"Ding! Student card!"

At the unmanned ticket booth outside the wilderness plain, Xi Cheng took out the trainer app on his phone and scanned it.


The gate next to it slowly opened, leaving a passage.

Xi Cheng strode in with Tan Xiaoshi. The wilderness plain is divided into a plain area and a forest area, with an area ratio of about 6:4. There are different groups of elves living in it. Many seniors have already explained this to the juniors on the trainer APP.

For example, which place has elves with worse personalities, which group of elves are friendlier, etc.

Xi Cheng didn't look at the information above. After all, it was not an adventure, but just an experience.

The more you know, the less mysterious it is. It's better to let nature take its course.

""Tan Xiaoshi, which direction should we choose?"

Xi Cheng looked at the fork in the road ahead, feeling a little unsure about the choice.

He lowered his head to look at Tan Xiaoshi beside him, leaving the difficult choice to him.


The little charcoal servant stood on tiptoe, looked left and right, with a blank look in his eyes. It seemed that he also had difficulty making choices.

"It seems you don't have any good ideas either." Xi Cheng shrugged, and helplessly took out an empty Poké Ball from his waist, put it on the ground and spun it around. When it finally stopped, the switch pointed in the direction of the forest.

"Done!"Xi Cheng calmly took back the Poké Ball and walked ahead.

""Beep~" [That's OK!]

Tan Xiaoshi was stunned in place, and after reacting, he hurriedly followed, muttering. There are many elves in the forest area. As soon as Xi Cheng walked in, there was a tremor in the bushes beside the road, and a lavender four-legged mouse jumped out, with two large front teeth showing high.

""Dala~" [Hand over the food and I'll let you go!] Little Rattata stood up, with an arrogant look on his face, his head held high, and his pair of red eyes almost forgotten.

"Little Rattata, Mouse Elf, Energy Reaction Level 6."

Xi Cheng raised the scanning function on the APP, scanned it lightly, and got a result.

"Level 6? Forget it, Tan-sama, let's go!"Xi Cheng shook his head, took Tan-sama, bypassed Rattata, and ignored the other party's robbery.

Although the scanning function on the trainer app is much simpler than the Pokémon illustrated book in the previous anime, it is still possible to get the approximate level by analyzing the energy reaction.

""Dala~" [Hmm?]

After waiting for a long time, Rada opened his eyes without hearing any movement, only to see that there was no one in front of him.

Turning his head, he saw that the human and the unknown elf had walked a long way away, their mouths closed, snoring with anger, and he quickly chased after them.

""Tan Xiaoshi, you must always pay attention to your surroundings, just like when you are fighting!"

Xi Cheng glanced at the surrounding trees and bushes from time to time, his eyes showing a sense of awe, and reminded his elves

""Pop~" [I know!]

Tan Shi nodded seriously.

Then he moved slightly, and stood sideways. A small flame shot straight to the back, hitting the angry little Rattata, who was hit in the face. A one-hit kill!

The level of the two was quite different, not to mention that the damage of this attack was not reduced at all. With the 30 points of physical strength of the little Rattata, it was undoubtedly... unable to take it.

""Pip~" [Xicheng, is that so?]

The charcoal servant said with a look of praise.

Xicheng looked at the little Rada whose purple hair had turned black and whose eyes were dizzy. He looked thoughtful.

"It's no problem."

Xi Cheng hesitated for a moment, but still nodded.

He took out a small bag of elf food from his backpack and placed it next to the little Rattata, and sprayed the wound with good medicine.

Wild elves are different from elves captured by humans. If the wound is not treated in time, it is very likely that this will be the main reason for the other party's death in a corner in the future.

Although this little Rattata... should not be considered to have fainted in a sparring match with Tan Xiaoshi, but it can also be considered a defeat, right?

Xi Cheng did not hesitate to use the wound medicine and elf food in his hand.

After waiting for a while, seeing that the little Rattata showed signs of waking up, Xi Cheng took Tan Xiaoshi away and walked into the depths of the elves.

""Dala~" [It hurts!] Little Rada slowly opened his eyes, suddenly rolled over and lay on the ground, looking around, only to see a bag of something with an enticing fragrance next to him.

""Dala~" [Damn it! That guy actually dared to attack! That human must have taught him! No, I must take revenge!]

The two big front teeth of the little Rada collided with each other, making bursts of angry sounds, and his figure flashed and disappeared on the spot.

The next second, a purple figure appeared, ran back and picked up the elf food, and then left angrily.


"Butterfree, butterfly elf, energy reaction level 12."

At this time, Xi Cheng, who didn't know that a little Rattata was staring at him, glanced at the dark purple elf with a pair of huge white wings flying in the flowers.

"This level is appropriate."

Xi Cheng put down his phone and shouted to the flowers:"Butterfield, how about having a battle with my Pokémon?"

"No matter you win or lose, this bag of elf food is yours!"


Butterfree, who was concentrating on collecting nectar, heard the shout, turned around, and glanced at the human and the black and red Pokémon in front of him with his light red compound eyes, with some hesitation on his face.

He had seen many such combinations, all of which were humans who called themselves trainers.

Although there was food, if he was injured,……

"If you are injured, I will take care of it for you!"

Xi Cheng raised his own medicine and shouted loudly.

""Umm~" Butterfree immediately gave up the idea of retreating, and with a slight flap of its wings, it came to a distance in front of Xi Cheng, creating some distance between them.

"Tan Shi, get ready!"

"Be careful of the opponent's powder attack moves!"

Xi Cheng tilted his head slightly and reminded Tan Xiaoshi beside him in a deep voice.

Level 12 Butterfree basically has mastered the three extremely disgusting moves of poison powder, paralysis powder, and hypnotic powder.

If you are not careful, it is possible that Tan Xiaoshi will be controlled to death.

Not to mention that Butterfree actually has a move called telekinesis, which is more restrictive.

"Beep~" [Understood!]

Tan Shi nodded heavily.

""Let's get started!"

Xi Cheng shouted.

Butterfree moved quickly, dozens of white threads spewed out of its mouth, each one like a sharp sword, flying towards Tan Xiaoshi.

"Sparks burn it"


Small clusters of flames, like fearless soldiers, rushed towards the incoming silk threads in groups.

""Sizzle, sizzle, sizzle!" The flame attached to it, and instantly made a sizzling sound. Before the silk thread even touched the charcoal servant, it turned into ashes and scattered on the ground.

Butterfree didn't care at all, and a gray metallic luster emerged from its body. Xi Cheng only felt that when he looked at the other party, a layer of heaviness was added.

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