hackron and said sincerely.

(Ask for flowers, ask for monthly passes, ask for automatic subscriptions, Momoda, love you!)


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