"Pikachu, hold on, we'll be in Tokiwa City in no time. Ash placed Pikachu in the bicycle body and pedaled the bike hard, with a large number of flamingos chasing them behind him.

Pikachu silently looked at Ash's face, and his heart was also in a trance, this guy, although he forgot about himself, was still the same one!

Pikachu knew early on that he would become Ash's Pokémon, and for that, he was happy for a while.

It's just that Ash forgot about himself, which made Pikachu very unhappy, so before, he also had an awkward relationship with Ash.

But now after seeing the picture of Ash fighting for himself, Pikachu knows that his previous dissatisfaction seems to be meaningless.

Ash is still the same Ash, although he doesn't remember himself, but their relationship can still be re-cultivated.

Thinking of this, Pikachu's eyes also became firm, for the sake of Ash, I, General Pi, am willing to go desperately "three-seven-seven"!!

However, at this moment, a voice appeared behind them, "Wind Speed Dog, use a jet of flame." "

"Wait, is this voice Brother Arthur?" Ash quickly recognized the source of the sound and looked over curiously.

It was to see a cyan flame flashing, and a large number of flaming sparrows were injured and fell to the ground, losing their ability to fight.

"Eagles, drive these flaming finches away. Then Arthur threw another Poké Ball and said loudly.

Originally, he wanted to attack Arthur and Ash, but after seeing the eagle, he gave up the attack and left in a hurry.

Flaming Sparrow is a very grudge-holding Pokémon, and it is also a very united Pokémon, and anyone who provokes them Pokémon and humans generally has no good end, and Arthur and Ash's behavior is definitely a provocation for Farrow.

They are generally not compromised.

But at this time, after seeing the eagle, the flaming bird was also panicked.

The species of the Billed Finch and the Bigmouth are natural predators themselves, just as the Billbills and Billbills hunt the Billbills and Bobos, the Birds and the Billies hunt the Birds and the Billies.

After confirming the eyes, this is a comparison that they can't beat, the flaming bird runs away directly.

If they stay, they are likely to die.

As for the flaming sparrows that have lost their ability to fight, they can only say sorry.

"Ash, are you alright?" Arthur sat on the back of the wind speed dog and stepped forward to check on Pikachu's condition, he was a little injured, but it wasn't particularly bad.

"I'm fine, it's Pikachu. Looking at Pikachu in his arms, Ash also showed a guilty look, it was he who hurt Pikachu.

"This is wound medicine, there will always be various accidents during the trip in the future, you need to bring a little, you can apply it to Pikachu" Arthur took out a bottle of wound medicine and handed it to Ash and said.

Xiao Zhi hurriedly took the medicine, showing an embarrassed look: "Thank you, Brother Arthur, I forgot to prepare." "

"Hurry up and give it to Pikachu. Arthur waved his hand and made a nonchalant look.

It's just a bottle of wound medicine, Arthur really doesn't care, what he cares about is when the rain stops.

Although I won't catch a cold when I get caught in a little rain, my hairstyle is going to be messed up!

God seemed to feel Arthur's emotions, and at this time, it suddenly cleared, and a rainbow appeared in the sky not far from them.

"This waveguide!" Suddenly, Arthur felt an incomparably powerful waveguide flying rapidly from a distance.

This waveguide is no worse than the dream he saw in Mt. Tsukimi.

Arthur looked intently and saw that the Phoenix King was flapping his wings with an extremely graceful gesture, flying not far from them.

Although Arthur had complained about King Feng's appearance more than once before, thinking that the other party was like a big-billed finch, after witnessing King Feng with his own eyes, he didn't have the slightest resentment about King Feng's appearance, which was a deterrent beauty.

This is probably the difference between the look of the game and the animation, as well as the senses encountered by real people.

Feng Wang Boss, I used to blame you, you are indeed a very good-looking Pokémon.

It's looking at me!

Even though Ash was by his side, Arthur felt as if he had been noticed by the Phoenix King.

Arthur took a deep breath, put the wind speed dog back, sat directly on the back of the eagle, and greeted the Phoenix King.

"Huh!?Brother Arthur. Seeing Arthur's behavior, Ash also looked at the Phoenix King, what is this Pokémon?

It's a little pretty

At this moment, the Phoenix King is also confused, it has actually been paying attention to Xiao Zhi for a long time.

That kid has a heart that loves Pokémon immensely.

In the future, I may be a little apprehensive, but I will still have a bond with many Pokémon, but I didn't expect to meet another person here.

In the flickering of his eyes, King Feng saw a little of Arthur's past, although in terms of personal feelings, there was a trace of, well, chaos.

But in the eyes of King Feng, it is still acceptable, after all, many Pokémon's emotional lives are much more chaotic than Arthur's.

The other party's protection of Pokémon, as well as the act of fighting crime, also made Fengwang very satisfied, it can be seen that the other party is a very good person0 ..

Every time you catch a poacher who hurts Pokémon, you will be genuinely happy.

Perhaps in Arthur's mind, every time he captures some poachers, he can protect more Pokémon.

What a boy!

Moreover, I also know Ash.

It's just that why didn't I notice this teenager before?

However, it doesn't matter, the other party also has a feather of his own in his hand, although he got it from someone else, he actually saw the other party at that time, and that feather also fell into Arthur's hands by fate.

It's just that why did this teenager chase after him?

With the other party's understanding of Pokémon, it should be right to know their identity.

Anyway, for the sake of his behavior of catching poachers, he reluctantly met with the other party.

King Feng, I'm a humble and reliable senior.

"Hello King Feng!" Arthur came not far from King Feng, greeted King Feng, and then said: "Human beings have a bright side and a dark side, there are good people and there are also bad people.

Nowadays, in various regions, the evil forces have begun to raise their heads, and some forces have even set their eyes on you gods. "

In the face of Arthur's words, King Feng just looked at Arthur silently, wanting to hear what the other party would say next.

"As human beings, I feel that it is our own human fault, and it is up to us humans to put an end to it.

But once some gods are annoyed by those guys, they will make a huge noise, and I hope that you, as the god of light, can save humanity once again when necessary. Arthur looked at King Feng in a sincere tone and said.

4.7 It's not that he wants to borrow the power of the Phoenix King to deal with Mewtwo or something.

Mewtwo naturally has a dream to deal with, as for the other legendary Pokémon in the Kanto region and the Johto region, hum, they are the strongest in Phoenix King and Lokia.

But under normal circumstances, Lokia would not come out to do things, even if it was the Orange Islands incident, Arthur did not think that Lokia would really get out of control.

Arthur wants to ask the Phoenix King to fight against Gaioca and Guraton in the future.

There's no way, these two guys are too dangerous, and they have to be sealed.

Arthur doesn't really trust Split, at least Split's attitude towards humans is more average.

But King Feng is different, although he keeps saying that he has lost trust in human beings, he still observes human beings, pays attention to human beings, and provides help when necessary. d

(Ask for flowers, ask for monthly passes, ask for automatic subscriptions, Momoda, love you!).

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