"It's beautiful, Nanami!" Seeing Nanami like this, Arthur hurriedly grabbed Nanami's hand and whispered, "Seeing you like this, I feel hungry." "

"Hungry?" Nanami looked at Arthur with a puzzled look in her eyes.

Is this a love story?

Why can't I understand it?

"It's delicious. With that, Arthur touched Nanami's lips, and now that there were no light bulbs around them, there were no more worries about doing something.

"Uh......" Nanami was speechless for a moment, and her heart was also full of beauty, this guy's words, although a little earthy, but willing to say it is always good.

"Let's go, this is the first time we've been out alone. Arthur took Nanami out of the door and said with emotion.

"Hmm. Hearing Arthur mention this, Nanami looked at Arthur's eyes with some resentment, this guy finally remembered this matter, why didn't he usually think about taking himself on a trip?

However, Nanami herself is not a character who likes to run around, on the contrary, she is a person who can live at home.

And this time, coming out with Arthur, she can even expect what will happen to the two of them after that, for that incident 080, Nanami is both apprehensive and expectant.

Although she and Arthur had already practiced for this several times, it was really coming, and Nanami was still a little flustered in her heart, and of course, she was not afraid.

Some things, experienced more, will gradually produce inertia, perhaps in Nanami's subconscious, she has long been looking forward to what will happen next.

"It's so hilarious. Walking on the crowded street led by Arthur's hand, Nanami took a sip of a special drink and said with emotion.

"It's really lively, Nanami, you know me, I don't really like places with too many people.

But now I feel like it's a good idea to come to a place like this once in a while. Arthur took the weak and boneless hand and said affectionately: "I'm sorry, I didn't care enough about you before. "

"No, it's not, I'm not really a fan of running around myself, and it's enough to be able to take care of Pokémon in the Institute. Nanami shook her head slightly and said softly, "Of course, if you can spare some more time, it would be better to stay at home." "

Speaking of the back, a trace of worry flashed in Nanami's eyes, what Arthur was doing did not hide from her.

He's going against Team Rocket.

Nanami supports Arthur's actions, after all, some things always have to be done, and Team Rocket must be stopped, and she also wants to see Arthur become a hero.

But against Team Rocket, it's really a little too dangerous.

This worries Nanami, but at most she can only help Arthur cultivate and take care of Pokémon, as for fighting or something, this is really not what she is good at.

If only Arthur had a strong enough trainer around him to protect Arthur.

This is also something that Nanami often fantasizes about, and she hasn't tried to become a trainer, but she also has self-knowledge, she is really not good at fighting, but even Xiaomao can't compare, let her command Pokémon fight, it's better to let Pokémon do it themselves.

Even sometimes, Nanami wonders if Arthur could reduce the threat if he went to find a trainer as powerful as Sirona as his girlfriend?

As for themselves...... After all, his relationship with Arthur is somewhat special, and even in the future, it may be difficult for him to be with Arthur openly.

Otherwise, I am afraid that I and Arthur will be sent to the Carlos area to see an orthopedic surgeon.

Moreover, Arthur, the light of justice, must not have any stigma.

"Don't worry, Nanami, I'll try to stay in the Kanto region for the next few years. Arthur stretched out his hand, put his arm around Nanami's shoulder, and comforted, "At least the AFBA must be slow to solve the threat of Team Rocket." "

Speaking of which, Arthur also had a headache in his heart, the threat of Team Rocket is indeed very great, but other areas seem to be equally dangerous, and even in some aspects, compared to the Kanto region and the Johto region, it is even better.

The catastrophe caused by the three gods in the Hoenn region, the creation of the three dragons did things, and in the end, even Arceus came out.

Arthur felt that his arms and legs were small, and even if he had a small opening of the system, he could not participate in such a battle. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Unless one day, when he really cultivated to the point where he was comparable to a god in the body of a mortal, he would not consider these issues.

Of course, so many criminals are also good ATMs for Arthur.

"Hmm. Nanami was silently held in Arthur's arms and walked around the temple fair.

Maybe such a picture is likely to be transmitted to grandpa and father, but she and Arthur grew up together and behaved closely, right?

Arthur was just trying to keep himself from getting lost. []

Well, perfect reason!

Thinking about this, Nanami also enjoyed this feeling very well, it was very exciting!

It's something she's always looked forward to.

When Arthur accompanied Nanami to visit the temple fair and watched the fireworks display by the way, he also studied the situation of Red Lotus Island through his own waveguide.

Xia Bo is the gym trainer of Red Lotus Island, guarding the safety of Red Lotus Island, and has a very high status on the island, if he wants to help Team Rocket establish a base here and cover for them, it will be an easy thing.

It's just a pity that the waveguides here are too dense, and Arthur chose to give up after collecting them for a while.

Even the power of the waveguide is not omnipotent.

However, Arthur found a special waveguide aura at the volcano in Red Lotus Island, which was far more powerful than the waveguide of the Pokémon he currently had, and even more powerful than Dr. Ohki's main dragon.

Legendary Pokémon?

Arthur soon had this guess.

There are not many Pokémon that can live in the volcano, and they are also legendary Pokémon, Flame Bird, Fire Emperor, and Sidor Lann?

It can't be Guratun, right?

However, Arthur wrote down this matter, and now he is not strong enough to provoke such a god, and when he is strong in the future, it is not impossible to take risks.

(Ask for flowers, ask for monthly passes, ask for automatic subscriptions, Momoda, love you!).

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