Now Arthur already has a Kami turtle, now he has a dragon elf egg, and he still has a beautiful scale in his hand, if it weren't for the stupid fish that satisfies him, Arthur should have a menas in his hand now.

At that time, he will have three water-type Pokémon.

This is not counting the mini-dragon and hack dragon, these two are not water-based Pokémon, but they are like water-type Pokémon in every way.

Arthur feels that when he accepts Pokémon in the future, he still needs to pay attention to it, and some Pokémon that he doesn't like very much and have high potential should be given more to the one in his team.

Xiaolan and Xiaohuang have high potential, and Xiaomao is also relatively talented, and when Ah Jin and Xiaoyin are all abducted in the future, where do you need to be afraid that Team Rocket is too powerful and needs to tremble?

Doesn't it matter if you don't care about three-seven-twenty-one, isn't it good to go to Team Rocket?

Moreover, with so many Pokémon, I can't cultivate them on my side.

Of course, if you meet your favorite Pokémon 360, even if there are too many Pokémon you want to cultivate, you still have to try it, after all, your side is not an ordinary trainer, you don't need to be constrained by six Pokémon, and you don't need to travel around the world.

Otherwise, at this time, Arthur would have to shout that he can't be cultivated, and he can't be cultivated at all.

"Then I thank Mr. Silver for that. "I have the experience of Dawu, Arthur at this time, he was not polite to Silfer Wenxiong, and directly accepted the elf egg of Chenglong, otherwise, the other party would still think that he was dissatisfied with this "hush money".

The benefits that should be taken still have to be taken.

Moreover, for Silver, reassuring Lusamine and himself was just the beginning, and then they had to give an account to the Alliance.

For Silver, that's the biggest trouble.

After a few more pleasantries, Lusa Minay also took Arthur to say goodbye, she is not the kind of woman who likes to socialize, and it is not good to have this time, wouldn't it be good to take the opportunity to play games with her little man? (ahcf)

She was about to go back to Alora, and she didn't know how long it would be before she could meet her little man, so she might as well take advantage of this time to enjoy herself.

Seeing the figures of Lusa Minay and Arthur leaving, Silver Fumio also breathed a sigh of relief, and finally sent them away and calmed these two guys.

Thinking of the attitude of Lusa Minay and Arthur before, Sylfer Fumio let out a soft snort again, he knew that the reason why this matter spread so quickly was that these two people must have contributed during this period, but they still had to pinch their noses and admit this matter.

Who made their side make the mistake first?

If you make a mistake and get caught, you will be beaten, if Lusa Minay makes a mistake, at this time, you will not stop there, but you will fall into the well, and you will not bite off a piece of the flesh of the Aether Foundation, and you will not give up.

After a moment of silence, Sylfer Fumio said to the secretary beside him: "Prepare a private jet and go to the Quartz Plateau!"

"Yes!" replied the secretary respectfully.


Leaving Silver's villa, Lusa Minay said to Arthur beside him: "It seems that the Pokémon that Silver's old puppet prepared for you makes you very satisfied." "

"Well, a dragon with championship potential, I don't think anyone will refuse. Arthur didn't hide from Lusa Minay that he could see through the Pokémon's potential, after all, the other party knew that he had excellent waveguide abilities.

So as a brave man of Waveguide, you can see through the potential of Pokémon, which is also normal, right?

Anyway, everyone's waveguide is different, and there are few waveguide heroes like Arthur who can rub the wave missile by himself.

Now that Arthur says that he can see through the general potential of Pokémon, the ability comes from his own waveguide, who can deny it?

"Champion potential riders, although I know that what this old fox has to offer is not too bad, but for you, this is really what you need at the moment. Lusa Minay was stunned for a moment and then nodded slightly and said, "However, this time, Silfer Bunxiong suffered such a big loss.

Later, if he had the chance, he would definitely take revenge on him, and that guy was the one who would take revenge.

When you face him in the future, remember to be careful, don't be deceived, and you need to be vigilant at all times. "

"Yes! I know. I don't think it's too late to pit him, how can I trust him?" Arthur narrowed his eyes, and he really thought about how to go to pit Silfer Fumio.

There is cooperation between this old guy and Sakaki, but unfortunately he has no evidence, if the people in the Kanto region and the Johto region know about it, then at that time, the Silver Group will have the best ending.

Obviously, there is a way to pit Silfer Fumio, but for a while, there is no way to use it, which is really unpleasant!!

"Well, remember to be careful, I'm probably going to leave the Kanto region the day after tomorrow.

Remember to come to Alola when you have time!" Lusa Minay stared at Arthur and admonished, "Don't be busy with work every day, it's important to combine work and rest." "

At this time, Lusa Minay has no fan of a domineering female president, and she is completely like a little daughter-in-law.

This made Arthur's heart move, and he took Lusa Minay into his arms and whispered, "I understand, I will come to the Alola region after a while.

After that you go to Alola, don't let your guard down against Team Rocket.

As mentioned before, Team Rocket's infiltration of Alola and the Ether Foundation will not decrease.

Moreover, the strength of Team Rocket is far superior to that of the evil forces in other regions.

Their boss even has a stronger strength than the average champion, I know your strength is very good now, but if you meet that person, I'm afraid it will be difficult to win.

Don't be careless. "

(There are planes in Pokémon World, but the altitude may not be particularly high, not just planes, but even spaceships, when Ash goes to the United Regions area, just fly it.) )。

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